Red's food diary - advice very gratefully received

Ok I've got Smoked haddock in the fridge for tea tonight. Spiced haddock with feta cheese salad sounds yum. Will have to see if I can grab some feta on the way home :D

Where do you get the Pagen Krisprolls from? They sound really nice, but I have a nasty feeling this is going the be another thing to add to my 'List of Things That Aren't Available in This Bloody Country' :D xx

They're widely available in supermarkets here with all the Ryvitas etc- I don't see why you shouldn't be able to get them in Belfast!X
Hi Red,
wondered who your favourite cook books are by to SW tweak, I used to be a big Nigel Slater fan - partly why I'm in this predicament! I've been browsing my Bill Grangers....and will make a few of the recipes if I can find the ingredients....

Hi Hazy

I haven't really got into tweaking recipes for slimming world yet as I'm fairly new to it myself. I'm taking a lot of my inspiration so far from people like Britmum and Silvermane on here. I think Bill Granger would be good becasue his food is so fresh and healthy anyway and my Lesley Waters books. I doubt very much that Nigella lends herself to SW alas! ;) I have a lot of baking books too and I'm afraid they are just being IGNORED right now!
Ok I've got Smoked haddock in the fridge for tea tonight. Spiced haddock with feta cheese salad sounds yum. Will have to see if I can grab some feta on the way home :D

Where do you get the Pagen Krisprolls from? They sound really nice, but I have a nasty feeling this is going the be another thing to add to my 'List of Things That Aren't Available in This Bloody Country' :D xx

I got mine from Tesco so hopefully you could find some there. They are with the ryvitas and stuff as funcurls says. Let me know if you find them - they are great. :D

I think the haddock would have been much nicer if I hasdn't overcooked it because my children :mad: were playing up.
I have my period and it's a really horrible one (I am finding it difficult to call it a star week - must be the hormones!) I've wanted to eat crap all day but have (only just) restrained myself. Also my youngest is not wanting to sleep. So tea is completely uninspiring and not the healthiest. A green day today - of course ... carbs ...

Wednesday March 2nd - Green

Breakfast –. Banana

Lunch – Superfree veg soup. Left over lentil dahl and veg curry. Small jacket potato

Tea –Jacket potato, beans, cheese (HexA), 2 x quorn southern style burgers (5syns) – pineapple, Mullerlight yoghurt.

Snacks - 5 x wholemeal crackerbread and 2 x Laughing cow Light (HexA), banana, Options drink (2syns) Alpen Lights

Syns – 7

HexA – 2 x Laughing cow lights, 42g Reduced fat cheddar cheese.
HexB Alpen Light bars, wholemeal crackerbreads
I have my period and it's a really horrible one (I am finding it difficult to call it a star week - must be the hormones!) I've wanted to eat crap all day but have (only just) restrained myself. Also my youngest is not wanting to sleep. So tea is completely uninspiring and not the healthiest. A green day today - of course ... carbs ...

Wednesday March 2nd - Green

Breakfast –. Banana

Lunch – Superfree veg soup. Left over lentil dahl and veg curry. Small jacket potato

Tea –Jacket potato, beans, cheese (HexA), 2 x quorn southern style burgers (5syns) – pineapple, Mullerlight yoghurt.

Snacks - 5 x wholemeal crackerbread and 2 x Laughing cow Light (HexA), banana, Options drink (2syns) Alpen Lights

Syns – 7

HexA – 2 x Laughing cow lights, 42g Reduced fat cheddar cheese.
HexB Alpen Light bars, wholemeal crackerbreads

Ooh I hate *week!! I always seem to suffer badly with pain, bloatyness, sore boobies and zits!! I hate zits!! Hope you feel better soon!!X
Oh, I hope you feel better tomorrow! I know that need for carbs.
hiya all looking good :) ive lost keeping my diary, i do mean to and i've no excuse especially when i have app on my iphone!!! but havent been keeping it
but sticking to sw and happy enough

good luck with wi today :)
Ah Nicola you always remember my weigh in :D I see you lost last week, well done :D

Well it certainly was weigh in today and depsite it being my time of the month I have lost 4lb which brings me to a 2 1/2 stone loss overall exactly. Now I'm going to tidy my signature.
WOWEE! 2 1/2 st is an incredible achievement! Yay you! x
That is great red! You've done so well! You should be in the magazine!!!!
That is great red! You've done so well! You should be in the magazine!!!!

Thanks Julie but I think I have a massive distance to go yet. I have pretty much an entire other person's worth to lose :p

This has been today so far. Not done yet though I haven't actually had any Hex's for today:

Thursday 3rd March - Green

Breakfast – . Black coffee, 2 quorn sausages, egg fried in frylight, Light choice baked beans, lots of mushrooms, onion and tomatoes with garlic. Chopped up leftover small jacket potato from yesterday.

Lunch – .Sweet potato and lentil soup and a Jazz apple.

