Secret Slimming in Paris

I try - but don't always succeed - I dividing my Syns between things which make a meal a bit nicer and things which are a 'treat'. In the first camp are things such as salad dressings, Yorkshire pud, a proper cheese sauce, gravy, yogurt with Syns or even a ready-meal. In the second group are the obvious things such as biscuits, sweets/chocolate, crisps etc.

I envy people who can have 'just a little'. Michelle (HH) is very good at that!
Oh dear Patty, ordering cocktails at 10am :D When I was in Tenerife we taught a guy in a Mexican restaurant how to make an Americano and he was super impressed and said he'd make it more often - the best coffee we'd had in Tenerife ;)

I'm a sort of all or nothing person. Sometimes I can have little chocolatey things and be fine, but other things I have to eat it ALL! I think it's very hard to find a good balance and sometimes, especially re-starting or deciding to make a bigger effort, it is easier to go without than tempt yourself and feel awful for caving in.
I've been trying to use moer syns in food like synnable Quorn, rice pouches, sauces, stuff like that. They can add up quite quickly! Could you get like meat stuff in breadcrumbs or things that come in sauces, like fish or meat? You could also syn extra bread and stuff like that? I imagine you are allowed a lot of Hex's if you're breastfeeding? But maybe something to think about when you're not.

All the walking you're doing will definitely help. You should get a FitBit and join the gang! Although, you and Barbette will destroy me on the friend board, so maybe not ;)
Hey hun, sorry I haven't been around much, you seem to have got your mojo back, well done you.

I totally agree with cutting portion sizes and having less of certain things. I am learning portion control and its amazing how big my portions were and didn't need to be.

I am totally an abstained, I cannot moderate and I too applaud people like Michelle who moderates her food so well. I do try to challenge myself and moderate, but I go into monster mode and eat it till it's gone. When I was sw ing I would rather use my suns on making meals tasty too. Because I couldn't be trusted with multi bags of crisps, or more recently, Easter eggs. I am relieved they are gone now, I won't be getting them again. Olive oil is a great use of syns also houmous and avocado, its all good, beneficial food and so much better than a curly wurly or a bag of crisps. It makes a nice change too

Soph, all those walks with bubba will help you lose much quicker, well done you I agree you should get a fitbit or a pedometer. I have ordered one, I am very excited!!

Can I give you some advice though please. I hope I don't offend but take your cardi off! If you are hot, take it off. Try not to worry about what other people think. You are the same size with or without your cardi. My view is if people are going to think or pass judgement on me, then it doesn't matter if my arms are covered or not. They are not going to think underneath my cardi or jacket, my arms are slim, so I just go for it. They are your limbs and there is nothing wrong with bare limbs when its warm. And your work colleagues know you and wouldn't say anything nasty would they? Come on hun, get those arms and legs out and get a bit of Sun on them!! I am out in it whenever I can be - go for it, push yourself, test yourself. Xxxxxxx

Egg wraps are great aren't they? You can stuff anything in them!!! I spy big Mac in a bowl too, so yum.
Patty, I like the idea of splitting syns up, perhaps it's something I will work towards. I do think I'd be better off from abstaining from really naughty stuff for at least a few weeks though. As Kelly says it can be hardest when we're starting out. I envy Michelle too!

Kelly, they're all very good ideas! I am trying to stay away from bread, rice and pasta at the moment but I think including syns in meals is definitely the way to go. I also like Charley's idea of using it on 'good' food like avocados and nuts etc, food that is kind to our bodies! Although I can't remember if I like's not something I have ever eaten regularly.

I am walking a lot at the moment but come June I'll be back to sitting on my butt for 9 hours everyday, so I think the fitbit would be depressing then!

I'm not so good at portion control either which is why I do best on red days. I tend to have a 'normal' portion of meat but my superfree is always piled so high! But veg is so low cal that I can't worry about that! Bit by bit I hope to get my eating habits in order but I have come to learn I can't do everything at once.

