shells last run!

I think my head is where it needs to be! Finally! This two stone don't stand a chance!
shellreed2011 said:
I think my head is where it needs to be! Finally! This two stone don't stand a chance!

That's fantastic babe hopefully I'll join you tomorrow :) x
Well you know where I am if u need me you have my number too :D
Had a sneaky peek at the scales this morning! I know I shouldn't have! But damn did it motivate me lol I lost 4lbs yesterday! 4lbs in one day! Can't wait for weigh in next Monday now lol
It better do lol I'm not up the gym today so be doing my wii biggest loser and a spot of just dance lol
Got a growling belly this morning it's waiting for it's scrambled eggs lol but it's not having any lol
Ok first pack and 1l water down tummy not growling so much ATM lol
Ohhh here come the pain! Like clockwork day three and my head feels like it's exploding!! Pain killers and water today :( I know it will go by tomorrow Friday at the latest but damn it hurts!
Hi hun, just been looking at ur siggy with ya weightloss and youve done amazing!. i cant wait to feel that size 14 from 18 fallen of the wagon for a week with stress but back on it today, going to have the 3-4 days of ketosis, roll on next tues when all the yukiness has gone xx
Hi hun thank you :D please don't worry I started at a size 24-26 and I'm now a 14 it really does work! I had a couple weeks sts cos I was going up the gym 3 hours a day lol so needed more calories but back on the wagon now! Please don't get disheartened it will come off! Just remember your not giving up food forever! Just for now ;)
Day three done :D had an incident involving me standing in the kitchen sniffing pickled onion nik naks! I didn't eat any though so day 3 over :)
They smelt sooo nice lol hubby thought I'd lost my marbles lol
Had another peek at the scales! I've not lost anything since Monday :( since it's my first week I thought it would come off daily but it's not moved :(
Yup still the same babe xxx