Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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Sorry youre not feeling well Rach but glad things are on the mend!
Hope you feel better soon hon. Might I recommend ginger ale - sugar free is fine but sugary better on this occassion.

Also the BRAT diet - bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. Highly recommended if you've had tummy trouble.

Glad your feeling a bit better! x
thanks everyone.. Karen, I will try the BRAT diet next time i'm ill, but as i don't like applesauce, and have given up bread for some modern version of lent (that a friend has pressured me into which is 2 days longer than normal lent and started yesterday :p) i hope i won't be ill again any time soon!

i'm feeling 100% this morning.. just feel like I've slept too long, which is weird as I only slept 7 hours.. maybe because I didn't do much yesterday..

anyway, onto more important things - HAPPY PANCAKE DAY! Whoop! :D I'm going to celebrate as I always do - with no pancakes.. (you can all be awed at my amazing resolution to not eat them :D)

(..we won't mention of course that I don't like them :p haha)

so anyway, properly back onto Core today for at least a week - on today's menu:

B - shreddies and skimmed milk
L - jacket potato with chicken and sweetcorn mayonnaise (made with philadelphia light) and salad
T - butterbean crumble (made with butterbeans, ratatouille, passata, rolled oats and skipping the flour, cheese and butter) and broccoli
S - apple
..the horrible thing about spending the day laid up is that if you can't sleep, you find things to fill the space. Like internet shopping.

I love shopping.. however my bank balance does not.. and neither do all my store cards! However, we're good - only bought one item.. really wanted this..

Ice blue satin shift dress - Party & going out dresses - Dresses - Occasionwear - Womens - Debenhams

but i'd be kidding myself thinking it would be suitable for my body shape or my natural colouring.. and of course, the £80 price tag REALLY wouldnt be suitable for my bank balance..

..so i settled for the dress Sarah and I found in DP the other week.. got it on a new store card and so it was only £24 instead of the original price tag of £30 :) I have put the money to one side in my pennies jar too, so I definitely can pay it off as soon as my statement arrives :) also bought it in a 16 as the 18 was a little loose - that gives me... just over 3 weeks to make sure I fit into it.. and of course just over 3 weeks to duly accessorize :p
oooo sounds lovely :) I am so with you Rach on spending when at home, i just sorta find myself on ebay somtimes and umm my paypal account gets a battering! I bought myself some pink shoes yesterday! God knows where im gonna wear them but hey! a girl can never have enough shoes .......... can she ??
Rachel you will fit into that dress by your birthday, you will, you will, you will. There positive vibes. I'm sure you would have looked lovely in the other one but perhaps not £56 lovelier so good girl for saving money.

Kirsty I've never had the shoe option as having flat feet means I need wide fitting shoes, and having big calves means i have very little choice in boots too :( but yes, if i had the option i would be covered in shoes! :p

M, thank you for the support - i really hope I can fit into it by my birthday! :) xxx

food plan changed already:

B - shreddies and skimmed milk
L - chicken and lentil hotpot (mum round and she's lost even MORE weight, so need to feed her something good and tasty! :p)
T - butterbean crumble (made with butterbeans, ratatouille, passata, rolled oats and skipping the flour, cheese and butter) and broccoli
S - apple
I dont do heels either but these were must haves! even if i dont leave the house in them lol .......

they are pink and scrummy and they were cheap! what more reasons does a girl need! .. I have wide feet and calves to but Newlook are now doin a wide fitting range! .. and my boots usually come from evans when they have a sale on :)
yeah me too! Also have found that Peacocks do some nice boots suitable for bigger calves too :D score!

and yes, if they were cheap then you HAD to buy them, i totally agree :D

well.. i'm off to spinning later (oh dear god) - absolutely terrified and I bet I will be well and truly aching by the time I am finished! Have already had my tea.. not sure if i made the right decision but thought I would most likely find it easier for having my tea now, than going hungry and eating at around 10/11pm tonight.. gives me almost 3 hours as well to digest my tea before exercising :)
i thought that! then i thought hang on, could be my monitor so adjusted it.. then it still looked silver.. so i blamed my eyes and contemplated booking an eye test LOL :p
thanks Irene, i'm MUCH better today, have held all my food all day until the end of spinning class.. maybe the exercise was a little much already - it really was GRUELLING and I pretty much hated every minute, then at the end I felt really light headed, a little dizzy then got a wave of sickness and ended up running for the toilets!

Amy in her sheer (weird) delight at how amazing (really not amazing) the class was has booked us in again next week..

i've just driven home and my legs arent right at all.. trying to go upstairs and back down for my dressing gown was a scary experience.. clinging onto the banister like my life depended on it LOL!
..however, i earned 7 bonus points :D
yes i'm fully booked all this week.. :( though i am free... monday, tuesday, thursday, friday next week if you are free any of those?? xxx
good morning :D well apart from feeling like i spent 45minutes with a black man yesterday, i'm feeling fantastic! :D

food plan sorted for today:

B - 2 egg omelette (2 eggs, little skimmed milk, 1 tsp oil) with mushrooms, tomato, and two ryvita with philadelphia light
L - some form of tomato based pasta dish, or steak / chicken breast with vegetables and jacket potato no butter (lunch out with Sarah)
T - Lydia's Slow Cooker Quorn Bolognaise with wholemeal pasta (testing out my new slow cooker that I bagged for a bargain £20 in my online shopping the other day...) :D
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