Haha, Charley, you haven't offended me at all! I did actually take my cardi off yesterday (at 27 degrees I was melting!) but felt really uncomfortable. I don't mind having my legs out, they're big but not flabby where as my arms are really awful. I have a weird thing with them, I don't even like looking at them in the mirror or Fabien touching my arms. No-one at work would say anything it's more about how I feel. On our away day last year we all went swimming together and I was fine (more or less) but I don't feel comfortable showing my arms on a regular basis. Maybe I'll get over it one day!xx
It is a case of weighing up (sorry!) which makes you feel the most uncomfortable - sweltering in sleeves, or feeling self-conscious. On a different tack, I rarely used to go without tights, even in the hottest weather because my inner thighs used to rub and get so sore that it was more comfortable to feel unpleasantly hot in tights. Losing weight means that I can at last go bare-legged in summer.
Very wisely said Patty! For the moment I prefer to cover up, especially when I know the people I'm with. Maybe this will change in a few stones time. My thighs rub together too and get sore so I always have a pair of Fabien's shorts on underneath skirts and dresses! The other benefit is I can't get caught out by the ventilation grate things in the street!

I've had another body bashing day today...I don't know what's wrong with me at the moment! Must be too much time on my hand and too little adult interaction. Anyway after being a bit depressed all morning I picked myself up and took Clevins for a walk and as I was gazing at my beautiful sleeping baby I realised my body deserves nothing but love! My body is amazing - it created a miracle! I'm now determined to love my body (although I'm not ready to show it off just yet!) I know eating well is the best thing you can do for your body but I think I do need to think more positive thoughts.

I think my mood had an impact on Clevins too, he had a really hard time taking a nap today. Normally he has at least a solid hour of a morning and the same of an afternoon but today he hasn't managed more than 10 minute chunks. He slept right the way through our walk (1.5 hours) and is still asleep now. I've left him in his cocoon so as not to disturb him or he'll be grumpy this evening when I'm at my most tired.

Food has been good today with lots of superfree bar my mid-morning nibbles:

Breakfast: ham in an egg wrap with lots of yummy vine tomatoes
Snack: 2 laughing cow triangles (part of HEA), slice of ham
Lunch: leftover stir fry (2 syns for sauce) and salad
Snack: yoghurt & 2 oranges
Dinner: steak with 198g new potatoes (HEB) cabbage & carrots
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I feel like a zombie! Clevins had a hard time sleeping last night and has been grumpy all morning :(, poor baby.

Food: ham in egg wrap with tomatoes (I might be addicted...)
Snack: strawberries & banana
Lunch: steak (can you tell I got a batch of steaks on offer the other day?) with cabbage & mushrooms
Snacks (soo many!): ham, gherkins, cherry tomatoes, mango, danio honey yoghurt (1.5 syns) danio strawberry yoghurt (1syn)
Dinner: pork & pepper skewer with salad then I was still hungry :eek: so I made a 5% fat burger
Snack: hot chocolate (HEA + 1/2 syn) & banana

I bought the Danio yoghurts as an impulse buy and I wasn't intending on eating them both but I've had such a hungry day and just haven't stopped eating! I thought the honey one would be particularly high in syns as it's so sugary I felt a bit sick after it but it's only 1.5 - yey! I'll get some more, they're the perfect antidote for a sugar craving.

I also found some hot chocolate (made by candarel) which is only 1/2 a syn per serving and is soooo yummy and chocolatey - score!

I feel a bit ashamed at how much I've eaten today actually. I'm well within my syns but the sheer quantity of it is terrifying to read back...ooops!
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It sounds like Clevins is going through a growth spurt! The same thing happens to my friend's baby, Albie. He has a few restless nights and days and then you suddenly see a massive change all of sudden, be it physical or developmental. Mainly I think boys get hungrier - like the hungry hungry caterpillar!

You seemed to have had a brilliant week hun, when's WI? Monday?

Hello! I'm here to follow your journey. I'm also not from UK and it'll be nice to read your diary.
You really have to be more positive about your body, it doesn't matter the shape, accepting yourself as you are is part of living a healthy life as well - can you believe that I only started eating well after adopting this "love your body" philosophy? I think that because I accepted myself, then I was ready to improve my habits :)
I'm glad you had your moment of revelation yesterday. Loving and appreciating our own body is one of the hardest things to do. All too often we think only of appearances instead of thinking what a miraculous piece of fine engineering it is and of all the wonderful things it can do. As you say, producing a whole new being is indeed a miracle in itself.

Poor Clevins and poor you as well. I hope you've managed a little nap.

