Total Solution Scared of weighing myself. Help x

This is the place to rant !!!
The very nature of this type of forum, is, that its as private or open as you want. You decide !
This is also the place to think, I find.
I whitter on about no end of rubbish on my diary.
But it helps me. N
ot only does it keep me out of the kitchen.
But it keeps me sane.
I also find it helpful when others have their point of view to any of my thoughts.
Sometimes you can run a thought around in your head for long enough, without a solution... post on here, and then someone states the obvious that you couldn't see !!
And if you still find that you cant weigh your self, dont feel guilty about it.
You will be able to tell in your clothes when the weight is coming off.
Could you take your measurements instead ? O
r take a picture that you dont look at, of the numbers on the scales, for the future ?
Or even ask someone to note down your weight, and keep it until you are ready to look at it ?
Keep posting whatever, even if you dont post your weight, or even weigh yourself.
It really does help :)
I need to set some goals but ive get to get on the scales 1st! Id like to be between 9.7 and 10stone. Thats 8 stone ive got to lose. Such a big amount!!
I need to set some goals but ive get to get on the scales 1st! Id like to be between 9.7 and 10stone. Thats 8 stone ive got to lose. Such a big amount!!

But not impossible !
Break it down into smaller amounts.
I used BMI points, but others use each stone, or something else that is significant to them.
One of the forumites - Cybil - used to buy a hellium ballon with that number of how many stones she had lost when she got there. I do believe she did get to 8 ;)
I have 12stone to lose.... that's A LOT and right now im feeling just the same as you... I cant see me ever EVER managing to get it off no matter how positive I sound. I just don't actually see my doing it :( I am going to take one day at a time and I want to be successful more than anything... I really hope I have it in me to this time do it! Every year I say the same thing and nothing ever changes... just need to get on with it and get it done :) xxx
Oh wow.. reading that nearly made me cry... she has done AMAZING!!! I really hope this time next year I am putting up my success story. I cant wait for my products to arrive tomorrow and get started :) Thanks for that dreamer xxx
You're welcome :) Never doubt yourself, You can do it, we all can. Best of luck hun xx
I think poppy and hate bering fat are brave ladies! To even come on here takes courage let alone face up to where they are. My hat goes off to you both you are the inspiration to get started! Come on we can do it...I have 5 stones to loose soil hoping we can all do it together
I agree, we can all do this together and get rid of this extra weight :) xxxx