SA's 810 and beyond diary a.k.a My daily kick up my own behind ;-)

Please don't stop posting on your help me and others keep on track! No pressure but pls don't!!!! x
I have been on such a journey myself and working on the inside is so much harder than the work you do on the outside you.

Hi Cee

It's so true isn't it? For me, my outside appearance is merely a reflection of what's going on inside just in the same way that a smile will usually indicate that I'm happy or a frown that I'm sad. If I feel sad then the answer is not merely "stop frowning then" any more than the answer to my obesity was merely "eat less".

Also very glad to know you will go on posting

Please don't stop posting on your help me and others keep on track! No pressure but pls don't!!!! x

Thank you both, it's great to have some mutual support and encouragement :)
I'm still reading this, don't always know what to post. Just wanted to say hello and well done on your maintenance so far xx
:eek: Serena. You have to keep posting. Sorry and all that, but you're definitely needed ;) may be off the shakes, but this means you are on the next step. Each step is a bit of a challenge there.

I know that feeling of security with just having one shake. It's like your last crutch has been taken away.

I'm aware that I often talk about how I don't count anything...cals etc, but I did at this point for quite a few months after finishing Cambridge. It was really useful helping me get those portion sizes right and seeing that I could have a varied way of eating. I would have struggled going totally non CCounting.

So no need to rush, just remember what you're aiming for, and enjoy lots of different stuff. Watch what your body is doing, how certain foods can affect how you feel, or whether they satisfy you or not.

Still loads to talk about :p
what happens now for u then do u still see ur cdc?
So no need to rush, just remember what you're aiming for, and enjoy lots of different stuff. Watch what your body is doing, how certain foods can affect how you feel, or whether they satisfy you or not.

Still loads to talk about :p

You've hit the nail on the head there, there really is no need for me to rush. Which is ironic really (call Alanis Morisette again!) because most of us give CD a go in order to try shifting the weight as quickly as possible!

But it's not about that is it...for me the weight was simply an external manifestation of my issues with food - there are no quick fixes for my head and there doesn't need to be.

I need to take it day by day, just like before when I was on sole source, and accept that some days will feel easier than others. :)
what happens now for u then do u still see ur cdc?


My CDC has encouraged me to keep going to see her every week just to be weighed and measured - at least until I've settled into maintaining for a bit.

I'm not sure yet how long I'll do this for - I don't want to feel like I'm still "on a diet" which I'm worried might lead me down a path of yo-yoing again. But I'll cross that bridge if I come to it...
well u have done amazing hun ur a true inspiration xx
But it's not about that is it...for me the weight was simply an external manifestation of my issues with food - there are no quick fixes for my head and there doesn't need to be.

Whoa... me too, me too! I know quick fixes aren't always lasting ones... gotta be patient... but yes, the important stuff is what's going on on the inside. That's been the biggest journey and the toughest one, all along. Thanks Serena & KD.

Day 81

I've had a couple of comments lately - one today and one last week, both from people trying to lose weight themselves. Basically both in effect saying "So when are you going to put the weight back on; it's only a matter of time after that type of diet isn't it?" Those weren't the words used but the up-and-down scrutiny accompanied by an almost imperceptible frown said it all.

I know I have done this for me and my health, and boy do I feel better for it, but the chance to make the doubters eat their words will be the icing on their fat-free yet sugar-laden cakes.

Thought for the day:

"In each moment we are given the opportunity to choose our future."
Basically both in effect saying "So when are you going to put the weight back on; it's only a matter of time after that type of diet isn't it?" Those weren't the words used but the up-and-down scrutiny accompanied by an almost imperceptible frown said it all.

Funny you should say this. Saw someone today who was doing another diet when I did CD. She did a few of these comments at the time, indicating that at least she would keep the weight off (as opposed to me :rolleyes:)

Well...she's put it all back on, and more :(

As I always say, it's not the diet that guarantees maintenance, it's what you do after the diet.

Feel sorry for her really as she's so convinced her way is the only way to ensure she'll keep the weight off, regardless of the fact that it hasn't worked so far :confused:
Feel sorry for her really as she's so convinced her way is the only way to ensure she'll keep the weight off, regardless of the fact that it hasn't worked so far :confused:

I guess that's another example of that "definition of insanity" quote - I know I've been guilty of that many times before when it comes to my dieting history.

I am still having the ups and downs too but you said it well, the mind set really is the same as with ss, day by day.

That's all we can do isn't it - it's good to plan and look forward to things but ultimately if we take things a day at a time the outcome will take care of itself.

Hi darling, just wanted to say loving your new sig picture, very sexy!

Thanks - I'm feeling brave at the moment! x
Tis indeed a fabby pic - go Serena!

Great post/blog Serena, I hope that i'll be able to do the same as you!! Maintainance is the biggest worry for me and I've still got 2.5 stone to lose! I'll read and re-read your post in the future just so I can follow a very clever bunny! xx
Funny isn't it. People have this 'ideal' of how to lose weight and they think every other way must be wrong. In my case though, the first time I did CD I got a comment that its not sustainable. I did put the weight back on because I fell pregnant but the person eventually has resorted to CD as well!! It gave me great joy to remind her about her comment back then.
Serena, the time will come when they'll be asking you for advice on how to do what you've done. What an incentive!
Day 82

Found a rogue CD soup sachet lurking in the cupboard (chicken & mushroom - could have been worse!) so I had it as part of my dinner tonight with some sweetcorn in it...gawd I'd forgotten how much I'd gone off the CD soups towards the end :drool: Ooops wrong smiley... :yuk:

One good thing is that it did serve as a gentle reminder that as much as I have loved CD, I'm glad that particular part of my journey is done and I will do my darndest to make sure it stays that way!

It's like an old boyfriend...great at the time but I'd prefer not to go down that road again!

Thought for the day:

"The only person you need answer to is yourself."
Day 83

Got through my first week on 1800. Well, technically I did as in I stuck to my calories, BUT I have been seriously carb-heavy this week as in bread based foods, biccies and white pasta. Still had my lean proteins, fat free yoghurt, 5 daily portions of fruit/veg blah blah but I feel huge at the moment.

I'm sure I remember reading/seeing somewhere that when you come off CD you start filling out a little as your body settles down even if you don't put on weight as such. That's definitely happening with me - the skin on my chest, tummy and thighs is much less crepey than it was and my cheeks have filled out too.

Clothes still fit the same though which puzzles me?? My jeans felt really tight during my first week on the 1000 step (which settled down after a few days) but now they're as loose as ever?

Confused :confused:

Thought for the day:

"How do you measure success?"