Re-starting for the final time, this is it!!!!

Aw how lovely rach!

It's only a quick stop works been manic hope your doing ok!
Ooh what's tiny life ? I'd make a good cuddler :) lol

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Some of the charities like tinylife need cuddlers! Not sure if they're down there though...

KB x

I didn't think there would be such a thing. Will look into. I think it would help my anxiety as much as it would help a baby.

Ooh what's tiny life ? I'd make a good cuddler :) lol

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It's a great idea kat isn't it! !
Another good day :) feeling really good about myself at the moment. Really hoping for a good loss when I weigh in in the morning. Fingers crossed! !! I know I haven't been eating all my calories but I find it doesn't work if I do. I am generally having around 1500 sometimes more sometimes less. Doing it this way I can enjoy a treat at the weekend without feeling too bad. Let my hair down a bit :)
I agree Rachel. It's a lovely idea

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I was in a good place then I went and had a massive panic attack. Only just coming out of it. I am wondering if my new medication is one that can increase anxiety at first before it starts working properly. There is a few that do that. I haven't eaten sp still in a good place regarding that.
Hope you are ok Hun xx
Aw Hun take it easy today. Hope you feel better soon!

Holy batman what a great loss :) well done xx
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That's a fab loss! Sorry your not feeling to good.. Hope it passes soon :)

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Thanks ladies. Not feeling too bad at the moment thank god. I am wondering if yesterday because I took kalms as well as the other tablets it was too much and had the opposite effect ?!! Really just hoping I get a good night tonight.

Had a Chinese for tea. Had special chow mein. Didn't eat it all though. I think it was probably one of the better choices. Wanted to avoid anything too sweet. Back on track full steam ahead tomorrow.

Oh I nearly forgot I finally found some sausage that are in the rules. Made up as I love sausage butties lol
Fabulous loss, I hope that things settle down and you get a good nights sleep. I hope tomorrow goes well, and you are back on track
Fabulous loss, I hope that things settle down and you get a good nights sleep. I hope tomorrow goes well, and you are back on track

Thank you. I have still come in under calories :) so I am happy enough. Didn't have my blue cheese and crackers which I planned to. Didn't feel like it. May have it tomorrow.

Feeling okish at the moment. Slight feeling of anxiety but not too bad. Fingers crossed! !