Red's food diary - advice very gratefully received

I've had 2 bananas today now and I feel guilty about it, but should I really? I read much on here about not having too many bananas but it is free and 2 aren't that many. I don't really want to get into a mind set where I feel bad for eating a bloody banana!
I don't get where this banana fuss has come from. I know it's starchy and quite high calorie as far as fruit goes but surely there are worse things that are free on SW like mugshots??? Supernoodles?????? Baked beans full of sugar and salt???? I don't know, maybe there's something in it but im not going to lose any sleep over the odd nana! X
Totally agree with Jules on this. Of course, if you snack on 10 bananas between meals, you won't be doing yourself any favours but a couple of bananas is nothing to worry about! Don't feel bad! X
Red Riding Hood said:
Thank you for the banana support girls :banana dancer: ;)

That's the spirit! Embrace the banana!
You are doing fab red and wow on your 4lb weightloss. That is brill.

Don't worry about 2 bananas, they are superfree and like others have mentioned is far better for you than a mugshot or similar. My fruit bowl is stocked with them as they help with my pregnancy hunger pangs, I have got up in the night a few times and reached for one as a snack.
Ahhhh banana love, that's what I like to see. :D Thank you ladies.

I am VERY busy with work things this week and feeling a little stressy. This is today's food, tried the Diet Coke chicken recipe (with some trepidation) but it was actually lovely. I did tinker a little with the recipe the addition of
one or two things (nothing synful) and lots of diced veggies to my rice and bulgar wheat. I'll definately be having it again:

Monday 7th March - Easy Extra

Breakfast – .Black coffee, smoked salmon omelette with 1 Laughing cow Light triangle (1.5syns) and tomato salad.

Lunch – . small cup superfree soup, 2 Babybel Lights (HexA), Mugshot, apple, Satsuma.

Tea –.Diet coke chicken (I added red peppers to the recipe and more 5 spice and a couple more things), rice and bulgar wheat I mixed diced courgette, pepper, mushroom and spring onion through the bulgar wheat and rice mix to increase the superfree (it was also very yummy!) - Shape Zero yoghurt

Snacks - .few slices of turkey, banana, Satsuma, Highlights drink (2syns), Timeout 1 finger bar (4syns), 3 Pagen Krisprolls.

Syns – 7.5

HexA – .Babybel Lights
HexB - .Pagen Krisprolls

Oh I ran out of soup too (the horror!!) and had to have a mugshot for lunch - no bullets please ;). I really need to make more soup but I'm not sure I'll have the time tomorrow either. Arrrgh I just want this stressful week done.
hi havent been on here much this week, with brighter evenings now i'm outside with horses till dark and then i do just sleep when i come in !!!

so WOW !! 2 and half stone well done, a true insperation to us all you are doing so well, delighted for you :)
Well, it's already Tuesday, so tomorrow is midweek and before you know it the weekend will be here again!
Here's a thought to make you feel better... it's not even 10am and I have had 2 bananas today! x
hi havent been on here much this week, with brighter evenings now i'm outside with horses till dark and then i do just sleep when i come in !!!

so WOW !! 2 and half stone well done, a true insperation to us all you are doing so well, delighted for you :)

You must be enjoying being out with your horses though and plenty of exercise. How have you been doing?
Well, it's already Tuesday, so tomorrow is midweek and before you know it the weekend will be here again!
Here's a thought to make you feel better... it's not even 10am and I have had 2 bananas today! x

True, true I still have to work at the weekend alas.

Noooooooooo 2 banana's before 10am you may go to the minimins version of SW hell for that you know. ;) Could be worse it could be snickers bars ...
I'm so busy right now, forgive me for not visiting diaries. Hope to resume normal service soon x

Tuesday 8th March - Green

Breakfast – .2 quorn sausages, beans, egg, mushrooms and tomatoes, black coffee

Lunch – .Quorn egg fried rice (leftover vegetable rice and bulgar wheat from yesterday’s tea with Chinese 5 spice, soy sauce and roasted quorn pieces which needed to be used up and an egg cooked in frylight) - satsuma

Tea –.Vegetable and quorn pasta bake (HexA cheese on top) Cadbury Low fat mousse thing (3.5syns)

Snacks - .2 Babybel Lights (HexA), Jazz apple, 2 Alpen Lights

Syns – Options drink (2) 5.5

HexA – . Babybel lights, 42g reduced fat cheddar
HexB - .Alpen Light bars, 30g bag Ryvita minis
Red Riding Hood said:
Have you tried the Tiger Tiger dressing yet - it's soooooooo nice. And yes, I do like my food - that's why I'm here ;) but it's also why SW suits me. All the weighing in other diets isn't really sustainable for me.

Me too!! I think about food A LOT!! Yes the Tiger Tiger dressing is really lovely- thanx for the recommendation!! Hope you're ok hun, I'm down in Exeter for the funeral tomorrow! Rather thrown out of routine this week with one thing and another! So it's a matter of damage limitation where I can exercise it! Wagamama tonight wasn't the time unfortunately....Nom Nom Nom...XxX
Hi funcurls - hope the funeral goes ok (as much as funerals can) and I think Wagamammas is worth it ;)

Feeling very stressed today - still very busy and about to do more work now *sigh*. So I still haven't had time for diary visits - really sorry.

Here is today's food:

Wednesday 9th March - Red
Breakfast – .Black coffee, Satsuma, banana
Lunch – .Smoked salmon omelette (1 laughing cow triangle – HexA), tomato salad, young leaf spinach – Jazz apple
Tea –.Cajun spiced pork (all visible fat removed) and mashed carrot and swede with 3 Laughing cow light triangles (HexA)
Snacks - .Options drink (2syns), Alpen Lights (HexB), 3 Pagen Krisprolls (HexB) 2 Babybel lights
Syns – 2
HexA – .Laughing Cow Lights, 2 Babybel lights
HexB - .Pagen Krisprolls, Alpen Lights
Weighed this morning and would you believe I've lost 6lbs! I'm not sure where these big figures are coming from as I eat a lot but there you go. I always weigh several times to be absolutely sure and in the same place. So that was nice news this morning. After tonight am hoping the business will calm down. It is a very busy week in the world of tutoring (final draft folio works due in) so I've been working non-stop. Also (and typically) had a large card order from a gift shop and a couple of commission pieces so this week has been stressful.

Last night was a Body Shop party, I resisted both the wine and the nibbles - I had to plan a tutorial once I got back so the avoided the wine for 2 reasons. Spent slightly more than I had planned though. Tsk.

I am waiting to go on a Snowdrop walk I have organised for playgroup (lots of work for them this week too - it's staff appraisal week and I do them and the paperwork). So I am going to do a quick diary tour now.
Wow! Well done you!! I wish I knew your secret... 6lb is incredible! Xx