Scottie's Exante Journey - Phase 2!

Despite what happens tonight and what the scales may say in the morning, I just wanted to remind myself that I have lost 5.5 stone since I started my journey a couple of years ago :party0038::banana dancer:

Please feel free to slap me/remind me of this fact if I'm moaning anytime soon!!

hey hun , hope you enjoy your day off , we all need it sometimes and I had a chinese last night as we had friends round , and then a small bowl of ben and jerrys ( OMG was fantastic ) and today I am back on track no problems , so I am sure you can do it :D

How is the TOTM problem going ?? I know VLCD can boost your fertility , due to the hormones released during fat metabolism , but I dont think it actually effects the effectivness of contraception , so if you have taken your pill right you should be fine . I know VLCDs mess with your TOTM completelly , and when I did it last time I had a TOTM that didnt stop for 5 months :/ so I am guessing thats whats happening with you , although if you are still worried a first response test should give you an answer :D
Hi Scotminx
Just checking in for the first time in a couple of days... wow a lot going on! Probably should do a pregnancy test the day before your holiday, as if breakthrough bleeding was implantation bleeding a test should show positive by then!
good luck xx
Hey Hun just catching up, you are doing great :)
I had spotting a few days before my period last month (never had this before) and mine does tend to be heavier anyway on this diet so hopefully it'll be nothing :)
Hello scottie!!!! How are you doing lady??? Enjoy your meal yesterday?? come on tease us all...what did you have!?!?!? YUM my mouths watering just thinking about it and I don't even know what you had! :D xx
Hey everyone,

Thanks for popping in to see how I'm doing - you're all fab! I don't know how I ended up getting myself in such a mess over the bleeding, but I've settled myself now as it's virtually impossible to get pregnant when taking the pill properly. I guess a small part of me probably wanted it to be true, but I have accepted that it's not and that my period will be here on Friday (or before thanks to exante!). Me and OH will get to having kids eventually but will get married first and I'll look fabulous walking down the aisle with my new skinny figure! (He just needs to propose now ;))

So, on Sunday I really enjoyed my day off. Had a small carb munch to start with of 2 crumpets as that was honestly all I could manage, but then the hunger monster returned and I chomped down a 9" pizza and a single size tub of Ben n' Jerry's. Yum... As much as I enjoyed it though, I wasn't so keen on the dehydrated feeling and the furry mouth the next day. Just goes to show how bad junk food really is for you!

Got straight back on the exante wagon on Monday and now have 2 WS 100% days under my belt. Scales are still showing that I'm 1.5lbs up, but I think my glycogen stores must be pretty big! However, going for 100% TS today so hoping it will be gone soon. Getting into ketosis hasn't been as tough this time either, just slightly headachy and positive for ketones already this morning so fingers crossed!

Hope you all have a good day today!

Hey Scotminx
Great to hear that you could have a few carby treats and get back on track afterwards - I still haven't dared try this but trying to imagine a lifetime without a pizza or slice of toast is hard! Whats great as well is that your portion sizes sound spot on - a small pizza and little tub of ice cream is exactly what my skinny friends would eat as a treat (and totally not what the pre-exante me would have had!!!)
Hope all going well today, on the home-straight now before your hols...
Welcoem back scottie!!!! And well done on your monster munch!!! It sort of teaches you that you don't really even like what you're eating doesn't it! You'll have a great loss this week still too as you're only 1.5up which is FANTASTIC!!!!!!

Awww best of luck with your 100% day'll do it and we all know you will :D xxx
Hey scottie
Not sure if I should mention it but I have heard of quite a few people getting sprogged up whilst on the pill and a VLCD so it does seem possible, probably best to check it out x

:eek::eek: Well I've kinda told myself now that it's pretty impossible and think I should just stick with that or I'll drive myself nuts!! TOTM due Friday so if it doesn't appear I'll take a test. Thanks for the heads up DQ, that's quite scary!

Definitely on track for 100% TS today - 1 shake and 1 bar down. Just about to have another shake and not that hungry which is good. Had a blinding headache though so I think K is coming back big time!

Will pop back on later to catch up with everyone's diaries!

scotminx said:
:eek::eek: Well I've kinda told myself now that it's pretty impossible and think I should just stick with that or I'll drive myself nuts!! TOTM due Friday so if it doesn't appear I'll take a test. Thanks for the heads up DQ, that's quite scary!


Yeah i'm scared too I'm always doubly careful when on the diet
hey , glad you enjoyed your meal , it doesnt take long to get back into ketosis , i had a chinese ( including chips ) and a bowl of ben and jerrys on saturday and still lost 3 lb this week ... its getting back on track that some people find tough but I seem to find it pretty easy :D
keep up the good work :)
Definitely on track for 100% TS today - 1 shake and 1 bar down. Just about to have another shake and not that hungry which is good. Had a blinding headache though so I think K is coming back big time!

Will pop back on later to catch up with everyone's diaries!

hello nice to read you are doing well :)
100% TS done! Bed time now... :)

Feeling good that I have a 100% TS day under my belt but haven't WI this morning as I'm having pooh issues again :(. Taken some movicol though so will let that do its magic and then WI tomorrow after another 100% day today - bring it on!!!

Hope you all have a good day :)

Hey Scotminx
Well done on your TS days, every one helps the scales go in the right direction!
Just thinking about the toilet issues.... don't know as I'd never tried it but movicol wouldn't get in the way of your pill working would it? Like when people get a tummy bug and it stops it working?
Sorry to add more paranoia to your brain!!!!
Have a good day
Doing fabulously as always Scottie ;) xx
Missed you scottie!!!!!!Glad to hae you back (even though it was just a day!!) I've missed your brilliantness!!! hehe!!!!

Well done for getting straight back to it too, that's fantastic :D x x x x