SA's 810 and beyond diary a.k.a My daily kick up my own behind ;-)

Bless you,loving your letter to yourself, decided it was for me too, cos Iam selfish that way.
Congrats on doing so well, darling please could you tell me what size jeans your in now and your top size, just so I can be alittle more jealous.
Day 22

So, my first day on 1000 with lots of lovely starchy carbs waiting for me and...I go and eat two CD cranberry bars for my dinner :rolleyes:

Have hubby's grandparents coming round for a meal tomorrow and will not have time to do all the cooking and housework before they arrive. Therefore today I got in from work and made steak pie filling, a plain beef stew for me to have instead of the pie, and a bakewell tart (all from scratch) for tomorrow's meal. By the time I'd done all that the last thing I wanted to do was start cooking again for myself...

I did have a few new carbs today though - had plain fat-free yoghurt instead of milk allowance and topped it with frozen mixed berries - delicious!

I also turned down the mountains of luscious looking choccy cakes that someone had brought into the office for their birthday.

My biggest concern about this step was "Oh no, no ketosis to keep my mind in check so I'll be swapping lots of calories for stuff I shouldn't have yet" which hasn't happened. So all in all I am pleased with how my first 1000 day went, not ideal of course but it could have been soooo much worse if I'd let my sabotage head have its way. :)

Thought for the day:

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections."
Hi hon,

Glad you enjoyed the berries! ;-) Fruit is lovely! What fruit are you allowed on 1000? All sorts? Or low GI?

Fruit rules! :)

Fruit does indeed rule! I have to be careful what I have because my teeth are super-sensitive so the acid in most fruits hurts them. Today I've had mainly blueberries - they're not in the CD book but CDC said they were ok and calorie/carb values are comparible to other fruits. I also had some grapes and raspberries which are allowed as well. We can also have kiwis, strawberries, peaches, apples, kiwi, mango etc - even bananas are in there!
Hi hon,

Shame they make your teeth hurt! :) Sounds like it's mostly low GI.. well except the banana and mango I think, not 100% about the mango.

I love seedless white grapes.. strawberries, raspberries.... fruiiiiiiit.


Day 23

The meal with hubby's Grandparents went okay tonight. Managed to stick to my planned food for today without feeling too deprived and I saved a toffee CD bar for when the after-dinner choccies were brought out.

Finally got round to signing up for Race For Life in June, which I will be doing in memory of Dad. It falls on Father's Day which is appropriate :eek:. My aim is to run the course this year so I will try and go out for a jog some time tomorrow (or in reality that should read as the odd outburst of jogging in between rather a lot more walking!).

I was doing my usual ponderings whilst walking the dogs this afternoon and it suddenly struck me that it has actually only been three months since Dad died. In a way it feels like a lot longer, probably because Christmas and New Year has been and gone during that time. I think I've been too hard on myself with regard to my emotional ups and downs and frustrations - maybe if I allow myself to simply feel what I need to feel then I can start to perk up a little...both with CD and in general.

Thought for the day:

"Reality is the mirror of your thoughts. Choose well what you put in front of the mirror".
Thank the lords, you have finally realised you are too hard on yourself, its time to give yourself a break young lady.

As for race for life, lots of peeps just walk it, most running sites suggest running,jogging for a short time, then walking for about double that,then run again, so you dont risk injury and can build up to being able to run fully.
Finally got round to signing up for Race For Life in June, which I will be doing in memory of Dad. It falls on Father's Day which is appropriate :eek:. My aim is to run the course this year so I will try and go out for a jog some time tomorrow (or in reality that should read as the odd outburst of jogging in between rather a lot more walking!). ...

well done you on signing up...Hope it goes well!!
Hi babe!

I hope you're doing well today and enjoying your added carbs!! You're doing fabulous so far, you're a star and I'm really proud of you!

Well done signing up for that race, I have no idea what it is but I've heard others about it so it must be a big deal :)

Day 24

To quote the late, great Victor Meldrew "I don't belieeeeeeve it!!" :D

I literally dragged myself out of the house today to go for my first jog in years. I wore 3 (count 'em - 3!!) bras to keep "the girls" from trying to jog home without me (1 normal bra with 2 shock absorber bra-tops over it).

So off I set with the intention of doing the whole "run a bit walk a bit" type of thing, then told myself I'd try to keep jogging until the end of the 1st song on my MP3 player. And then the next...and the next...before I knew it I'd actually jogged just under 6km in 40 minutes without stopping even once! :eek:

I must have looked like a total loon for the last 1/4 of my journey as I just couldn't stop myself from grinning - although I've done a few exercise DVDs throughout my CD journey this was honestly so unexpected that I feel really good about it albeit a little sore.

Bearing in mind that 6 months ago I couldn't even walk the 10 minutes from the car park into the office without going really slowly so that I wouldn't be a bucket of sweat when I arrived - I am absolutely astounded.

My revised fitness goal is to get my time down by as much as I can before the race in June...

Thought for the day:

"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
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Serena well done babe that is FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 25

Ouch ouch ouch.....after yesterday's jogfest I have been walking cowboy-stylee today a la John Wayne. No pain no gain as they say...still, it's good to know that I've obviously put some little-used muscles to work! I can also blame this week's inevitable weight gain on water retention from my muscles having to repair themselves (nothing to do with all the lovely carbs I've had this week of course). :D

I finally used my mini wok for the first time since buying it a few weeks ago and it's ace - I fried some rice in it which I had with mushroom stroganoff (made with mushrooms, CD veg stock, a few herbs and some fat free Greek yoghurt).

Thought for the day:

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."
oooh, that stroganoff sounds fab... one day!!! And you definitely earned it with that run yesterday! Fab stuff, Serena!
Serena I am wondering how much of a gain you had and is it your first since moving up the plans. I am going on holiday soon and am going to refeed myself in about 2 weeks which is 2 weeks before I fly.

Serena I am wondering how much of a gain you had and is it your first since moving up the plans. I am going on holiday soon and am going to refeed myself in about 2 weeks which is 2 weeks before I fly.


Hi - I hope you have a nice holiday! Where are you going?

I don't get weighed until Thursday but I know I'll have put on because of the carbs and I can also feel that my jeans etc are a little tighter this week round my tummy.

I just view it as being one of those things. I'd much rather get the glycogen/water weight back on me now whilst I still have a little more to lose i.e. still a clear goal to aim for, rather than do 810 just to hit a certain number on the scales and then have to find the extra willpower to deal with the water gain/being "free" to eat what I want having got to goal/having to hit target all over again.

Sorry - that wasn't a lecture at you! Was just started thinking out loud then...I'm sure you'll be fine!


Don't want to intrude buttt... I gained 3,3lbs waterweight (give or take) back! Am gradually losing it again, may already have lost that amount of weight again, but not in water. You'll be fine Bren! :)

Serena, I love your new title! :D You're doing so well!!

Are you still in pain from your little running adventure???


Don't want to intrude buttt... I gained 3,3lbs waterweight (give or take) back! Am gradually losing it again, may already have lost that amount of weight again, but not in water. You'll be fine Bren! :)

Serena, I love your new title! :D You're doing so well!!

Are you still in pain from your little running adventure???


You're always welcome to intrude on my thread my little snotbunny xx

Still sore from the run and I've eaten too much fruit today so teeth hurt too now :(