Sharing favourites & new discoveries

Yes, I feel some sort of griddled scallop and noodle dish coming on :)
Been meaning to try scallops for a while and now i know they are low points will have to get them on my next trip to Tescos. I assume its best to get them from the fish counter or can you get good quality frozen ones???
I'm assuming the Farm Foods ones that Nicki mentioned are frozen - I haven't tried them so I can't comment on what the quality is like.
On a sugar free jelly note - why is it that if I buy sugar free jelly it's free, yet if I make my own with sugar free water flavourings, its half a point because of the gelatine? :confused:

Yep :D

I mean, it's only half a point for 500ml of jelly, but it's so much nicer than the shop bought stuff :)

couldnt we have a page where it just has a list of favourite products with their points value. it would be so much easier to find things out if you are in a hurry. :confused:
Maybe you could make a list :D

Making jelly - it's a Cambridge thing, cause we can have a bowl of it a day :D

Just boil water, add gelatine and stir, add colourings and flavourings, then leave in the fridge to set for a few hours.

Means you can have whatever flavour you like, as long as you can find it in squash form :) or I still have CD water flavourings and use them.

Haha! :D

I could eat a whole box of breadsticks in one go (no dip!) if I was told they were 0 points :p

Don't have an oil and vinegar near me, though I may keep an eye out for lower point breadsticks. :)

oh i'll be heading there tomorrow! Thanks honey x
I've discovered something! :D

Sainsbury's healthy range, bacon medallions - almost the same as the WW bacon, but cheaper and Sainsbury's bacon is 0.5 points - or 3 for 1 point :D

Hovis Original Granary bread - small loaf size 1 point per slice but the slices are thick and really tasty.