Ramblings of a Bee on Exante

To be honest Bee, I'm quite happy with a modest weekly loss as long as it happens every week! I don't want to lose massive amounts as I'm frightened I might end up looking like a rhino - all creased up skin! I've always had good skin but as you get older the risk increases and my neck is certainly showing it. I could do with one week of significant loss followed by a number of 2 to 3 lb losses.I can't even do that on ww or sw - I just cheat and drink wine when I follow them!
You're right about mobility affecting weight loss. I got a sick note for this week but instead of lying on the sofa all day I've been doing a couple of short walks with the dog each day and yesterday I gave the Kitchen a good going over. The problem before was that I was taking a couple of days off then reversing the benefits gained by going back to work (it is about a mile down / up steep hills to and from the train station plus 2 hours on the train. My leg still hurts but is much better than it was. I'm seeing the physio again tomorrow and hopefully will be back at work on Monday. I've never had time off like this before and feel quite guilty - I'll also have so much catching up to do!
Oh, and I had a real panic this morning. I actually splashed out on a really good pedometer and this morning I thought I'd put it in the wash. Luckily it was a false alarm!
Oh wow good job you didn't put that in the wash, disaster! I'm glad you're getting better albeit slowly, I'm sure once you've got your routine back you'll be doing much better diet wise too. Much easier to stick to Exante when you're busy and also any deviating from plan is balanced out much more easily. I hope work won't be too manic for you.
What sort of day have you had today Bee?
Good Morning, yesterday went ok, drank 4 litres of water, had two packs and some cheese and meat in the evening. This morning weighed in at 13st10lb so I'm still exactly 2 stone down although I still carry an extra lb from my binge last weekend. So I'm off this weekend visiting a friend, will try and stay low carb and fingers crossed will be the same weight on Monday. Wish me luck and determination. :)
Hi Bee. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Hey Bee, just wanted to check in and first of all say massive congrats on the 2st loss! :D

You're also absolutely right about changing the pattern - you had a day or two off plan, but what's different now is that you set your mind to getting straight back on it, and you're planning in advance for when life throws up little challenges! I'm going TS 100% from Monday for 17 days, so will be here to hang out with you on the latter stretch of your 2 weeks TS.

Hope you have a great weekend - stay strong!
Hi Bee. Hope you had a lovely time over the weekend.
Good afternoon Bee, hope you're well and had a good weekend and a good weigh in this morning xx
Good Morning! Had a fab weekend with my friend, I didn't stay 100% low carb but mostly. We had more people over so there was the temptation of snack foods and wine and I had a little of everything but steered clear mostly. Sunday was a bit different in that I ended up eating my body weight in doughnuts. And you know, I felt so rough yesterday and yes, it's just history repeating itself, and I wanted to hit myself over the head basically. But had a WS day yesterday with two shakes and some meat at night, drank about 4 litres and will do 100% TS today. I might just stay off the scales for a bit coz in myself, in the size I have lost, I feel no different, everything's just as loose as it was before. So I don't want to depress myself too much by weighing because any gain will instantly change the way I feel about my lighter self. And I often end up beating myself up to the point of giving up. That's no good either.

I feel I've lost my drive a little bit, I'm due very soon and the hormones are playing havoc with my cravings. So I'm just doing to take it bit by bit, from one pack to the next, drinking plenty along the way.
The main thing is that you enjoyed yourself. You did well for most of the weekend and even if you did succumb to doughnuts on Sunday you know you can put it right by getting back (which you have) and staying back on track. You haven't gone for full blown destruction but have gone for damage limitation. when you read their diaries even Carrie, Ed and Lil have had times that they've gone off track and they've all had ups and downs on this diet. You and I have both lost about the same in about the same time. It might take us some time but we'll both get there eventually. If you look at my progress I'm still 1lb off what I was at the end of July but then on a positive note I'm still 2st 2lb lighter than I was at the end of April. When I saw the nurse on Friday for my blood test results I had to be weighed and she asked me to get back on the scales because she thought she had misread my weight! I'm starting day 1 - again - of my pedometer challenge today - it's a hard slog but we just have to try and stay focused and when we don't we just have to get back on track as soon as we can. We also have lives apart form dieting and there's nothing wrong with enjoying ourselves even if it does mean a break from the diet!
I think not weighing yourself for a couple of days is a good idea Bee if it's likely to upset you - given the carbs it will all be water weight and come off (and some) over the next 3 or 4 days. If you feel the same in your size, then that's good enough to keep you going - onwards and downwards.
Good afternoon Bee, I agree with Lynne and Sainsbury. Hope you're finding today easier xx
Thank you all for your encouragement. So far I've been doing alright today, sticking to plan. Must say though that food is on my mind, obviously with the binge I have had, it throws you off balance. But also my hormones are going haywire. So wish me luck. I can't even think beyond today but will try my very hardest to stay at least low carb.
Good luck Bee. You've done well so far. Have a soak in the bath and an early night if need be. Just keep trying! You'll do it.
Good Morning all. Right, so yesterday, I woke up feeling so hungry so I told myself to hold off until lunch time to see if I still wanted food then. So I had my porridge and went out. At lunch time, I went into a cafe with a friend for a quick break, and we sat opposite the cake display. Homemade lemon cake. I felt physically drawn to it, do you know what I mean? When you crave something so badly that you almost feel like it's got magnetic power? When I went to order, I was this close to ordering a piece. Then thought, I'll have a coffee first and see how it goes. I compromised by having a milky coffee which was all creamy tasting what with all the black/skinny coffees I've been drinking. So that kind of did it for me.
Afternoon another challenge, had coffee and cake offered and everyone was having it. But it wasn't an amazing cake so I thought it's just so not worth it.
And I ended up working my way bit by bit through to the evening and I had a nice big omelette and some cheese, so it was a WS day really, but I'm pleased with it.
I feel at the moment like I'm just about hanging on to the diet, one glass of water and one dodged temptation at a time. Will see how the day goes today :)
That's brilliant Bee. You said no to so much temptation throughout the day. A creamy coffee wouldn't have done too much damage and the omelette/cheese is a great choice.

Keep taking it meal-by-meal and you'll be fine!

Well done!
Morning Bee. Well done for avoiding temptation. It is so difficult, especially when others are indulging! I'm doing a sort of WS at the moment but making sure I keep a count of calories and carbs. It was a mistake having risotto last night (I meant to buy cous cous) as it raised my carb levels. I also had too many calories yesterday. what I'm trying to do at the moment is to try to keep to less than 1000 a day. I'll go back onto 100% when I feel I'm ready. The main thing Bee is to not have things like bread, cake and chocolate!
Good afternoon Bee, loving the will power. You're doing brill xx
Good morning all, I hate to do this but have to report major failure. I got mega stressed at the weekend with a ton of stuff that needed doing plus I've done my back in plus I'm coming on my totm and I basically threw all good intentions and willpower out of the window and started eating. haven't really stopped either. And right now, as terrible as it sounds, it almost feels like I need it.
I've got friends coming tomorrow to stay with me for a week or so and I will gauge and see how that goes, neither of them are big eaters so if I just eat when they eat and stick to sensible portions I might be able to just maintain. That is my main goal right now, so long as I don't gain what I've struggled hard to lose, I think I need a teeny break.
How's everyone else doing?xx
Good morning Bee, think a lot of us struggle with comfort/stress eating. It's hard to stop once you start. I know I haven't adressed it or figured out how to stop it.

Your main goal sounds good. Enjoy the time with your friends, Exante will be here when they've gone xx