I I must try these egg wraps! Are they basically a thin omelette?
Hello! I'm here to follow your journey. I'm also not from UK and it'll be nice to read your diary.
You really have to be more positive about your body, it doesn't matter the shape, accepting yourself as you are is part of living a healthy life as well - can you believe that I only started eating well after adopting this "love your body" philosophy? I think that because I accepted myself, then I was ready to improve my habits :)

Hi Letzes! Welcome! I am actually from the UK but France has adopted me since 2009 :). Are you from Belgium? Or just living there? It is nice to have another 'foreigner'. It's true, I really must start being more positive, hopefully my breakthrough yesterday is the start of a new chapter in my life. You're doing amazingly well! 32kg down - wow! I hope I can follow in your foot steps.

It sounds like Clevins is going through a growth spurt! The same thing happens to my friend's baby, Albie. He has a few restless nights and days and then you suddenly see a massive change all of sudden, be it physical or developmental. Mainly I think boys get hungrier - like the hungry hungry caterpillar!

You seemed to have had a brilliant week hun, when's WI? Monday?


Hi Charley! Oooh I hadn't thought of a growth spurt but you might be right. Up until now he's been reeaaally sleepy through growth spurts, to the point he'd only wake up day or night to eat for a few days and then he'd be cms taller all of a sudden. Perhaps this will be a developmental one as it's a bit different, we'll see - exciting!

I'm quite proud of how I've turned myself around since Sunday! Weigh in is on Sunday... I hopped on the scales earlier on and it was showing a STS which would be really unfair. I hope it drops before Sunday or I might get disheartened!

I'm glad you had your moment of revelation yesterday. Loving and appreciating our own body is one of the hardest things to do. All too often we think only of appearances instead of thinking what a miraculous piece of fine engineering it is and of all the wonderful things it can do. As you say, producing a whole new being is indeed a miracle in itself.

Poor Clevins and poor you as well. I hope you've managed a little nap.

I I must try these egg wraps! Are they basically a thin omelette?

Hi Patty, that's very true, it's so easy to just think of the aesthetics when we think of our bodies (I blame modern society) but the body is amazing! I also can't believe how well my body faired through birth, I came out unscathed, pelvic floor and stomach muscles in tact despite a 4.7kg where as my colleague who gave birth 4 days after me (and is at a healthy BMI I must add) has had such a hard time despite having a much smaller babe (2.8kg!). So yes, I'm very proud of my body!

Clevins has had a good nap this morning and is napping again now, I haven't been able to sleep but it's nice to just have an hour to myself to have a cup of coffee and watch a bit of Netflix.

Yes, just a thin omelette but I prefer the look of the egg wraps to omelettes. I can't get enough of them!
It is probably developmental - he is going to start becoming far more alert and need less naps - Albie struggled with days and night for ages, sleeping lots during the days but bright and alert during the nights. Clevins will figure it all out.

I meant to mention about your revelation too but forgot. I think you are 100% right, your body is amazing, so try and look after it. The scales are secondary, the outside of you is secondary - what is important is your insides - you need to take care of your heart and soul. Don't you find that when you eat healthy you feel so much more alert and alive? I do anyway.

You can do this Sophie, we can both do this!

I'm from the other side of the ocean, Brazil :)
I came to Belgium just to lose weight as Brazilian food is too tempting hehehe. Joking, I'm doing my PhD here since September, which is also when I started dieting.
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It is probably developmental - he is going to start becoming far more alert and need less naps - Albie struggled with days and night for ages, sleeping lots during the days but bright and alert during the nights. Clevins will figure it all out.

I meant to mention about your revelation too but forgot. I think you are 100% right, your body is amazing, so try and look after it. The scales are secondary, the outside of you is secondary - what is important is your insides - you need to take care of your heart and soul. Don't you find that when you eat healthy you feel so much more alert and alive? I do anyway.

You can do this Sophie, we can both do this!


I can't complain really, from about 8 weeks he was doing a 6 hour stretch of a night which is why it was such a shock to the system! He slept well again last night though so I'm caught up again, phew!

I'm really glad you wrote this to me as I got on the scales again this morning and they're still showing a STS which could have been demotivating given how good I've been this week but you're right, I feel much better when I eat well so I'm determined to carry on!

