Shelliewoo's mini- challenges

:happy036:back from weigh in!!!!!!!yippeee lost 5lbs

WWOOOOOOOOTTT and im back from mine 5.5 for me lol wooooo go us!!
Just tried quorn sausages!! They are lovely, would never of thought it!!!
Not been overly good today : ( skipped breakast and had a small portion of chips for lunch and chicken, although have eaten a SW friendly tea an have been food shopping this evening to re stock as had run out of everything, need to make sure I'm organised as that's when I slip up. : ( nevermind, can't be perfect all the time (lol) back on the wagon in the morning.
Been really naughty and couldn't resist a peak at the scales today (prob because havent been very good!) and I stayed the same so happy with that for now. Will be extra good till next Wednesday, an no more sneaking at the scales!!!! My dress should be coming this week for the part I'm going to in 5 weeks, so that should be extra motivation!