Rainbow is leaving SW again! x

Hey Im fine ta hun, in da zone as it were, am excited bout WI on Thur!! hows you?

food diary today
mid morning snack - apple
lunch - jacket spub (HEB) tuna (f) SW quiche (f)
snack - prawn (f) sarnie (HEB)
Tea - am having chicken with something or other
well, um, erm, nope - i meant to take some grapes to eat on the way to work but i forgot! but the apple I had was at 10.30 - does that count as brekkie?! Just had my tea and it was yummy, had chicken that i cut into strips, passata and grated cheese - was really nice! Fell quite energized as went swimming tonight! xxx
:8855:Rainbow and breakfast??

Hope you're having a good day anyway missy - can't wait for Thursday x
erm, nope the um, erm no, well what happened was, er, no, no, no i dint have any brekfast!! Loved swimming,we hire a private pool so no skaggy people can go!

Food diary
Breakkie (as discussed)
Lunch - tuna (f) sarnie (HEB)
Snack - 2 x alpen lights (HEB) SW quiche (f)
tea - dunno yet!
I too cant wait for Thursday xxx
Skaggy people! I can't bear to go swimming, floating about in other people's filth (I have a bit of a thing about other people's germs), hair, plasters and - please no, bits of skin! Its like sharing a big bath, certainly not! I prefer a nice hygenic exercise rouine like the gym (but I have to wipe the machine down before I use it of course!)
Skaggy people! I can't bear to go swimming, floating about in other people's filth (I have a bit of a thing about other people's germs), hair, plasters and - please no, bits of skin! Its like sharing a big bath, certainly not! I prefer a nice hygenic exercise rouine like the gym (but I have to wipe the machine down before I use it of course!)

Im not a gym goer, wouldnt want other people seeing me all wobbly and yakky..... i know that they're not even going to be interested in me, if they're anything like you they'll be wiping down the machines!!!! hehe. I couldnt go back to a public baths now (not in a snobby way) but i think seeing how lovely and clean and well kept this one is I dont wanna go back! xxx
I have never thought about swimming pools like that :eek: They are chlorinated (sp) so that would get rid of any germs. Mind you, I know loads of people pee in swimming pools! :jelous:
uw do you reckon people actually do do that though! x
Yea they really do! I know my sister always does. I don't though, I make sure I go for a wee before I go in. But.....and please dont read this if you are a shrinking violet.........my mum says loads of water goes "in" when you swim, so its gotta come out again :eek::eek::eek: I know, TMI, but its true!
That's gross! Most pools now contain a chemical that changes colour when mixed with urine so if someone pees in the pool there would be a trail of (I think it's orangey) colour that would lead to the offender!
Nice! I know that our pool doesn't have it. I just make sure I dont swallow any water :D
yakky - i always swallow it by accident, and it goes up my nose!!! uwwww! Ive heard that Taz, but was never sure it was true, I wonder can anyone tell us for sure, can they add something to the water to make it change colour if you wee in it?! xxx
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! I love swimming but the whole peeing business is just vile! x
And that, ladies, is why I don't go swimming!!!!
(Germs freak me out - I even hold my breath if someone coughs near me!)
you'd be no good in my job Melanie, kids cough on me all the time!!!

Well the breakfast police will be after me again today!

snack - apple
lunch - prawn (f) sarnie (HEB) alpen light (1/2 HEB) cheese scone (anyone shed any light on how many syns is in one of those bad boys!?)
tea - chicken (f), passata (f) and cheese (HEA) xxxx
tea -
Yep, there really is stuff that they put in the pool, although I think it has been abolished now because little ones pee in the water all the time. I'm sure it would probably make children cry if the water turned orange around them!
well i'll sleep sound in the knowledge no ickle people go in this pool, and I'll decide that no one wees in it!! xxx