Should I be disappointed?


Full Member
I know I shouldn't be disappointed but I only lost 1lb this week. :( I'm putting it down to having retained fluid due to not being able to "go" (if you know what I mean!;)) and I've bought some senna today so hopefully that will do the trick. My CDC measured my waist at weigh in and said it was definitely fluid cos that was up an inch too. Am so gutted as I'd really wanted another successful/motivating week. Am trying hard to stay focussed and will not let myself fail as I think that's what friends & family are expecting me to do.

Well done to all of you who have lost this week! x.
Try and congratulate yourself on sticking to plan, you will have certainly burnt fat but like you say it will be water retention. Its when you cheat and dont lose much you should be dissapointed.
Its really not all in the scales theres so much more that will be improving :)
Well done for sticking to it, you will see the results in the long term.
hello there i only lost 1.5lbs this week and was disappointed, we have to remeber the scales are still going in the right direction and next week will probably be a bigger loss :D
Also some scales are not that accurate, my CDC scales change by upto 2lb if you jump on and off. So image if last week before they weighed 2 lbs light and this week two lbs heavy, with your 1lb that 5 lbs!!

Just keep to the diet and weight will sort itself out
it's all water retention, I lost 1.5 this week so am expecting a bigger loss next week. Us women have a lot going on with our bodies and it just can't be predicted! Xx
Hey it's still a loss!!Imagine how I felt last week when I stayed the same!!Losing a pound is a step in the right direction.And I bet you'll have a great loss next week.
As long as youve stuck to it and not cheated then there is nothing more you can do. It will even out eventually :)