To quote Obama: Yes, we can!

I'm from the other side of the ocean, Brazil :)
I came to Belgium just to lose weight as Brazilian food is too tempting hehehe. Joking, I'm doing my PhD here since September, which is also when I started dieting.

Haha, I'm not sure if I'd fair any better in Belgium, all those waffles and chips with mayo...mmmmm. I put on half a stone when I last went to Belgium!
Fabien woke up early this morning :eek: Normally he loves a lie in but as he was awake we went for a walk with Clevins. We walked back to the area we used to live in and showed him off to our old neighbours which was nice. He's gone to coach a basketball tournament now though and won't be back until 8pm so Clevins and I are left to our own devices.

Hope I can be good today and hope the scales might be a tad kinder tomorrow!

Breakfast: 35g oats (HEB) with FFNY & raspberries
Lunch: turkey & broccoli, mini danio strawberry yoghurt (1 syn)
Snack: orange, bowl of strawberries & banana
Dinner: ham, mushroom & onion omelette with salad
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Just weighed in and I've lost a kg - phew! I must admit I'd have liked to have lost more (don't we always?!) considering last weeks gain so but I'm so happy with a loss as the scales have been fairly static all week. I also know I've been perfectly on plan all week so I don't feel guilty whatsoever - NSV!xx
Congratulations for your loss!
Losing weight when we are on a diet always boost our confidence and perhaps you will feel better about your body now :) I also don't like my arms, after all the weight lost, now they have wayyy too much skin and sometimes I just swing them to check if I can fly. But my relation with them is improving, now I do wear the super short sleeves to go do the gym and care just a little bit. Sleeveless is still a challenge, though.

Can you believe that I've been here since September and didn't try waffles nor Belgium fries!? I'll try when I feel like, but for now I don't think it compensates all the calories. But I tried the chocolates and loved the cookies / biscuits :)
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Thanks! I hope you're right Letzes although this time last year I was 20 kg lighter than I am now and still didn't like my arms, goodness knows how much I'd have to lose to be comfortable. We'll see when I get to target (notice I said when, not if?!). I bet loose skin is really annoying. I don't think I'd lost enough last time to suffer from it but I imagine it's a real downer, you've lost loads of weight and then you have loose skin to deal with - not fair!

Hahaha, it's probably for the best!!xx
Well done on the loss! Haha - we always want to see the scales go down quicker than they do but I firmly believe that the slower the loss the greater chance you have of keeping it off.

My upper arms are quite well toned with defined muscles thanks to carting armfuls of books and bags of compost about but I still have flappy bits underneath - possibly due to my age as well as having been so overweight and at least you have youth on your side. Clevins will be an excellent aid to improving your arms as they'll naturally get more toned as he gets heavier to lift!

I bet you felt so proud showing him off to your former neighbours! Do the French also like to cross the palm of a baby with silver, or is that just a British thing? I was so embarrassed when I took DD in to work when she was a few weeks old and a lot of people - mostly older women - all scurried for their purses to do this.
I'm loving the new picture, Patty!

You're right, slow losses are better for our bodies but faster losses are better for our motivation I think :D.

Yes, I felt so proud! I can't wait to show him off in England next week! No, they don't do that here, I can imagine it would be quite embarrassing. French people are far too frank though and keep on commenting on how chubby he is - HELLO HE IS A BABY!! Babies are meant to be chubby! And as you say the chubbiness will work well for my arms!

We've had a lovely family today, we went for a long walk in the woods. Food has been great too up until now. We were hungry while out and F wanted to go to MacDonalds but I refused! I insisted we find a supermarket (which is not an easy task on a Sunday in France) which we did eventually. I was looking for a salad but the only ones they had had pasta in them so I opted for a packet of sliced chicken and a thing of laughing cow light cheese. That tided me over until we got home at 4pm, by which time we were starving so I made a late lunch. Now Fabien has just gone to buy a pizza as he is 'starving'. I'm not really hungry but I'm toying with the idea of having one syn or not to syn...

Breakfast: 35g oats with FFNY & strawberries
Snack: Slice of chicken & light laughing cow triangles (HEA)
Late Lunch: pork with stirfried Mediterranean veg, new potatoes (HEB1) & broccoli purée
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