Secret to shaping up

Hi all. I have a question. I have recently had quite bad back pain, like an ache in the middle of my back on the right hand side. I did a bit of googling on relief (should prob go docs but mine are horrible) and some of the recommended exercises are core exercises. I wanted to do some kettlebell work but am worried that the 5kg will be too heavy. I have the smaller weight (2/3kg) that comes with the kettleworx program and was wondering whether I should do kettleworx using the smaller weight or not do it at all. I haven't done the kw program before so don't really know what it's like. Thanks in advance.

I agree with Donzy, start with the small bell that came with the set and see how you get on to start with. BUT if you are still having active back pain I would start with some gentler core exercises first for a week or two, and stretches, to see if you can resolve that first. If you still have an injury you don't want to aggravate it. If going to a chiropractor is an option for you I'd suggest that - mine is always very helpful and gives me stretches and exercises to target the trouble area. Google might have reviews for some chiropractors in your area if you don't know anybody who can recommend one.

When you do start kettleworx, I'd suggest trying each exercise without the bell first so you can see whether anything is going to twinge your back and then avoid or modify those exercises when you come to them in the routine. And stretch really well afterwards - the short stretch at the end of the routine is ok if you're not having any issues.

The 'preliminary' spinal stability/core exercises suggested in my kettlebells for women book (ie to do for a week or two before you actually start a routine) are:

Bridge position - Bridge Progression 1 - YouTube

Quadruped progression - Quadruped Progression - YouTube

Neutral plank position - Best Plank Exercise Routine Ever - YouTube (lots of good info about how to do planks, and many variations - start with the 'modified plank' at the beginning)

Side plank position - Side Plank Progression - YouTube (these are present in the previous video too but this one shows an easier variety at the beginning and then do the harder ones as you are able to)

(just a thought - are you drinking enough water? I get kidney pain if I'm dehydrated - it is usually only on one side of my back and I guess it's at what I would call the boundary between my middle and lower back)
Whew, finally back to kettleworx today after two weeks off. And boy did I know about those two weeks! :eek:

I got my husband the kettlercise for men DVD in case he wants to do a longer routine on the weekend. He hasn't tried it yet so I am not sure if the topless men on the cover photos are representative of the whole routine!
Lol will be interesting to know if the kettlercise for men DVD is worth watching ;)
Hi all. I have a question. I have recently had quite bad back pain, like an ache in the middle of my back on the right hand side. I did a bit of googling on relief (should prob go docs but mine are horrible) and some of the recommended exercises are core exercises. I wanted to do some kettlebell work but am worried that the 5kg will be too heavy. I have the smaller weight (2/3kg) that comes with the kettleworx program and was wondering whether I should do kettleworx using the smaller weight or not do it at all. I haven't done the kw program before so don't really know what it's like. Thanks in advance.

I wondered about kidney pain or Sciatica or transferred pain and I would urge you to see your Dr first.
However start easy and progress slowly, do extra stretches (in case it's Sciatica) and leave off any one handed stuff.
Morning All - well that's me just finished Advanced Wk1 Core. Love that one. Looks easy but as we all know looks can be deceptive. My core feels properly worked out and I am still sweating now. Perhaps my idea of whipping the duvet covers off the bed straight afterwards wasn't my best. I ended up fighting the cover in a kind of sweaty heap! But the sun is shining and I will be making the most of it before I'm back to work tomorrow. There will be a steady stream of washing on my line all of today.

Amyz - I can only echo what the others have said. I used to get twinges in my lower back but since doing KW this has sorted itself. I would go small, build up and if it starts to hurt, stop immediately and get yourself to the docs.

Daisy - whoop whoop. Check you out with the Core Rowers. Its great seeing progress and getting your feet up on this one and keeping steady is a good measure of how well you are doing. That's your core giving you the strength to do that. Well done.

Plum - I can imagine you did feel it after two weeks off. Well done for getting back into it so quickly. :)

My Father in Law is coming up next Sunday for the week so I imagine he'll be taking the mick. Just as long as he makes himself scarce so I can do my sessions. I don't feel like missing a week for him. He's not a good enough excuse!
I'm back to it!!! Done adv wk 1 core and resistance doing cardio tomorrow xxx

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Nice one Donzy. I will be Wk1 Advanced Resisting later after work! :)
Apologies if this has been posted before, I found this playlist on YouTube that has some free Ryan Shanahan (from Kettleworx) workout clips:

Kettlebell Workouts - YouTube

I also found this which made me giggle in several places - Ryan's done alright for himself out of Kettleworx! (points for spotting the ginger cat at the end!):

Fitness Trainer Cribs - YouTube
Resisting the urge to pack it in and go and lie down in an ice-cold bath! Seriously how folk do that yoga thing in a steamy atmosphere is beyond me. I am feckin roasting. But all done and now a cool down and shower.

Will check out Ryan's "crib" soon, Plum. I knew he had cats as he makes a reference to them on the Intro dvd.

Stay cool peeps! xx
Right just checked out Ryan's "crib" - stop sniggering! :eek:

That garage is fabulous and I really wouldn't turn my nose up at the house either! The ginger cat on their bed made me laugh although I am a little worried for him given the close proximity of the busy road. And finally, ... "what would Mr T do?" I think I shall adopt that as my new mantra from now on! :)

Top marks Plum for finding something for us to have a good old nose at!
It's quite a posh area of Toronto so I think the speed limit will be low but as you could see not everyone pays attention to that - I think it would make me nervous of my cats if I lived there! Always nice to have a snoop ;) and that garage, my goodness. I feel like such a hick, I didn't even know you could do that! :D
Clearly I have too much Google time on my hands today! Kettlebell juggling! Looks like fun but definitely one to try outdoors!

For some reason when I post the link it keeps going back to fitness trainer cribs! If you go to youtube and search for 'kettlebell juggling lesson' it's the first one that comes up in the results!

Now that's just asking for trouble! Think I'll pass on the juggling - but at least he's doing it on the grass!
Juggling!! I can barely manage the gun holster exercise and you stay connected to the bell in that one! Did week 3 core today. I always struggle with one of them and today it was the figure of 8 sit up ( apologies if I get the names wrong but I am sure you know what I mean.) can't get my legs off the ground to pass the bell under! Felt very proud of myself though when I managed the one legged circles without falling over. My gluts have never had it so good!
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for their replies! Haven't done any kb this week as pain has gotten worse. Will hopefully manage to see doctors tomorrow? Will keep you updated!
Just spent 60 mins sweating and dripping in my kettlercise class - oh my gosh was I HOT!! Burnt 450 kcals My face is bright Pink!! But feel good :)
Aymz said:
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for their replies! Haven't done any kb this week as pain has gotten worse. Will hopefully manage to see doctors tomorrow? Will keep you updated!

Hope all goes well for you at Doctor's.
Aymz said:
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for their replies! Haven't done any kb this week as pain has gotten worse. Will hopefully manage to see doctors tomorrow? Will keep you updated!

Oh hope it's a simple thing and you're feeling great soon xx