Rigby restarts


Full Member
I restarted my weight loss at the end of April. I had a great loss the first week, as people usually do, but then despite sticking with calorie counting and exercise I didn't lose so much as an ounce in my second week. I'm staying positive about it, knowing that I'm making progress with my fitness, if nothing else. I'm now pleased to report I've lost another pound!

I thought I'd start a diary on here so that I can keep motivated even if and when the losses are slow. I'm really feeling inspired about exercise at the moment and I think 'bragging' to a diary on here will only help! :)

I'm calorie counting, tracking my intake offline on a spreadsheet, and I'm also exercising. I'm trying to do exercise DVDs at home when I can but am also working on the 'couch to 5k' programme - last night I completed W4D1, so I'm almost halfway through it. I can't believe how quickly the time is going!

Well, like I said before, I'm down 1lb so I'd better update my ticker :D
Thanks, Gentoo!

I've had a good day food-wise today and just done my run - C25K W4D2 is done! That's 5 minutes walking / 3 minutes running / 90 seconds walking / 5 minutes running / 2.5 minutes walking / 3 minutes running / 90 seconds walking / 5 minutes running. I did it :D
I've eaten a few too many calories today (nothing crazy but I know I shouldn't have done it!) but I have just done C25K W4D3. Week four is done!
I'll update my ticker on the computer tonight but I've lost 1lb :)
I'm not enjoying this sudden hot weather! The sunshine is lovely but I'm meant to be running tonight and it's just too hot :(
It's midnight and I've just been for my run. Even at this time it's still too hot for me, I definitely prefer cold weather. I'm dripping with sweat and I've been bitten by midges but I did it. C25K W5D1 is in the bag :D That's a 5min walk, 5min run, 3min walk, 5min run, 3min walk, 5min run, and then a final 5min walk. I can't believe how far I've come, very chuffed :)
I went out for a meal last night and managed to eat quite sensibly, so that was good. Tonight I'm ridiculously tired - I ought to be doing my run tonight but not sure if I have the energy on a Sunday night. I ought to go out, I know I really should do it and then have the night off tomorrow!
I forced myself to go out and run and, as expected, I'm pleased that I did :) C25K W5D2 DONE! I ran for eight minutes twice with a five minute walk in between. It's important for me to remember what an achievement this is and how excited I was when I completed the first run of C25K, when I ran eight minutes in total over the space of half an hour - now I can do eight minutes in one go...twice! :D
Scary run coming up later tonight, bit nervous about this one but excited at the possibility of completing it too :)
C25K W5D3 was the scary one - 20 minutes of running with no pauses or walking in between. Guess who managed to do it? :D I really am amazed. I was a bit apprehensive of this one but the fear was just in my mind. I ran at what I felt was a reasonable pace, not like a snail, and I didn't stop or even want to stop. I didn't collapse at the end of it, I could have run on for a bit longer. Just a few weeks ago it was tough to do 8 x 1min runs with 90 second walks in between. I can't stress enough how much I recommend C25K to anyone.

W5D3 is DONE :D
-1lb :)
I can't believe how far you've come with your running. It's so impressive! Did you enjoy it when you started? Do you enjoy it now? I doubt I could run for a minute let alone as long as you have! Well done on your loss too!


Thank you! I can't really believe it either, if I'm honest! I've enjoyed it the whole time though. I've had some running days that have been better than others - a few aches early on, sore knees when running and then sore muscles the next day, but that has eased now I'm this far in. I really love challenging myself so I look forward to being able to tick each run off my list!

I've lost another 1lb today :D 2lbs in two days makes up for a slow couple of weeks so I'm chuffed with that. My total weight loss for May (including the last few days of April though, which is when I restarted my calorie counting) is 13lb :D I'm hoping to lose another 8lb before the end of June but we'll see :)
C25K W6D1 (5min running, 3min walking, 8min running, 3min walking, 5min running) = done :)
Just done a 25min workout in my living room - 30DS style but with music instead of the DVD :) Tomorrow will be a running night. I'm so pleased I'm doing the C25K - I definitely feel a lot better (fitter, better posture, more confident). I've lost about 0.75" off each calf in just over three weeks (I didn't take measurements when I started C25K but I've been running since the last week in April) and they definitely feel a lot less flabby! :)
I walked a couple of miles this evening too :) Not bad for my exercise 'day off'!
I'm being naughty tonight and having a takeaway tonight with family. I've counted it into my calories - I know they will be higher than they should be today but it's ok as a one-off, I have to remember that. I've done a fair bit of walking today and should be running later too though :)
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