Question for you all. Any dieters or maintainers


Gone fishing
Do you or did you believe you will reach your goal?

I didn't think I would when I started, but half way though, I just I would

What about you?
have mixed feelings . When i'm 'on it' i do beleive but during bad patches i want to believe but am not convinced
Hey KD, good question and my answer is not dissimilar to yours. When I started I hoped I would reach goal but realistically would have been happy to just lose something, as I moved along I started to believe that it was going to happen.

After my first week on the diet I believed it was possible and I still believe, just taking a bit longer than first anticipated with all the detours:eek:

From where I stand now...I see my journey with all its ups and downs as a vital learning process about myself as it has been so revealing in many ways good and bad and I would not change one day of it now as I look back...

Love Mini xxx
I knew

I had already started making life changing decisions. I knew when I went to the LL info session that this was the key to getting my life back.
And thank God, my LLC and people in my group, my OH who has supported me all the way, the people on this forum as well as friends,family and colleagues, I have achieved what I wanted. I didn't have a weight target, just wanted to be healthy and feel good about myself.
Now starts the hardest part................:bliss:


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i too at the start didnt believe i would, but after the first 3-4 weeks i started thinking...wait a minute i can do this!!

i am afraid of putting back on but realise its all about control and taking it one day at a time!! xxx
I've known since October that nothing will stop me losing all the weight I want to lose. (About 3 weeks after I started LL).

What I don't know yet is if I'll maintain it. But I'm dealing with what is in front of me first and will learn the tools I need, to keep it off when I start RTM, etc.
I want so desperately to believe...............
I always believed I was just destined to be fat forever and didn't think I'd ever lose weight. Now halfway through I would like to believe that I will someday reach my goal but it seems like such a long way off. I will believe it when I see it but right now I don't dare to dream....
Good question KD. For years I didn't believe it. When I started LL I absolutely believed it, but my thoughts were always on "can I maintain it" and so far the answer is no.

I'm glad you posted this because I had a thought this morning (bizzarely whilst hoovering) of posting a thread for you and the other maintainers attention.

The question I wanted to ask was whether maintaining has now become "easy" for you. After such a long time do you automatically "make good choices" and if not, do you automatically compensate later.

I guess what I'm asking is whether things are now "automatic" for you or whether you still have to be completely vigilant?

I'd like to think that one day that "eating like a slim person" is as natural to me as "eating like a fat person" is now. Somehow I fear not :(

Think I might start my thread on this anyway because I've been thinking about it all day.
Good question KD. For years I didn't believe it. When I started LL I absolutely believed it, but my thoughts were always on "can I maintain it" and so far the answer is no.

I'm glad you posted this because I had a thought this morning (bizzarely whilst hoovering) of posting a thread for you and the other maintainers attention.

The question I wanted to ask was whether maintaining has now become "easy" for you. After such a long time do you automatically "make good choices" and if not, do you automatically compensate later.

I guess what I'm asking is whether things are now "automatic" for you or whether you still have to be completely vigilant?

I'd like to think that one day that "eating like a slim person" is as natural to me as "eating like a fat person" is now. Somehow I fear not :(

Think I might start my thread on this anyway because I've been thinking about it all day.

Another very good question hun!

For me I would say making the "right" choices is fairly automatic but that is not to say I don't have times when I want to throw my toys out the pram and have all the "wrong" choices - I don't but sometimes I want to.

Does that make sense?
I so agree Westie

That's what is so scary. The maintaining is the hardest part I'm sure. I have met some people who have maintained for 5 years and I suppose after that they don't bother to tell anyone.
I'm convinced it's going to be like being a recovering drug addict of any other kind. It won't be easy to unlearn a lifetime's behaviour. I can tell how hard it will be by the way I've been tempted over Christmas. I was aware of all the times previously when the food would have so easily slipped into my mouth - and if I hadn't so recently reached my goal and been so motivated I doubt I would have the strength of will to resist. BUT I am so much more aware now and have learnt so much in the past year, would I be able to let it slip back out of control?
I don't know. I'll have to wait and see.
When I started LL so many people thought "just another diet, you won't stick to it - and they were wrong.
So I hope I can prove wrong the ones who now say "yes, great, but I bet she puts it all back on". Are they the same people, I don't know.
Isn't it funny how human beings encourage each other outwardly, but really want to see us fall off the log!
I am scared of the next part.I hope I can do it,but I know it'll be hard.
If only I could bottle how I feel now and all the benefits losing weight has given me. How do you do that?
I think it's always going to be be on your guard - I think 7lbs will be my panic button. I am definitely going to continue going to the LL meetings after RTM.I think that will be the key for me. Good luck everyone and wish me luck too for 2009.
I’ve been contemplating about how I managed to get to goal, and stay there. Will get on to why I maintain later, but first, what was different about the actual diet this time.

I started this diet like I started every diet, though with a little more hope, but only a tiny bit.