Tea –. Quorn and bean chilli with rice, spoon of fat free fromage frais over the top. (chilli had loads of veg and butterbeans and black eye beans - I had no kidney beans in the cupboard) Cadbury light mousse (3.5syns)

Snacks - . 3 Pagen Krisprolls (HexB) and Babybel Lights,(HexA) banana, Options drink (2syns), Alpen Lights (HexB) Mini milk (1.5 syns)

Syns – 7

HexA – .Babybel lights
HexB - .Pagen Krisprolls, Alpen Lights
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Hey Red, wow what an AMAZING loss!!!!! 4lb is really great and congrats on your 2 1/2 stone!! It's just the best feeling isn't it!! I bet you're so pleased with your achievement and if your food diary is anything to go by you really seem to be eating all the right things and plenty of it which is exactly the way to go...and it's working for you!!! I can see you get as excited about food as I do!! What I'm loving is that I am EVEN more excited about food now than I was before I started, the difference being that channelling my energies into being excited about good healthy stuff is guilt-free!! I bought the red thai tiger tiger dressing tonight in Tesco! I'm excited about trying it! So when is the tuna mayo moment going to take place?!!X
Maybe tomorrow funcurls ;)

This is today (I may add an Options drink before bed)

Friday 4th March - Green
Breakfast – .Banana before school run – after 3 egg omelette with Quorn ‘ham’ and 2 Laughing Cow light triangles, 2 tomatoes sliced with garlic, basil and black pepper, Black coffee.

Lunch – .Some leftover Quorn and bean chilli and rice from yesterday. Jazz apple

Tea –. Mushroom stroganoff (using fat free fromage frais) with noodles served with spinach and a tomato salad. Shape Zero yoghurt

Snacks - .3 x Pagen krisprolls (HexB), Laughing Cow Light (HexA), mini milk (1.5 syns)

Syns –4.5 wine half glass 3 syns

HexA – . Laughing Cow Light
HexB - .Pagen Krisprolls
Thanks Dizzy I was feeling pretty grumpy about being fat today, was trying on some old clothes and although I am wearing a pair of jeans and a top I haven't worn for a while today it didn't seem to be enough. I think I am expecting far too much of myself and actually I'm doing ok really. I must say it helps enormously to come on here and read what people have written on my diary especially as I'm doing it from home. So thanks for stopping by.

funcurls I totally forgot about the tuna mayo until now! Hmmm lunch tomorrow maybe ...

Today's lunch was really me just picking at stuff as I'd had a big breakfast so it wasn't an organised meal as such. Am doing venison for tea tomorrow though and garlic roast potatoes.I'm slow cooking it, on a Sunday I like to use the slow cooker as I go out to tutor so I put it on in the morning and then I only have a few things to do later on.

Shopped today (food), took the kids to the park, and then they we all watched Despicable Me together from the DVD shop (very funny). Now I have to read some of The Great Gatsby as I have an older student studying it and it's been a few years since I last read it.

Here is todays food, it turned into a red day as the kids wanted pizza and I indulged them so I had something else - I may add a syn or too later or tomorrow:

Saturday 5th March - Red

Breakfast – .Black coffee, smoked salmon omelette, 1 Laughing Cow light triangle, tomato salad with cherry tomatoes, yellow tomatoes and baby plum tomatoes, basil and garlic.

Lunch – .4 slices chicken, 1 Babybel Light and a Pagen Krisproll (2syns) 2 quorn ‘meatballs’ in veg sauce.

Tea –.Half a cup superfree veg soup - Beef casserole and swede and carrot mash with 3 Laughing cow triangles mixed in – french toast, sliced banana, strawberries and raspberries and tbsp maple syrup (2syns) - so nice for a real dessert

Snacks - .Green tea, Jazz apple, Highlights dark chocolate drink (1.5syns) , Alpen Lights

Syns – 5.5

HexA – .Laughing cow Lights, Babybel Lights
HexB - .Alpen Lights, 2 slices WW thick sliced wholemeal bread.
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Hey Red, wow what an AMAZING loss!!!!! 4lb is really great and congrats on your 2 1/2 stone!! It's just the best feeling isn't it!! I bet you're so pleased with your achievement and if your food diary is anything to go by you really seem to be eating all the right things and plenty of it which is exactly the way to go...and it's working for you!!! I can see you get as excited about food as I do!! What I'm loving is that I am EVEN more excited about food now than I was before I started, the difference being that channelling my energies into being excited about good healthy stuff is guilt-free!! I bought the red thai tiger tiger dressing tonight in Tesco! I'm excited about trying it! So when is the tuna mayo moment going to take place?!!X

Have you tried the Tiger Tiger dressing yet - it's soooooooo nice. And yes, I do like my food - that's why I'm here ;) but it's also why SW suits me. All the weighing in other diets isn't really sustainable for me.
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I felt like a real dessert tonight so I was intending on having fruit and maple syrup but I hadn't had my HexB so I added some french toast to pile it all on - totally yummy. Inspired originally by Britmum's excellent blog.
This is today. I'm not sure about lunch yet, I'm off out in a minute and won't be back until after lunch:

Sunday 6th March - Easy Extra

Breakfast – . French toast with sliced banana, strawberries and raspberries and maple syrup (2 syns)

Lunch – .Superfree veg soup, small jacket potato with tinned mackerel in tomato sauce and lots of young leaf spinach. Banana

Tea –.Slow cooked Venison Casserole (4.5 syns – flour and red wine) – casserole contains carrot, mushroom, swede, leeks – served with garlic roast potato, cabbage and broccoli - Shape Zero yoghurt

Snacks - . Jazz apple, green tea, Dark choc Highlights (1.5syns), Alpen Light (3syns), 3 Babybel Lights

Syns – 11

HexA – .Babybel Lights
HexB - .2 slices WW thick slice wholemeal bread
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