Sam's Diet Journal 2008

Week 10 - Day 5 (Tuesday)

I'm feeling positive about my achievement and my future weight reduction. I hopped on the scales this morning - the weight hasn't changed, but it doesn't bother me as I know if I continue to do what I've done so far it will fall off!

Yesterday was really hectic as I had a meeting to attend after work, orders to pack and slot in a bit of exercise and home life too.

Now normally I wouldn't have given exercise a second thought on a busy night. As soon as I got in, I shifted DH away from the tv and got the Wii Fit out. I only did half an hour, but I had a real feeling of achievement that I had made the right decision and hadn't been distracted from where I want to be.

This positive thinking really seems to be working for me!
am so glad to hear it :) the weekend went fine. i had two shakes and a chicken salad on both days so pretty good. of course i haven't lost a sodding thing. not a THING this week. so i'm rather down about it :(

i can't believe with the amount of calories i have(not) been eating that my weight wouldn't go down...

abz xx
Abz - perhaps that is the problem, that you're not actually taking enough calories in?

I don't know that I mentioned. I had a new car on Friday. A new Fiat 500 1.4 sport. I've called her Chaz as she is in a Cha Cha Azure colour.
ha. very nice :)

i have considered this as i've started going to step aerobics and it's since then that my weight loss has slowed... but my cdc is away. when she gets back i'll talk to her about it but until then i'm just going to have to keep plodding along...

abz xx
:( oh, plodding is not good, is there anybody on here that you can ask?
well i know what everyone will say because it's what i say to everyone but my cdc is the one that has been monitoring me. i don't feel tired or ill or anything. my weight loss just isn't that fast. so i'm not doing myself any harm that i can tell. i'm going to stay with one of my friends in newcastle for five days now so i'll see how i go while i'm there as i won't be able to weigh myself, ha. i've brought my water flavouring so hopefully i'll be able to drink a bit more today :)

how is your day going? any plans for the weekend sam?

abz xx
Hi Abz. No plans for Saturday other than catching up with housework! Sunday is my craft club day, so I'll be brain dead by the time I get home.

I hopped on the scales this morning, there is still no movement, even though I've been really good. Fingers crossed it will show on Friday.

Have a good time at your friends.
i am grabbing a few moments while she's in the shower, hee. i'm sure there will be a drop by friday hon. you've been doing so well!! glug some extra water. that always helps in emergencies :D

abz xx
Abz - I scale hopped again this morning and I've dropped a pound so hope I can retain the loss for tomorrow. Enjoy yourself.
Weigh-in day - End of Week 10

I have lost 1lb this week. I feel it should be more as I've been good, however I did lose 6lbs last week so I guess it all evens out.

The loss this week, takes my total to 25lbs in ten weeks of dieting. I have moved from a size 24 to a size 20 and reduced my waist measurement by four inches, which makes it all seem very worth while:)
wow sam. that's great :D

it's my first official weigh in in a month tomorrow. think i will only have lost half of what i wanted to in that time so that's a bit disappointing but we'll see :)

well done on your lb. a lb is a lb is a lb... and nigh on 2 stone in 10 weeks is an amazing achievement :D

abz xx
I guess you're right:)

I feel I'm not totally into it at the mo and could easily slip if I don't turn the mood around.

Good luck for your weigh-in:)
Abz - how did you manage while you were with your friends?
not too badly. i had three gin and slimline tonics and a bit of chicken over the course of five days. it could have been a lot more messy than that!! ha. you should have seen what i resisted!! :D have lost about 2.5lbs this week i think, but then it's hard to tell really. i'll just see what she says tonight and update my ticker properly. i haven't done so for a while. my scales tend to be more forgiving in any case... so it's possible i've lost even less than i think!!

abz xx
Well done Abz - I've noticed your ticker has moved:)
ha. very very slightly. i still haven't hit the 2 bloody stone mark. it's eluding me!! i lost 7.5lbs in a month. great unless you are torturing yourself on cd so now i have a meal too. my cdc has increased my calorie intake as we think that might be why i'm not losing much and my metabolism needs a kick up the bottom!! so i'm on three shakes/soups whatever and a small meal in the evening. last night it really did look like a tiny amount but i was sooo full.

i have to work until 6 instead of 5 tonight and i keep forgetting so i have an hour longer to work than i thought :(

my water drinking has been naff so far today. i need to get onto that but it's so cold in here at the mo it's really difficult. might make myself a peppermint tea or something..

abz xx
Abz - I did wonder if it were lack of calories/food that was making your loss slower than expected. At least you're trying an alternative. Fingers crossed for a good loss next time.

Well I have chickened out of weighing this week. Earlier in the week I had dropped 1lb, but since then I've been on an eating mission - so rather than feeling more disheartened I have decided not to weigh but to try and tackle it head on this week.
good luck with that sam. as long as you're sure not weighing in will spur you on rather than the opposite. i am the opposite. if i don't face up to what my habits are doing then i just keep on going!! but you are made of far sterner stuff than me :)

you are doing fabulously. you know your own mind and body. i'm sure the next week will get rid of any of this week's damage and a good loss on top :)

as for me, i'm only half a lb heavier than i was at last weigh in so hopefully the next couple of days will see some kind of weight loss before i get weighed again as long as i keep the water up...

abz xx