Shrimp's journey!...and this time it's going to be a success

Good morning Shrimp. Well done on completing the 10k and also managing your personal best! Excellent!

I'm sure that wiped out the candy floss and half a donut! :D

Have a great day, hope you're not too sore this morning xx

I have been busy today....but a little deflated. I think it's because my food intake is all over the place.

Breakfast ... POrridge.
lunch...a bar..
dinner...a small homemade curry.
a couple of ryvita when I got hungry.

i know I need to slowly increase my carb intake through the week and then it's pasta and rice lunch and dinner both Friday and Saturday. After months of not planning on eating carbs it's now playing with my brain!

I really need to right this week off and get back on it Monday!
Good afternoon Shrimp.

Hope you're feeling better in yourself today. I can imagine it's quite scary adding carbs to your diet after abstaining :hug99: xx
Good afternoon Shrimp.

How are you today? xx
Hi Shrimp is Sunday your big race?
It is sweetly...I am very calm at the moment but again have to go to a meeting in Newcastle centre so will travel over Tyne bridge with all the iconic signs tomorrow. I feel like I have gone to ground and I have not caught up on everyone's diaries....sorry folks (I do still care how everyone is doing xxx)
Big North Run - whoo hoo. Hope it all goes well for you Shrimp - its a great run that one x

This is my 3rd year and every year I say it's my last...but I am back again raising money for my charities x
Good afternoon Shrimp.

How are you today? xx
Goo thank you?

had a fruit scone for lunch and tinned spaghetti for dinner (very strange!)
Yuk, tinned spaghetti!!!!!

Yes I did it once and did say never again and have stuck to it, mainly because I live the other end of the country!! Thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it x
Hiya Shrimp. I would kill for a fruit scone right now, and a cheese scone with butter as my starter! Yummy :D
GP I would kill for some chocolate and a cup of tea yum some day hopefully not too long in the distant future I will enjoy some hope you are having a fab day Shrimp x
I feel like a moaner...had the day from hell! It must be Friday 13th.

Someone bumped into the back of my car on the way to work.
had an employee rep meeting.
found out I need to be in London on Monday at 08.30 so on the 05.17 train.
finished my day in the furthest point away from home and 2 members of staff have been crying.
got to the yard to do the horses in heels and a dress.
forgot to say had no lunch.
found that someone else has been using my horses rug.
had to bring in a bail of hay (takes 15 minutes) in the pouring rain.
Husband stuck in work because people not arrived to take over from him.
had to get petrol so that garage can take car away to be fixed tomorrow.
my boss laughed when I text her to say just arriving home from work at 8 looking like a drowned rat after doing horses in heels and a work the rain.

please don't let it be like this tomorrow
Oh Shrimp that is awful today has to be a better day for you. Hope the car repairs go ok and hope you are ok. Nearly the weekend 2 days away from work I can't wait - if it's any consolation on your early start in London I am away with work next week and have to be in the airport in Sunday to fly out and to make sure I am in the office on Monday morning the joys:( hope you have a great weekend X
Hi Shrimp, I'm back and 12lb heavier! However fat looks a lot better with a tan! Congrats on the Middlesborough 10k and achieving a new pb. Looking forward to hearing about how well you do with the GNR! Is this the day before you have to go on an early train to London? I hope today's going a lot better for you than yesterday - it's horrible when you have one of those days when everything seems to go wrong that can do.
Oh Shrimp that is awful today has to be a better day for you. Hope the car repairs go ok and hope you are ok. Nearly the weekend 2 days away from work I can't wait - if it's any consolation on your early start in London I am away with work next week and have to be in the airport in Sunday to fly out and to make sure I am in the office on Monday morning the joys:( hope you have a great weekend X

Every thing is fine gone in for work to be done. Tempary car arrived.
a good day.

its funny the challenges you get thrown at you from work.

have a great weekend x
Hi Shrimp, I'm back and 12lb heavier! However fat looks a lot better with a tan! Congrats on the Middlesborough 10k and achieving a new pb. Looking forward to hearing about how well you do with the GNR! Is this the day before you have to go on an early train to London? I hope today's going a lot better for you than yesterday - it's horrible when you have one of those days when everything seems to go wrong that can do.

Ans always seem to knock pounds off....we should fack tan it all the time.

glad you are back I have missed was your holiday x
I feel like a moaner...had the day from hell! It must be Friday 13th.

Someone bumped into the back of my car on the way to work.
had an employee rep meeting.
found out I need to be in London on Monday at 08.30 so on the 05.17 train.
finished my day in the furthest point away from home and 2 members of staff have been crying.
got to the yard to do the horses in heels and a dress.
forgot to say had no lunch.
found that someone else has been using my horses rug.
had to bring in a bail of hay (takes 15 minutes) in the pouring rain.
Husband stuck in work because people not arrived to take over from him.
had to get petrol so that garage can take car away to be fixed tomorrow.
my boss laughed when I text her to say just arriving home from work at 8 looking like a drowned rat after doing horses in heels and a work the rain.

please don't let it be like this tomorrow

Oh what an absolute shitty nightmare of a day :( Hugs sent :hug99: xx