roosnanny wombles back :-)

Thanks! :) Wow such lovely colours in the fish n a pretty undercarriage on the froggy! Is that a tiger barb hiding in the back? Must sneak a pic of mums tank next time I'm round for ya!

yes a couple of die hard tigers,they shouldn't be in there
with the cichlids,however i want to change back to
community and i want a nice big group of mixed barbs,
i really like them,oodles of personality(stop laughing you lot !
erm i heard that..... lol
Wow those frogs are amazing! Such vibrant colourings. Can u handle them or do they have poison? I'm very impressed btw. Wonder what my kitty would make of them?!
personally i wear gloves,as much to protect me,as them.
they are mildly toxic,however noting like the dart frogs you can get,and that i would love to have !
i change the water every week,along with changing the fish tank water too,busy days are sundays lol
the water is treated with a dechlorinator to take out all the things
that we can tolerate lol their food is dusted with vitamin
powders,and they have a daylight bulb for a couple of hours,
they as you can see in one of the pictures,they also eat...crickets,wax worms,garden worms,moths,fruit flies.
What wonderful colours the frogs are, bit different to the frogs in the pond :) also great fish tank and great colour fish x
Amazing pictures!! It's like going to the zoo - you have them so beautifully housed Lainey!! I'm really impressed!! Xx
Morning Lainey - love the pics:D
Morning Lainey, lovely pics there darling.
well bert has pretty much trashed his house,running round like
a nutter,spring is in the air.:D
i'm going to the pound shop tomorrow to get some more fake
silk plants to brighten up the fish tank. :)
i'll take a couple of pics on sunday when i do i all if ya like.
Evening Lainey, we did tank maintenance on Thursday but it could probably do with a full stripdown soon xx

Yours looks a lot more colourful than ours too! xx
Morning Lainey, naughty bert then :)
hay jim, berts being a naughty boy !
he's got terrible twos lol except he's now four :D
frog spawn has hatched,did i say that already ?
got tiny tadpoles swimming,don't know if the pictures will show,
but i'll post them later along with the fish tank,that i'm
pleased to say looks lovely i think,not many people like
fake plants in an aquarium,but i'm not the best at keeping
real ones alive,so if i want colour and longevity then they fit in
just fine with the effect i'm after.did an almost 50% water change
as stirring everything up,made it look awful.and i took a couple
of bits of bog wood out that i suspected were leeching the tennis
(makes the tank water look like tea colour)
so today all things bright and beautiful.
yummy scrambled eggs for breakfast,and i'm off to sainsbos to see if anything takes my fancy today.
hope everyone has a nice day.
catch you later. :D
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piccie time....
first should be frog spawn they look like little half moons,
rest should be fish tank and fish.
apart from the frog tank.


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It is definitely the same tank as we have :) except ours is far less colourful lol. It has got 2 new inhabitants tonight, honey coloured gouramis (sp?) - yours looks very pretty, love the blue fish - what are they?
Wonderful tank Lainey!! Love the colours xxx