Sams Diary - Back on SS

Hi Sam, you are doing so very, very well, and your birthday meal sounded delicious, but still very protein packed with little carb...well done you!
Drink more and more water to get that puffiness away. Try to massage your hands and feet a little to help get that water retention moving along.

Good luck for the rest of the week!
Day 96

Had my best dieting day for ages yesterday. Stuck to 3 packs, one bouillion. 4 coffees and 5 litres of water. Also managed an hour in the gym. I must say I felt fantastic going to the gym in my size 14's instead of the 20's that I used to go in. i really must make more effort to go more often. Perhaps I could do that in the mornings from next week when Zoe is at nursery.

Zoe had a lovely first morning at Nursery yesterday. She is doing 3 mornings this week and then starts properly doing 5 mornings from next week. She painted a picture and did some sticking and made some friends already so thats good. Im hoping I might make a few new friends there too and the mums I spoke to yesterday all seemed very friendly.

I still havent heard about that other job I applied for. Im going to assume I havent got it now unless i hear otherwise, although you would think out of courtesy that they would write and say I hadnt been successful, so it may just be that they havent made up their minds yet.

Hows everyone else doing today? Dis, Kaz, my partners in weight loss - hope you are still fighting the battle against the bulge and winning...
wow sam! fantastic inch losses...well done!

going to the gym is fab and does make u feel good about urself. i go a few evenings a week but my little one started nursery yesterday as well and I have booked in for the gym for 3 mornings next week for classes (aquafit twice and bodyjam). hopefully i will be able to keep that up every week. must be easier working out in the mornings rather than the evenings?

hope u manage to take some time for urself and enjoy a good gym session.

hello hello sam! well done on your measurements. feels good, doesnt it? yes all is well here in CD/SS land. today anyways. heheh :eek:

i'm taking karens advice, instead of making a weekly goal of lbs, i'm making a goal to make it through the remainder of the week SSing. Any lbs lost is an added bonus! ((i've shared this bit of advice with my mom in she's been beating herself up, biggie style about various things while on CD.))

i'm so pleased to hear you enjoyed your meal. sounds devine. do you still feel nice?? i mean, when i have those days when i eat while on SS, i feel super fat again. isnt it strange? i dont feel as though i still have that "light in my step" feel when im nibbling/eating.

this sunday, i may take back my decision to have a chicken salad. since i had a bad day yesterday, i dont want to add to it, especially the day before WI! i'm terrified!
Day 96

Had my best dieting day for ages yesterday. Stuck to 3 packs, one bouillion. 4 coffees and 5 litres of water. Also managed an hour in the gym. I must say I felt fantastic going to the gym in my size 14's instead of the 20's that I used to go in. i really must make more effort to go more often. Perhaps I could do that in the mornings from next week when Zoe is at nursery.


Sam I've been really struggling to catch up with evryones diary since my hols so apologise for not posting recently.

i read this just now I it pretty well summed up what it's all about.

The benefits you've noticed go much farther than we anticipate.
yuo sound like you've got an inner glow.
day 98

Just a quick update today with my WI results. I have now lost 4 stones and 2lb which takes me to 13st 13lb... my BMI is now 30.5 so I am about to drop out of the obese category which makes me so happy.

I havent been in the 13's for almost 10 years. Still kick myself everyday when I think that I have been grossly overweight for a decade now and the answer (CD) has been available all that time but I didnt know about it.

Anyways, enough for now.

Thanks for catching up Jane and you are right about the inner glow. I still have off days on the diet but on the whole I feel fantastic!!
Brillant..well done Sam.....great weigh loss. Bet your grinning from ear to ear, and I don't blame you 1 bit..
WELL DONE!!! god i cant wait to be in the 13s. uve earned this. well done xxxx
;) most definately!
woow!! im so proud of how far youve come!! it was one thing to see our tickers be at twenty something, like a massive achievment. but to see your ticker nearly at a whopping 60lbs!!!! words of amazement escape me!!

well done to you!!!
morning Sam. Still glowing?
woow!! im so proud of how far youve come!! it was one thing to see our tickers be at twenty something, like a massive achievment. but to see your ticker nearly at a whopping 60lbs!!!! words of amazement escape me!!

well done to you!!!

You are only a couple of days and a couple of pounds behind me Dis. We have come so far havent we. Who'd have thought it back in June when we were the newbies that we could be doing as well as those that were a few months ahead of us. CD Rocks!!

morning Sam. Still glowing?

yep. Still glowing Jane, thanks.

Got to sort my wardrobe out AGAIN this morning as more stuff needs to go to the charity shop now. Im determined to get rid of stuff as soon as it is too big as I dont want to have any excuses at all to put any of this weight back on.

Ive been re thinking my target over the past couple of days and Im not going to make any rush decisions but I may decide not to go as low as planned. I am already a size 14 (who would have though that was possible a couple of months ago) and at 5ft 7 I dont think I need to be too much smaller.

Dont worry though, Im not ready to give up the good fight yet!
its funny you mention it sam. i was shopping for a pair of trousers that fit me yesterday, for the first time since losing nearly 4st. i had no idea what my size was and all i could think of was that you were in the 14s already! wow! and oh my, i dont know where the weight has dropped from but it certianly hasnt been from the lower half!!! size 20 in some trousers, size 18 in others. i was alittle disappointed but that was quickly overcome with the knowledge that i'm smaller, none the less. :)

so i was rethinking my target. i'm not going to change it at this point. will have to get to my 155 goal first. ((is that even considered to be small these days? hell, ive been so large for so long, it would feel as though i was kate moss. hehehehehe
anyways, at this rate, having lost nearly 4 stone, and STILL at a large trouser size, perhaps means i will have to lose more than planned. again, we'll see. ((i'm all of 5' 4" and defo pear...always have been smaller on top...))

alrighty, i must attempt to take washing out to the garage (where the dryer this crazy crazy rain!))
isnt is funny how we all distribute our weight in different places. I am a classic hourglass shape (its lovely to see it emerging now all the weight is starting to go) Big boobs, narrow(er) waist and then out again on the hips.

I havent really decided what weight I would like to be, but I know that I want to start concentrating on trying to tone up now and trying to be a little more active and getting to the gym more regularly. I used to go to the gym frequently before SSing so although I was very heavy I was solid and not at all flabby. Now I am very flabby indeed and I need to get to work on that, although it does all seem to be shrinking in the right proportions.

its a tough call. I feel almost like a cheat if I quit short of my target ( I have already reduced it once) and yet I feel if I get all the way down to target I will be too slim...

I'll keep plodding on for now anway as I am still at least 20lb from where I want to be.
well done sam
size 14`s is my dream i`m hoping to get there by xmas time
like you i have an hour glass shape and most of my weight has come of my waist
you keep going girl you are a true star

kaz :hug99:
Totally understand your internal debate.
you may only know where you want to be when you get there.
Bear in mind that s14 today equtes to at least a s16 from your youth as clothes have got bigger. = 'vanity sizing'

On the other hand to cheer up poor demoralised Dis once she breaks through the s 18 barrier the jumps between sizes seems to be rather less so you will come tumbling down them much quicker.

You've both done incredibly well even though my DIY-marathon has prevented me from coming on line much recently to tell you so.