Scary thoughts on surgery


Full Member
After reading everyone's stories on here about surgery after weight loss, I'm very slightly scared. I currently weigh 18st13lb, i have a tummy of course, big legs at the top. So i assumed naturally once all the weight is lost i will have saggy tummy and loose skin. Is there any way possible of getting rid of it without having surgery as i have no way got that kind of money.

I know im thinking way way ahead but was just wondering.
Unfortunately, in most cases only cosmetic surgery to excise the skin will work. There is a limit to how much skin will spring back after having been stretched. I had mine done years ago and I am glad i did it. It have me so much confidence and made me took better in clothes, out of clothes is another thing due to the scars. Good luck.
Ms_Tigeretta, have the scars healed well for you?