Rainbow is leaving SW again! x

hi gals, glad it made you smile x
lost another 4lb this week yay x
oh look - i have a star, when did that pop up?! x
Well Done on Loss and ya Star :)
thanks claire x
Well done on your loss Rainbow, 19lb in 3 weeks is a fantastic result! xx ps congrats on your star!
thanks, thanks weemo x
thanks gem.

We have just been to take bertie for a really really long walk - Im shattered now lol! Goin to go and wash the cars now while its nice, be back in a bit x
been to a BBQ at my m&ds tonightm but obv I couldnt eat - so I took my LL bar!! I'll add some photos, Im wearing my new Ted Baker top (that fits!!!!!!) x

first one is my parents, aunty, uncle and cousin oh and me, vince and the dogs! x

thanks taz - i love that Ted Baker dont just mke clothes for sticks lolo x
Aqua fit for me tonight, back to work tommoro! All is good in diet world, wish Id not weighed myself on my scales as they're showing a gain of bout 5lbs (5lbs from the last time I weighed on the SAME sclaes) wonder if its cos Ive drank bout 4.5 litres of water today, i cant have gained, Im not eating ffs!! x
You are looking fab huni!!

thanks me lovelies xxx
Another day down - am feeling good, proud of myself still lol. Did PE outside today, soaked up a few mins of sun, got some work to do tonight, but Im happy - the sunshine makes such a difference xxx