shells exante diet bye bye weight!!

I weighed first thing this morning! Soon as I woke up and went to the loo I just don't understand it I have been 100% total solution for 5 days!
I know what ya mean doll, I've not put on but I've not lost a thing since Tuesday morning...
I know it's hard (really hard in fact) BUT the way I'm looking at it is if I eat now I'm going to undo what we've done so far this week... Only 2 more sleeps till our 1st week (the hardest week) is done & dusted!!! XxX
I'm trying chelle honest I am but I'm so disheartened I'm doing exercise now to take my mind of running upstairs and eating all the Easter eggs I've bought the kids!
I know doll, I've felt like that since Tuesday morning... & today Dean got on & has lost another 2lb so that's a stone for him!!!

But I know you can do it!!! I keep telling myself I'm not going to get on the scales but I do... I wish i could stop myself!!!

Try & imagine how P'eed off you'll be if you do eat an Easter egg!!!
Seriously you need to stay off the scales.

This is why daily weighing us such a bad idea.
I've resisted the egg am reading a book now and you are right starlight hubby has warned me all week to stay off them! I will be in future I can't risk jeopardising myself!
I know a lot of people swear by a daily weigh in. I'd swear AT it lol. It's fine if you can ignore the daily ups and downs but if it's affecting you and potentially damaging your diet it's not worth it.

On the rare occasions I've dine a midweek weigh in I actually find my weight doesn't appear to come off daily it appears to come off first or second half of the week.

I had a midweek wi a while back and had lost 4lb by the Wednesday at my official wi on the Sunday I'd still lost 4 and I was totally gutted. If I hadn't had a peek I'd have been thrilled with the result but that wi totally ruined my week

Never again :)
Your right Starlight... I think cos it's our first week we are just looking for something to spur us on everyday... But I've not lost a lb since Tuesday &I'm still going... Damn though scales!!!
I am 100% staying away from them till weigh in now! I could have ruined it all today!
They are def evil! I've got hubby to hide then and he's gonna bring them out once a week for weigh in!
Lol typical men!
Boo to the scales! Unless they tell us we've lost a massive amount of weight that is :)
Glad to see you're both still going strong despite the scales ............ when's your proper weigh-in? Don't want to miss it :) x
Monday namaste Hun. How's your weekend going Hun?
I have been up since 2.15 am with the most awful pain in my stomach! I thought at one point my appendix had burst it was that bad! I'm in total agony! Feel sick too hope it passes have taken pain killers but it's so bad!
Oh Shell, you poor thing! Hope you feel better after the pain killers have kicked in...

I've had a rough night too my lower back & hips are killing me & I couldn't sleep with the pain! I've no idea what caused it but I'm only comfortable when I'm sat up.