Question for the Mix n Matchers


Gold Member
Curious how people do this, especially those that use Exante

I'm still not sure it's wise but was wondering about having 2 Exante packs and 1 s&S. Last week I had my S and S packs as an extra but not sure if that's needed
I'm not an Exante person but personally I would add the Exante nutritional values together with the S&S product and see what you get in terms of RDA. If you are short it won't be by much, and if you're worried after that I'd take a multivit. Alternatively could you have an additional half pack of Exante if you felt 'short'?

I have the BL bars at the mo and am quite comfortable doing that alongside my S&S shake and meal.
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I moved over from exante and am just finishing off my packs. I have 1 exante shake which I split in 2 and find really filling and then 2/3 slim and save packs and a multivitamin. If I have the 3 packs in total I have veg and protein 2. I just keep an eye on the total cals per day to keep at 600. As I am having gen 4 packs or 3 and protein I don't see any vitamin deficit. I don't think it's any different than substituting a s and s or exante bar for a Bl or tesco one. I will only be doing this until my exante packs run out. I am not recommending it, everyone has to do what feels right for them but it is really working for me- best of both worlds.
I started off using the s & s meals as extras but have to admit I recently only have three packs a day. Sometimes it's three Exante packs, sometimes it's two Exante and one s&s meal (plus veg - almost always have veg with the meal packs). I feel absolutely fine, but do have a multivit on the days I have a s&s pack. I would change completely but I much prefer the Exante shakes and bars. I know it's not advisable, but it works for me. :)
If taking a multivitamin in addition to packs then you may wish to consider pregnancy multivitamins! I know it sounds random but they don't contain any vitamin A and too much vitamin A can be quite bad for you.
Starlight, I've been mixing S&S with Exante from the beginning, although I don't really talk about it on my diary as I know it isn't a recommended or approved way of doing things.
However, I'm seriously thinking of swapping lock stock & barrel to S&S when the new meals come out, as I think I'll have enough variety to keep me going. I've just ordered the crispy choc shake, the caramel and the hazelnut, so if I like them, and the new meals, there's no real reason to stay with Exante.
The only think keeping me with exante was the soups as I hate the shakes and porridge (which I know is unusual) but with the promise of so much variety at S&S I'm really tempted to jump ship!
To be honest I think switching plans can make sense if you are stuck in a rut / bored with the one you're on. I'm quite happy on S&S but if I was tiring of the packs or not finding enough things that I liked I wouldn't hesitate to find another plan that gave me something new and different and helped me stay on track. After all that's what a VLCD is all about; staying on track to lose the weight.
I DO like the Exante shakes and I love the porridge but I have to confess Im thinking of jumping ship fully when my shakes run out - albeit thatll be a while. I think Ill probably buy S&S now and just go between the 2.

I know its not recommended, I know its not ideal, but to be honest I think having 4 packs and at least one of them being a meal is going to help me in the long run. I feel less 'deprived' with meals. Not sure what combination Ill do at the moment but Ill keep my calories to a max of 600kcals.

Ive ordered a pack of 28 meals, thatll do me a couple of weeks and then Ill see what to order next.