Ransch signing in

haha don't get me started on the grungey bummed woolie horrors..not a fan!!
Hi Leanne, Susie & Neen. Thank you for writing in my diary! It's nice to know that someone cares! :D

Frozen veg is a GREAT idea I don't know why I didn't think of it before. I've been and bought some green beans, cabbage and cauliflower although I've just had some cauli and must say the frozen version doesn't really taste like the fresh one :confused: I might give the cauli rice a go.

We had friends over for coffee and I had to laugh. They bought me a gift- a huge stevia plant! I've now got a lovely collection of 8 of them and have to think of you Leanne! I'm seriously thinking of posting you one, that have we got to lose?:)

Diet wise I'm feeling better as I've eaten my greens today. I didn't weigh myself, it's too depressing so I'll just plod along until my usual clothes don't fit anymore. I wonder when that will be :rolleyes:
Tinned veg is another option. It is canned from fresh and loses no nutrients. Frozen cauli is quite good for steaming and then mashing with butter.
Lol, you seem to be the Stevia centre for Europe! A new enterprise for you maybe? Yep send me one!
Yeah, I don't weigh any more. I just love that my new jeans are smaller. :D
Morning Ransch, what's all this panick in Hamburg about e-coli and cucumber?

we're packing today, off to Malta first thing tomorrow :)
Work is crazy at the moment so I haven't had much time to post. On the other hand I haven't had much time to think of snicker bars either :p

We've had really violent storms here over the last few days. In the wildlife park down the road 30 deer were struck by lightning and fried to a crisp. Makes you wonder doesn't it.

Eating wise it's OK, I'm trying to eat some greens each day but my weight is the same it was 2 weeks ago and my clothes aren't getting noticeably looser at all :confused: I think I'll keep this up for another two weeks and if there still isn't a change then perhaps Atkins isn't the right diet for me :cry:

Bad news about my stevia plants. The new one I was given last week had 'lice' and has now infected all of them. Lots of little black crawly things chomping away on the precious leaves....:eek:
OMG Ransch!! What a nightmare x Have everything crossed that weight can get moving for you very soon. I wouldn't be suprised if your body is hanging on to weight through stress a bit at the moment.
Maybe cut down on cheese and cream like some people here suggest and make sure the water is going in regularly? I find it really hard to get water down...never remember to!! But I know it's worth it.
I'm so sorry to hear about the plants too :( I am sending some good luck and good loss vibes your way x
Hang in there! Good luck;)
So I'm back after a stressful time at work but I've been good :D

Plants have all snuffed it but that's OK as I don't really like the taste of stevia. I did want to send you one though Leanne. I hope you're feeling better now. I don't know what a hypo is but judging by the messages it can't be good.

I'm finally seeing a difference in shape. My jeans are ever so slightly loose but ever so slightly is a start. I've also been binging on.. wait for it............. cabbage and cauliflower :eek: doused in butter. After eating so much meat my teeth and gums are hurting so I need something a bit softer for a while. :eek:

I've got to make some oopsie rolls again for brekkie. They taste gross by themselves but ok with cheese and ham.

Btw, I see a biiiiggggg binge coming as the cherries- both sour and sweet, red currants, strawberries and gooseberries in our garden are all ripe and that, I'm afraid, I can't resist :cry:
Evening ransch;)
Morning Ransch love
Sunday morning and it's freezing and wet outside. So much for summer! Well the semester is coming to an end at last, just got to get through all the marking and then, time to relax!

I've decided to start my PhD after all so have to submit my ideas by the beginning of September if I'd like to start next year. Hmm. You'd think it would be easy but it's not. I'd like to do a project with students from different countries working together.

I'm not stressing anymore about weighing myself and am happy with that. After reading everyone's comments about ketostix and ketosis, I'm not even sure I;m in it as I've not noticed any of the signs. All I know is that my killer headaches have gone, didn't have any period pains this month and trousers are getting looser (at last). Strange, I always thought I wouldn't be able to live without potatoes but I haven't missed them at all really. Chocolate is what I do miss but I've ordered some Atkins indulgence bars for emergencies.

Oh the sales will be starting in the UK soon and I'm so looking forward to getting some new stuff. The question is, should I buy stuff in my target size (14) or what I am now (16-18)?

Yeh and my feet have shrunk :eek: My Evans x wide shoes are too loose now and just fall off. This is a bit of a catastrophe as I have quite a few pairs...
LOL why not buy some clothes from eBay in your current size, get 'em cheap as chips, then you can get rid of them without any qualms when you hit target?

And very exciting news on the PhD! What about talking to someone like the British Council? They have lots of cross-country education projects...just a thought :)

How is the veg situation for you now?
Good hear that you're feeling good and the clothes loosening. I agree - i was surprised about shoes. Several that have been too small or uncomfortable for the last few years have suddenly started fitting again!

I like susies idea re ebay - it's important that you have something that fits you now and that you feel good in! My "treat" every time i hit a mini goal is to buy a few tops that look nice:D then i feel good about myself and very positive - keeps me on the wagon!
Morning Ransch love, that's an interesting idea for your PhD, I always wanted to do mine, but never got around to it somehow, and now I'm to lazy to even contemplate it :)
Tut, tut to laziness Jim, got to keep the brain cells alive!

OH's birthday today. Resisted the cake but went to the Thai. I LOVE Thai food! Had the Tom kha kai soup- sour coconut with chicken and the crispy duck so don't think I caused too much damage! Today I've just eaten all day- oopsie rolls with salami and cheese, sausages with cucumber, almonds and then the Thai. Oh well.