Ramblings of a Bee on Exante

Thanks. I definitely need the support on here, no question. And very grateful for it too. Have had a good day today, very busy and feeling a lot more relaxed in myself. Treated myself to some rapidlash which I got on ebay after I sold a bunch of stuff. Going to use it tonight for the first time. I do hope this is going to work, I have pretty good eyelashes but I have lost a lot lately and they have thinned a lot. Fingers crossed.
Thanks. I definitely need the support on here, no question. And very grateful for it too. Have had a good day today, very busy and feeling a lot more relaxed in myself. Treated myself to some rapidlash which I got on ebay after I sold a bunch of stuff. Going to use it tonight for the first time. I do hope this is going to work, I have pretty good eyelashes but I have lost a lot lately and they have thinned a lot. Fingers crossed.

Oooo rapidlash :D
That's one of my treats :D
I hope it works for you, will be interesting to know :).
Glad to see the new approach is working for you Bee. It is hard when you have issues with food, so hard. But you are facing it and finding lots of ways to tackle this! I agree that if something isn't working then try something else, good plan.

Have a good day Bee :) xx
Have a good day Bee xx
Right, two days into the new plan, feeling positive and motivated and you never guess, I stepped on the scales this morning to get an idea of which direction this is going in and I have lost 4.5lbs!! So did not expect that. So I'm very happy indeed. I have one or two Exante packs a day and have the rest of the calories in low fat healthy foods and am quite content at the moment.
I went through all my Exante products and I am a bit annoyed with Exante, in the last delivery I had of a bumper pack which I received mid January, there are products in there with an expiry date ranging from mid February 2014 till January 2015. So I'm having to use up a few things that I wanted to save for after my holiday. Sneaky to put some "older" products in there too, they should make clear that some stuff is close to expiry. Not impressed.
My first box was like that - a whole range of dates on stuff, I bought a clearance 4 week box for my last one that was only 70ish quid and expected that to be short dated and they were all much later this year! Confused! If you want a link to that clearance box just shout as I cannot seem to find it on the site but kept a note of it :)

By the way, well done on the 4.5lbs! :D
Yea, I spent an hour yesterday cataloging it and boxed everything up with the longest shelf life so I can get on with my half Exante half WW plan. And I have given a week's supply to a friend who wants to give it a go.
I'm mega chuffed about the loss, I know it's all water and what not but it makes such a difference to how I feel and I sleep better too.
I know exactly what you're saying i'm sleeping better and i have only been on it a couple of weeks :). I have gone through mine today and I am going to ebay the ones i don't want -and there is a lot!!
Great loss Bee well done, whatever you're doing is working well so stick with it xx
I know exactly what you're saying i'm sleeping better and i have only been on it a couple of weeks :). I have gone through mine today and I am going to ebay the ones i don't want -and there is a lot!!

Good idea about selling them. Best do it now before they all expire and turn to dust in your hands :p
Sadly some of them may taste better as dust.... lol
Ah, Bee that's great :D
I am glad you found your way again :D

The 2 boxes I received earlier in the week were like that too. Dates varied over a year !!
The box before that, 6 of the packs were actually out of date !
I complained, and was told that there was a problem at the manufacturer, and they were actually in date !!!
Eh, yes, REALLY????
So, they were swiftly told to send me the packaging, so I could send back the out of date stuff, free post, and I wished them replace them, as it was unacceptable. Although, I did have to backward and forth email them for a good few days.
You wouldn't be told that in any of the supermarkets eh ?
They sent replacements ;), and didn't send any freepost packaging :rolleyes:
I feel since they have added a lot of their new products, there customer services have gone down hill.

Welcome back Bee :D
Well done Bee on your weight loss that is fantastic - I know exactly what you mean about the packs and their expiry dates - some of mine are like that - Marge it's a real shame about the customer service as it used to be great - also a shame about the new shakes not being as thick and creamy as the older ones x
Hi Bee. I'm back too today so we both will need to make a concerted effort! Will update everything and join challenges etc tonight. I'm doing the same as you and having a mix of exante and WW and counting calories. Plus like you I will need to go through all my exante stuff and start using the packs according to expiry dates. I've got some that have actually expired but they still taste OK to me.
Catch up with you later.
Hi Bee. Hope you are enjoying your day & all is going well x
Hi Bee. Hope you're enjoying the sunshine! How are you feeling and how's the diet going?
Hi Bee, how are you getting on xx
Hope you are quiet cause you are having a fab weekend :)
Helloooo, thanks for all your posts, I had a good and very very busy weekend, feet barely touching the ground kind of weekend. I'm back and forth to hospital too, visiting my friend's dad who is still really poorly and I'm glad to be able to spend some time with him, fingers crossed they will eventually find out what is wrong with him. But I can't believe how the time has gone and it's been nearly a week since I did my whole new re-vamped re-start. And I am cruising through it at the moment, feeling good. I feel like the pressure has come off a bit. Pressure that I put on myself. So I'm doing quite well :) Haven't weighed in since my last whoosh, I'm having the mother of all periods at the moment so I don't want to depress myself with wrong figures on the scales due to totm and water. Hope you're all doing well :) xx
Hi Bee. Pleased to hear you're still doing well. Keep it up! How long have you got before you visit your family in Germany?