Room for a " large" one??

Hi everyone - bit dissapointed with my weight loss last night :break_diet:- only 1 lb according to my CDC, (but 4 according to me in the morning so thats good) 1/2 inch off everywhere though, so maybe I have a week of weight and a week of inches!!:confused:. Still, its a stone over the 4 weeks so I am on track, :Dand I do feel better for being more in control. Hope everyone else is feeling good, just ordered the 30 day shred dvd - been reading about how it banishes bingo wings!! so will let you know how that goes when it arrives, want to make a start and then take it on holiday with me at the start of October:cool:
Thanks for the welcome guys! I'm starting CD on Thursday this week. I'm a little nervous about the lack of food, and I know I'll struggle with my love addiction to Tia Maria :p but hopefully I'll learn to love weightloss more :) Cheryl Cole (Fight for This Love) is on repeat a lot to remind me that quitting is out of the question!... however I may need my a** kicking from time to time :D Looking forward to sharing our successes and encouraging each other along the way ;)
Hi Zanny - giving up the drink is not as hard as you think it will be :D- not had my normal evening glass of wine for 4 weeks now and I don't miss it - just have to get into different habits!! - keep us posted how you are doing, getting into the swing of it at first is hard but the initial determination does carry you through:):)
hehe thanks Skippydog! Well I went to my CDC tonight and I've got everything I need to get me started tomorrow. I don't remember being this nervous for ages :D but the lady also gave me her business card which on the back has her before and after shots (size 24 - 12)! So inspiring :) I've finished my last bottle of TM tonight for as long as this takes! We can do this, can't we?! ;)
Hi Zanny - YES WE CAN!! :D- glad your CDC is an inspiration, is good to share with someone who has been through it. Also think starting on a Thursday is a good idea - have to say that I started on Wednesday and by the Friday and over the weekend I was feeling pretty tired more than anything:(:( - so don't plan to do much over the weekend if you can help it - (not always possible I know) and then by Monday you'll be in the groove!:)
hello ladies ;) Yes zanny you definitely can do it, you will look great in a few weeks, we'll make sure of that.
Skippy I moved it to the Members only section because this way it can't be googled and I wanted to post some pictures. You need 50 posts to be able to see it I think, so you are not far away. I'll post a new link to it. Thanks for reading it ;)

Have a good day girls, WE can do it ;)
Thanks Illa - I'll keep posting!!.
Just done the first of the 30 day shred - not too bad, managed to keep up most of the time although I didn't have any proper weights so am going to get some tomorrow and try again, I'll keep you posted how I am doing, not sure I'll move up to level 2 until I can do all of level 1 ok, but like dthe fact it was only 20 minutes, was over in no time and makes it easier to fit in!!!
Thanks for the encouragement guys, I need it ;) Got zilch willpower generally! :p

So today was day 1 in the CD house. I made the mistake of having choc mint shake for breakfast which made me feel sick but I think it was the right flavour at the wrong time. I started feeling hungry and developed a mild headache by around 11:30 which hasn't gone almost 12 hours later. I actually enjoyed my vanilla shake for lunch and I'm drinking all the water I should, have to go to the bathroom every 20 mins and feel like if I drink any more it'll come out my ears! Had Cappuchino shake for dinner which I didn't like but that was kinda expected and devoured a mushroom omelette 30 mins later like I'd never seen food before :D I think it stopped me passing out... it does get better ... right? :D

btw haven't really missed my TM shots tonight which is a nice surprise!

Let's all have a great day tomorrow! :)
Hi Zanny welll done on day 1 - it does get better!!. As a tip I think Illa's comments about really appreciating the mouthfuls of food you do have is a good thing - the allowance on SS+ is not much I'm guessing, (I'm just doing SS) so have to make the most of it. If you do a search on something called "Mindful eating" you might find that a help.
Keep it up - lets have a good weekend ladies!!
hey guys, congrats for the losses this week! It's really encouraging to see and no matter how small it may seem it's still moving in the right direction and that's great! Day 2 for me was a lil rough again, but I enjoyed all my shakes (strawberry/banana/butterscotch) today. I felt tired, headachy and a little sick when I finished work, but after the bit of food I'm allowed on SS+, 2 painkillers and a few nice glasses of iced water I started to feel much better :) I had a quick look at the "mindful eating" and it looks very interesting thanks Skippydog, I'll read it in much closer detail next week when hopefully I'll be able to concentrate for more than 5 minutes at a time :D

Glad you had a good day Illa and hope everyone has a great weekend too ;)
hey guys, hope you're all having a great weekend. Day 4 for me and the stick says I'm in K! :) Feeling much better today too, read the 'mindful eating' and actually managed to take it all in without feeling like passing out halfway through lol - very informative thanks Skippy!

Illa that's a great idea and takes us nicely up to Christmas - I'm in! :D