Ramblings of a Bee on Exante

I agree with Shrimp. Go low carb as best you can and you won't do much damage.
Low carb as much as possible and enjoy yourself. :)
Thanks girls, you're quite right, this is a much needed little break and I'm really looking forward to a change of scenery and pace. And I do love a lazy morning in a cafe with gallons of coffee and hours of chatting, they are far and few between so I'm going to relish that.

I stepped on the scales again this morning out of sheer curiosity and I was 13st12.6lb so exactly 2lb down from yesterday. That's at least something, I do think I'm going to be in the 13s from now on, it's most likely the hormones and water etc due to totm that make me fluctuate a bit but it's not a true reflection of my diet and my weight.

I have been trying my way through the new Exante meals and I must say I do quite like them all. I guess I don't have a particularly picky palate (PPP) and after months of shakes and soups, you kind of get used to strange textures and underlying flavours. Even the curry was weirdly enjoyable. I'm easy to please :D
Hi Bee. I think it's important to have a good time and not to let the diet get in the way, but also not to use it as an excuse to eat fats and carbs with gay abandon! I always find the latter so tempting! If you keep at exante you could be in the 12s - in fact well through them - well before Christmas. I'm the same as you with exante meals, I think you just get used to them and start to get a taste for them. The chocolate orange bars are still my favourites! I hope you have a lovely time away!
Yes the chocolate orange bars are my favourite too. I will try my hardest to steer clear of the carbs. They are such a major downfall for me. But will limit any potential slip ups to that actual moment, and not use the excuse to just carry on.
You'll be fine. Just don't go mad.
I know you won't - you're doing too well to spoil it!
A short break sounds like a great treat for you, and so long as you can stay low carb you'll be fine. Better than depriving yourself and then not enjoying your break.

Enjoy and then get back on plan as soon as you return!

Gemma x
Wow Bee. That's brilliant. You're really coasting along!
Wow - jealous! Well done you!
Well done Bee! You are well into the 13s now :D

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Well done Bee :D
Thank you thank you :D

very pleased, although just started full blown totm and feel like a beached whale. At least it doesn't make me feel like eating right now, more like the opposite, feeling quite queazy this morning.
Just realised I'm only a pound away from a two stone loss!
Well done Bee. That lb might even have gone by tomorrow. I'm 2lb off 2 stone loss - again! Got there before I went on holiday then put nearly a stone on.
Lynne, we're very much on the same road, aren't we. I was just under 14st when I went away mid August. It's like groundhog day. And since coming back beginning of September I've been toying with Exante rather than doing it seriously. Stuck with it for the last fortnight and it works! But I do not want to revisit the same weight now, I want to be at least a stone lighter before a break like that happens again.
Not that I am planning one but life is quite hard to plan sometimes.
It's really hard to stay on track but what we have to keep in mind is that it works. The only way we will have significant losses is to follow the diet properly. There always seems to be something in the way for me (often excuses) and at the moment it's my leg. I'm sure we'll both get there in the end. We'll have to keep pushing each other!
Yes, absolutely. If I'm totally honest, there are only few occasions where it was almost inevitable coming off the diet, most of the time there would be a way to stay on track, even if it means WS for a few days, at least it's not completely the other way.

Must admit to a new guilty pleasure of mine which is total insanity. I love love love watching the great british bake off! what is wrong with me!
I have a friend / colleague who was doing LL and then CD before I started on Exante. On a number of occasions we spent full days planning training programmes at her house and I did notice that she kept treating me to sandwiches made with wedges of home made bread and she'd get me a cream cake or strawberries and cream for desert. Then one day she suggested we went to Costa and insisted she pay when we got there. She ordered a black coffee and what I think was a large caramel macchato topped with cream for me - it must have been abut 1000 calories. Ever since then I've joked about her being a 'feeder.' I think that what she does is get other people to have what she would like to have and then feels good that they are having calorific stuff and she isn't. I wish I was like that - it would just make me want it more! Maybe you're watching The Great British Bake Off is something similar!