Rebekah's road to reduction!

LOL Haha on the ginger beer ... Oh the joy .. you just wait for Cheerful Charlie Chester!!

Bit dopey now, be glad to finish work, bit more tonight... Zzz LOL

It's freezing for some reason the Aircon is on :-0 glad I got my boots n socks on Brrr

Don't envy you having to stuady what can be quite dry subjects - especially at 4am! You just brought it all flooding back to me though with the old Donoghue v Stevenson case - I started studying Law for my Chartered Insurance exams over 20 years ago, then did them all again for my MBA c. 10 years ago - and it was all the same - nothing much ever seems to change lol
LOL dry is the word but all be worth it next year !!

Hour and a half and work be done and dusted, get through the wind n rain ... Home at last Bliss

Off to see my friend for her birthday weekend, she's booked a champagne cruise LOL should be ok. Still haven't got an outfit, trying to avoid buying anything till after my op. See if can borrow from mum or sister!

Are you doing a Law degree part-time then Rebekah while working?
Yep that's right!! Can't wait to finish :)
That's no mean feat - good on you!I did my MBA p/t while working f/t and can empathise with you greatly - but you're right, it's worth it when you finish - and a great excuse for one helluva party!
It's hard work whilst working full time but the only way out of a crappy job

I started at dundee university but my crohns was so bad I had to come home after first year. Life happened and finally finishing it now, nearly done :)

Looking at masters stuff, employment law I think for masters. would ultimately love to do phd but that is real blue sky thinking :)

How weird, I nearly went to Dundee Uni to do Law but went to Edinburgh in end and did English, Russian studies and Philosophy - don't ask! lol.Then went to Durham part-time for MBA.Thought about doing a DBA (like PHD) but it would have taken 7 years part-time so I couldn't face it!Small World!And how incredibly well you are doing - very inspirational!
Wow you are the study queen :) that is a small world hun :) I loved dundee was sad to leave and go home

Yeah part time phd is a labour of love... So so long!!

Relaxing at home, was lucky to get a lift. Duck eggs boiling yum :)

Had a gorgeous hot chocolate today out of this world, why haven't I tried that before LOL

Relax time ... Do the rest of the to do list later LOL

Not sure about duck eggs! Did you make the choc shake into hot chocolate? x
They are higher in cals and protein which will set me up for training tomorrow, they are bigger and fattier, not much different!!

Yes I used a chocolate shake, water and 1/2 skimmed milk allowance scrummy :)

Ugh I feel sick as **** ugh what's wrong, think just stress belly

On a much more superficial note I need to go shopping... I live in black and spandex... See today and yesterdays outfits LOL

Hmmm think I may try somethin new... Eeek! ... Colour scares me!!


Know what you mean about's so safe! There are some gorgeous purples out there which might tempt me!:eek::rainbow:

Black lets the shoes get noticed though!!

Have a good day tomorrow...hope u feel better x
Ugh feel sicky yuk. Crohns has been a tiny bit irritated past two weeks but just assumed it was stress didn't worry about bleeding etc could do without this right now!!

If your physically sick at work they send you home. Will take a stemetil, can't afford to go home.

Better get dressed xx
Morning hun, oh no about feeling unwell, ur having no lcuk at the moment are you, i hope u manage to get through the day xxx
I'll manage not much choice on that front!!

Painkillers and lots of water Xx
Hope u start to feel better soon Hun x

hope your day doesn't suck too much
I'm alryght, know the drill now with poorly tummy

It's not a flare just a minor irritation, water, and peppermint tea a plenty. Not loosing a lot of blood, Il just ride it out for now!

Be ok :)

Break having a cuppa Xx
Picking up steroids later will calm the bleeding down. Probably have to fast a few days till it calms down

See how I go Xx