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stupidly bought some cheap scales and I've apparently put 20lbs on over night, I'm like looking in the mirror mm do I look fatter?? Nope! Now I've got to wait for my daughter to get up to see what they weigh her at. If she's the same I'm chopping my leg off that should sort the weight gain out
hahaha! i bought ww digital them for £20. I weigh different on every tile in my i still to the lightest tile lol!
And i weigh 5lb less than i do on the chemists!!!! x
The chemists weighed me at half a stone more than my ancient scales at home :,( but then my mum said they weighed her at half a stone more than the gym did, so we're hoping it's just the chemist that's wrong!
I reckon the best thing to do is to not have any scales at home what so ever, it's just too tempting. All scales are different so best to just keep to the ones at the chemist :)
My home scales track my weight online - while it's a great incentive, they're quite unreliable so it seems like I've gained 10lb in an hour sometimes! When tracking my weight on here I stick with the measurements of the pharmacist's scales, but I still use my home ones to register my weight loss online. It draws a graph, it's nice to see it going down :)