Sealys Dukan Diary


Full Member
Hello All!

Day 1 of Dukan! :D

Breakfast - 1.5 table spoon of Oatbran, skimmed Milk - made a small Porridge

Lunch - steamed chicken Breast
0% Total Greek Yogurt & Sweetner
Coke Zero
Afternoon Snack - steamed Chicken Breast

Dinner - TBC - Probably Steamed Salmon
Hi Sealy - great that you've started a diary, and you can tell us as much about your daily life here as you wish... menus are best in the menu thread (or do both perhaps) and then people can benefit from seeing what you're eating!

For day 1 your menu is perfect, and I see no errors... I do see two x chicken breasts, mind, and while that's purrrfect, after a few weeks you'll be sick of the sight of chicken so perhaps good to seek some variety in the early days...

Salmon I adore. Why not serve with a few prawns... if you're hungry, have something else too. You shouldn't be hungry on this diet, and if ever you are to be, it's at the outset so feel free to eat as much protein as you need to quell any hunger.

And drink plenty of water... and remember some vitamins too...

good luck!
Thanks alot for your advise!

I tend to drink 3-4 litres of water a day - so have no problems on that front! Also took my multi vitamin this morning...

I LOVE Prawns...might have some of those tomorrow in an egg omlette!!

I've never really used the forums as much as I am this time around...because usually I know the diet I'nm doing inside out! Its all new to me to do a diet that I have to ask questions about!!

Going for a proper food shop tonight - so hope to get abit more variety in! Although other than chicken, I'm not a lover of meats! Much more a Fish person.

Tomorrows entry will be abit more involved hopefully!

Thanks again!

Hello Fellow Dukaners!

So, day 2...feeling positive still. The bloatedness is already dissapearing and defo feel more awake and less lethargic as a result.

I did a Body pump class yestserday and jsut got back from a LBT class...and feel great!

Breakfast - Scrambled egg & Salmon
Lunch - Steamed salmon, prawns, ff you adn dill (Yumm)
Dinner - TBC- wanna try the gelette (SP?) and some chicken maybe

I'm very much a fish and chicken person...not a lover of red meats...but will maybe try some at the weekend!

Looking forward to hoping on the scales tomorrow - as shouldn't be holding onto too many carbs (if any) - and thats when i a get a big weight Woooosh!! Yippee!
Hey there Sealy- you sound fabulously euphoric which is great to see! As a fish and chicken person, this diet will suit you down to the ground!

Tomorrow weigh in should be interesting for you!

I feel positive, esp after I've had a good workout...however, i must confess...I can be quite minute very much in a zone, then one little set back and I can lose all interest!!

I hope thats not the case this time! I really want to/Need to shift these lbs!!

hey there sealy ive been trying to catch up on peep's diary's but it's been hard with work getting in the way ,glad to see uve started a diary and u do sound on top of the world stay that way coz it's great to hear !!!!
Hello Sealy... been near those scales yet?