Question for the girlies....


Cambridge Diet Counsellor
Just wondered - if anyone feels more hungry around 'time of the month' and if your weight if affected around this time too....?
My quick reply - typical!!! ha ha

Why is it always us ladies that get affected by these sorts of issues!!! :sigh:
Yes to both. Week before I crave carbs terribly for about two days and its very hard to stay on track. I also suffer water retention and normally don't lose that week. I don't worry too much about it though as I know I am still melting the fat. The water weight tends to go the following week.

I dont find myself more hungry, but i am more prone to cravings, mostly for carbs & salty foods. TOTM has never affected my weightloss though. Thankfully. Yet. lol :)
Not hungry & doesn't affect weight loss but they last forever! 12 days the last time from the usual 4. Grrrrrr
Around day 1 and 2 just before and after it starts, and the cramps are at their worst when I usually feel too sick for food, but I force myself because I feel much better after eating, obviously I would like to say I force myself with healthy options, but it NEVER is LOL
Yes and Yes... am on now :mad: 2nd day, cramps horrible, worse yesterday and cravings for food went through the roof. Not so bad today, much controllable
It sucks being a girl doesn't it?