Total Solution Restart 29/03/2015 Exante journey to 9st3 for life!

Weirdly I'm in the same place. My gran died today and I'm using it as justification for a binge. It's not helping. Line drawn......................................... Good luck tomorrow.

Awww... I'm sorry to hear that chick. Wee grannies are the best. Big hugs :) x
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Take it easy chick.

Healthy food all the way. Can you imagine racing today, feeling like that? So eat clean as you can :)

Hope u feel better soon :) X
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Such a good point!!!! I will remember that. Getting ready for work was horrible. I feel so bloated and hate how everything looks. It's just so easy to forget all of this when switch to binge mode. I feel like a different person from a few days ago... Definitely want that vlcd feeling back again - day 1 will be Monday. And yes until then healthy clean eating. I had a whole box of cereal and a whole box of crackers and a whole large pizza yesterday!!!!!!

That sounds like me. Whole everything. I can't leave anything. Not even a crumb! X
Hello! How's it going? When are you away?

I have had a few days off track completely and I feel I'm back to square 1. I'm now going to have to go away in 2 weeks for the funeral, so I'm vlcding until then to try and shift a stone . Fingers crossed! Look forward to you joining me on Monday!
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I'm sorry you're struggling honey, just take it one step at a time and try not to focus too far in the future. I think that thinking about how you are going to look on holiday is getting you down and making you eat, so just try and focus on today, what can you do today to make yourself feel better about yourself? Be good to your self honey ??
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Well done on the pizza!

I've wandered over to dukan for a bit...Fingers crossed it gets me back on track!
Don't best urself up hun. Hopefully GP referral will send appt soon and that might help.

What u ate yesterday was a lot but I'd have eaten the same things so don't think ur abnormal.

Just try to move on and try to re-centre urself :) x
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Significant moment... Not eaten yet today (ate a disgusting amount yesterday which included crisps, 5 bagels, a whole box or cereal, sandwiches, soup, bread bread bread and an extra large pizza) but I've just had a moment of ok I could eat right now...... I saw the leftover 1.5 slices of pizza and threw them out and instead grabbed a exante porridge <img src=""/> My chubby reflection is in the pic!!

Well done honey. One step at a time. Xx
Ps. If you stick 100% to TS you could lose between 7 and 14 pounds before your hols yet. It would make a difference xx
Hi Lara, have you heard of this book - I Quit Sugar for Life by Sarah Wilson. I've just bought it off Amazon and am reading through it. I'm intending to implement it's principles when I finish with VLCDing. I think it might help you too. Sorry you're having such a rotten time. TBH, I couldn't believe it when you posted how much you'd eaten. I think you're right to be seeking professional help and I hope you get your referral soon. Having said that, you're in a 'normal weight' BMI, you don't look chubby in your reflection, you're only 9lbs above your target weight and you can run a half marathon. All very positive things so don't beat yourself up. It sounds to me like you are bigger in your head than you are in reality whereas I am smaller in my head than I am in reality and always get a huge shock when I see myself in a photo or catch sight of my reflection in a shop window! I sometimes have to do a double take before I realise the fat cow looking back at me is, in fact, me!! LOL.
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