Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

Oh misses! Get yourself to the docs! migraines and fainting?! Get yourself checked out!

other than the nasties it sounds like your weekend was lovely , and your mum's food parcel bless her..sound's yummy!!

hope you are feeling good today!!
I loved all your pics from your weekend on FB! Looks like you had the perfect mix of romance, family and friend time!
NOT cool about the fainting though...are you getting yourself to the docs again?!
Your mum sounds the best....lamb and potatoes! She knows how to look after her girlie xxx
Thanks loves. It definitely worried me so will be trying to get a docs appointment for Thursday when I'm WFH. There's only one decent female doctor at our practice so it can be a struggle to get a slot with her, but I'm going to do my best! xxx
Not a clue, Pip. I had gone to bed feeling great (quite tipsy!!), then woke up at 4am incredibly thirsty, so I went to get a drink of water. I remember standing in the bathroom feeling really dizzy but thinking I had just drunk too much, but the next thing I knew, I was laying on the floor with Dave stroking my forehead telling me to wake up. He said I called him and luckily he came into the bathroom just in time to catch me before I hit the deck!

I've just called the doctor but she can't fit me in until next Tuesday - at least I've got an appointment though. And it's 7.10am so I can be at work on time!

I was going to fast today, but I'm rubbish and I'm not! So only one fast day for me this week - tomorrow as I'm having my nails done after work and it's dancing so no time to be hungry!! xxx
Sorry to hear about you fainting it's a scary feeling hope your okay!!
Don't worry about fast days just get yourself better Xxx
Maybe until the fainting/migraines are under control, ignore TDEE/fasting and stick with eating the no. of cals MFP advises for 1-2lb weight loss a week.

Safer, less risky option!

You poor thing though Sarah, that's really scary. I'm so glad Dave was there to catch you and make sure you were ok. I'm worried about you!! xx
I've never ever felt like that after drinking before...and you know what Dave and I are like for getting on the wine, so I'd be surprised. I did wonder if it was dehydration as I didn't drink much water? But that seems a bit of an extreme reaction! I honestly don't know. Hoping the doc can shed some light for me next week!

You're so right about the weekends being hard...I'm really struggling. I nearly cried at the number on the scales this morning!! xxx
And I'm really sorry I sound like such a moaning old bag lately...I feel like all I do is whinge about being poorly or stressed or whatever! It must be mega boring for you all! I love you all for sticking with me despite me being a broken recond! xxxx
Looks like you had a fabulous weekend lovely, your photo's on IG were so cute!!! Agree with the others, you definitley need to get yourself back to your GP. Take it easy xxx
Dont you be ridiculous little lady! you are none of the above and we are all concerned about you so want to hear how you're doing and are all here to support you 100%.
Very glad you've got your appt booked in and Lil's advice re CC and not fasting sounds pretyy good in the circumstances xxxx
Dont be silly gorgeous, sometimes we all need to vent about work, illness, silliness - you are a strong woman, and am sure you'll be on top again soon.
It's good that you've got into the Dr's and hopefully they can sort those pesky migraines out.

I'm not having a fst day either today so it's probably for the best too chick.
So glad you had a great weekend gorgeous girl but book to the fainting. I hope the Drs can give some answers. Have you ever had blood sugar levels and things checked as when mine are really crappy it can bring on my headaches and dizziness. Not nice at all. Make sure they don't just try and brush it off!

Oh and god yeah please stop with all the moaning (;) )... that you don't do!!! You are always so positive and happy so have noting to apologise for xx
You girls are the best - honestly!!

Just been emailing one of my besties and she's asked if it might be the glandular fever rearing it's ugly head as I've been spreading myself pretty thin. Need to write down a few examples of how I've been feeling to tell the doc. Tempted to take Dave with me too in case she makes me have a blood test...they literally have to hold me down for those and I'm likely to hit the deck so will need him to drive me home/to work!

Awe Hun, glad some parts of your weekend was great, and so pleased you weren't on your own when you fainted .. You certainly aren't a moaner chick, really hope the doc can pin point what's going on xx
Do you think you should ask for a referral to a consultant? I was misdiagnosed with vertigo for over a year, as soon as I saw a consultant he was very clear I didn't have it but migraines and since I have actually known what the problem is it has been much better as I have medication specific to my kind of migraine (vestibular) and I would never have got to this stage by just seeing a gp. I paid £150 to have a consultation as it was seriously affecting my life, I was off work once a month for up to a week at a time for over a year and for a couple of periods where is was a month or more that I was off work for.