Riddle me this!

Three mountain climbers paid a lot of money to be the first to scale a mountain. After several days of climbing they finally reached the pinnacle, and to their dismay, found a cabin and three frozen bodies. Since the mountain climbers were the first to ever climb the summit, how could this be possible?
More! More!!!!!
The 3 frozen people were dropped there by helicopter? or they were born and lived (and died) there? Or were they not human bodies???
a horse is tied to a 5 metre rope in front of an old saloon. 6 metres behind the horse is a bale of hay.
Without breaking the rope , the horse is able to eat the hay whenever he chooses.
How is this posible?
Either that or they was conned ;)
The rope is attached to the back of the horse. the horse is well over a metre long so can reach the hay easily?
"back of the horse" being the technical term ;)
He isnt eating hay from the bale - his owner gies him all the hay he wants
The rope is only attatched to the horse and nothing else.
the maker doesnt want it, the buyer doesnt use t and the user doesnt see it. what is it?