I wasn’t truly convinced I could do it but

1. I couldn’t go on like I was. It was hurting me both psychically and emotionally.
2. I had to diet….I always had to diet. It was what I did. I was a professionally dieter

3. I had to get away from how I was. Run away from the big me

Now, that’s the same as always was. So where’s the difference?

Other diets were long and painful. The plateaus were so discouraging. I was ‘allowed’ the food, so it was always tempting to have a bit more. I just knew I would never be slim…always aimed for 2nd prize which was getting away from where I was.

Of course, once I got away from that awful feeling, that was it…..job done. This time I had a first prize to aim for. I knew that I could go and get it if I wanted it enough. It was possible and it wasn’t that far away.

I could never see that first prize when I did other diets. It was always too far into the distance and because of that, I couldn’t see that it would ever be mine. This time I could and it looked close enough to reach out and get.

Back shortly to muse over why I have stayed at this goal when I failed so miserably with other diets as it helps me to write it down.
So agree KD

I totally agree with you.
I am also an all or nothing person.
Not having ANY food rather than being allowed specific weights or units or whatever was the key for me and the quick results.
Needing to lose 11.5 stones on any other diet just seemed to go too far into the horizon that it wasn't worth considering trying.
But the success stories and inspirational photos of other LLers really helped me feel I might be able to do it this time.
And I have - so far..................
Barring pregnancy (which I hope will interrupt me!) I know I will get to my goal. What I'm less sure of is that I will stay there but that's another fight!
When I first started opti, I knew what I wanted but it wasn't till I saw the weight really coming off that i felt like I can really do this. It is a gift from God, my chance and I want to carry on. My worst fear would be to put the weight back on and I am very concerned about the next phase. It is so wierd. I ran in to a teacher I used to work with 2 yrs ago, while I was in Home Depot last week and she walked right past me. I called her name and she turned around and looked at me. I had to tell her my name. She went on and on about how I looked and said I should be very proud of myself and that I was her inspiration. It is all still very hard for me to hear this because it was not true for so many years. Now when people comment on my weight loss, I usually try to change the subject because the words don't ring true to me yet. My head really has not caught up. Everywhere I go people refer to me as "skinny" or "slim" which really messes up my head because I am far from those terms in my mind. As a matter of fact, I plan to adjust my ticker this coming year to lose an additional 50 lbs. That would put me at about 80 more lbs to lose. I try to realize that what the people see is so much smaller than they used to see, to them it is skinny. oh my....
I get the feeling that some folks feel like I should stop now but I have a ways to go. I think because I look so much better in my clothes is the reason why but they don't know I have all manner of shapewear undergarments that help that illusion. My good friends gave me a $100 gift card to Catherine's, (Evans sounds like the same kind of store as Catherine's) because they said they are tired of me wearing such baggy clothes. I have not worried much about new clothes yet just stuff to get me by because I will buy loads I am sure when I reach goal which will also be cheaper to buy in smaller sizes. I had a hard time finding things in there small enough for me. I tend to buy at charity shops at the mo. Got some cute gloria vanderbilt jeans for $4.79. Anyway a ramble has started so I will stop now. Off to try to deal with my future. Wish me good fortune and I wish the same for you all. As DQ has coined a great phrase, "Fine in 2009"
I know I will get to goal, and I hope it will be by July 09.
I also know that my problem will be maintaining. I lost my weight before (about 7 years ago) with WW, then stopped going to class, and by the time I realised, it was too late, then all too easy to pile it all back on and pretend it didn't matter.
I don't know why I think it will be different this time, but I think (I hope) it will be. When I get to target, I will carry on going to class (SW now) and keep an eye on the scales and address any problems straight away.
I think the problem arises when we think 'right, weight lost, I can now eat normally again' - the thing is, none of us was eating 'normally' in the first place or we wouldn't have got to the size we did. Believe me, there was nothing normal about what I ate before!!
So yes, I will get to target.
Will I maintain? I do hope so.
I want so desperately to believe...............

As they say...just do it. Believe you can do it today, then repeat as needed ;)

I totally agree with you.
I am also an all or nothing person.

I'm not an all or nothing person anymore, but I did label myself that for a long time. I found it comforting. It meant that I could eat inappropriately without guilt...after all, that was the type of person I it wasn't my fault.

It doesn't work well in maintenance though. You have to strip the label off and just be moderate.

Yes, you could eat what you liked some days and severely cut back others but I reckon that's a dodgy way to do it. I decided that if I continued to do that, I would just be feeding my eating disorder and making it stronger and stronger.
I'm not an all or nothing person anymore, but I did label myself that for a long time. I found it comforting. It meant that I could eat inappropriately without guilt...after all, that was the type of person I it wasn't my fault.

It doesn't work well in maintenance though. You have to strip the label off and just be moderate.

Yes, you could eat what you liked some days and severely cut back others but I reckon that's a dodgy way to do it. I decided that if I continued to do that, I would just be feeding my eating disorder and making it stronger and stronger.

Ditto KD! ;):D