Saggy skin??


serial dieter!!!
Hi All, ive lost quite abit of weight in such a short space of time and im noticing the cellulite on my legs is shocking! has anyone heard of anything that could help?
Some one recommended Nivea's cellulite lotion! Its only my legs and bingo wings that the skin doesnt look as toned, im 30 so didnt really expect to bounce back as if it would if i was 18 but even so surely theres something! HELP :confused:
Hi Pinklady.

I have been going on the vibro plates. My skin is so soft now and cellulite is improving.
Its meant to burn 300 cals aswell but I am not that convinced on that part.

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I'm the same, noticing bad skin wrinkles and celulite. I use rescue oil, the same stuff as bio oil but from the £ shop! I have noticed a bit of difference, slightly firmer and a bit more moisturised. But I know I'll never be in a bikini!
I also have wrinkly skin. I have been assured by those who have been there that this will improve drastically once the diet is finished - however - it could take up to 12 months. In the meantime I have been advised by quite a few people to use greek extra virgin olive oil! I have just bought some but haven't given it a go yet. It's wierd what you end up doing on this diet!
I've not heard of using it for that- I've heard of it mixed with sugar for a face pack, and mixed with egg for hair! Will have to try, even cheaper than the rescue oil!
My mum used olive oil throughout all her pregnancies and never got any stretchmarks (5 pregnancies). She is now in her early 70's and still has amazing skin. Just massage it into the skin, think I'm going to try thatas I worry about sagging skin. xx
ohhh what a fab idea with the olive oil! i will try that, i was going to get some bio oil but it is expensive! its mainly the cellulite on my legs that are the problem and the tops of my arms, i know some of it is fat deposits and will look better once ive lost the weight but i think the earlier you start with trying to improve the tone of the skin the better ;) xx thanks will give it a whirl
Hi Sonia,

I remember when i first did a vlcd in 2009 , i was 186lbs and lost nearly 60lbs ... this did have an impact on my skin mainly my (.)Y(.) - boobies lol - however i did do a lot of walking , towards the end running drinking loads of water and using creams and my legs looked great ...after 2 months and upping carbs my boobies filled up again and looked normal ... it's hard but it's a process the body will take time to adjust to the change but no one could ever tell i ever was 13.4 stone (only only 5'2) and people found it very hard to believe and yes i did wear a bikini on holiday ... well done on your loses so far and it will all be worth it .
i can't wait to get back to what i had achieved & more ,
Ive heard it gets better with time , but mainly exercise and drinking lots of water im afraid

I have never seen any research that creams work

Im starting to notice my neck more than anything , but then again I had a double chin before so wasnt happy with it anyway

Im concerned about my baby belly , after 2 csections i have the usual over hang , its obviously got smaller but i cant ever see it pinging back and expect to be left with it , unless i can afford a tummy tuck
In 2009 i dropped from 13st 2, to 8st 6lb very quickly and was left with horrendous loose skin on my tummy.

After 3 large babies and 2 c sections my 'apron' was awful and i HATED my belly button (resembled a cats bum!). The rest of my body had toned up lovely, my legs, arms and face looked great.

I couldn't have lived with my tummy, and so i had a tummy tuck. It was great (still is)... but the scar is huge and you really need to consider what would be worse for you. For me the scar is livable, but others may not find it as desirable.

Cellulite is a completely different problem, everyone has it and without lipo or other expensive treatments there is no quick fix. Creams and lotions won't cure cellulite. Exercise would be the best option.
can you pm me your surgeon please , assuming you were happy with his work , im looking at getting this surgery in a year or so but dont know where to start so a recommendation would be great , and where did you get it done
How much was your tummy tuck if you dont mind me asking x
Well a tummy tuck would be the last resort for me, I have just bought from boots 3 for 3 palmers firming butter for after pregnancy and weight loss, will give that a go religiously for the next few months, noticed on my upper arms today they are looking a bit wrinkly.
I use the vibro plate and am very lucky in the fact that I dont have cellulite, but I make up for that by the spider veins on my legs :-(
I had an awful belly after my pregnancy and it got even worse when i lost 5 stone, was a size 10 with an awful tum. So i had a tummy tuck in 2004..... three years later piled all the weight back on again and more, and its ruined - looks even worse than before my tummy tuck because at least the saggy tum was natural - a product of my pregnancy not a product of my vanity and later gluttony :(
A sobering tale , I guess if you have the surgery then its even more important that you keep the weight off , hopefully when yo lose the weight you will get your lovely tum back