Shrimp's journey!...and this time it's going to be a success

Glad you had a good business top shrimp!! Sounds like you had a blast =)

That's actually so true what your friend said, I'm guilty of that too and now you have said that I've realised I've been saying "we can do this when I've finished my diet" but I have to realise I'll never be finished because maintaining is still part of the diet!
That's actually so true what your friend said, I'm guilty of that too and now you have said that I've realised I've been saying "we can do this when I've finished my diet" but I have to realise I'll never be finished because maintaining is still part of the diet![/QUOTE]

I absolutely identify with this Chelly. It isn't just the dieting thing, I also put off everything 'until...... ' I'm currently reading 'Run Fat B**ch Run' (censored before it gets censored) and one of the clear messages in there is about getting up and doing things instead of sitting of the sofa planning (which I do a lot of) and thinking reassons for not doing them.

Shrimp - I'm going to Philadelphia to visit my sister and her family for a fortnight. We haven't planned it all out yet but will be spending a couple of days in New York and a couple of days at the coast (Jersey Beach) where I don't want to resemble a beached whale sunning myself. My sister informs me the temperature should be in the 100s so I can't cover up! I am also going to Turkey for 2 weeks at the end of August and intend to spend EVERY day sunbathing and relaxing so I also need to make sure I don't lapse too far in Philadelphia. Hopefully I'll be running by then and will keep that up and the carbs down.

Simi - I know what you mean about your brother and sister. My sister has always been 'the thin one.' However she tells me she has put weight on and I must admit I can't wait to see her - that's my 'inner b**ch' speaking according to the book I'm reading!
I love America! New York is fantastic and we went o Washington near to where you are visiting...never went to Jersey Shore but I bet you can't wait?
I have not had the best of days....I got up with good intentions but then it all went down hill. I found myself nibbling all day.

i am back to work tomorrow and I have a busy week and will get straight to it
New day, new start. Put today behind you and make a fresh start tomorrow. I'm sure you'll manage to have a much better day.
Thank you Lynne..I will do my best
This it....focused!

already been out and done 30 mins exercise, now have a shake in a large offer
Stuck to plan
50 mines of walking so far...and about to go for a run
Just done a nice 3 mile run in 32 minutes
Well done. I wish I could do that!
You will be able to soon. It will just take time!

You will keep knocking those minutes off your time..I promise. Don't push your self too hard or you will gain an injury, and that is a real pain. In more ways than one
Start of another day...popped on the scales and the weight from last week is dropping ofoff fingers crossed it not a blip of the scales and the same happens totomorrow have a great day everyone
Hey Shrimp! I've just caught up on your diary. That's an amazing time for 3 miles! One day I'll be able to do that again! lol.

I was wondering what you thought of the new flavor packs as a fellow veggie? I've made veggie alternatives to spaghetti bolognese and sheperd's pie a million times, I'm really hoping that they don't taste or smell too "meaty" because it would be nice to have something savory that I actually enjoy!

@lynne - I used to live in Philly! I lived there for 3 years and was in pre-school to first grade. Then we moved to Italy. It will be really hot! Make sure you've got super strong suntan lotion because the sun is a lot stronger over there. Also. Supermarkets and movie theaters are freezing, bring a sweater lol.
Hey Shrimp! I've just caught up on your diary. That's an amazing time for 3 miles! One day I'll be able to do that again! lol.

I was wondering what you thought of the new flavor packs as a fellow veggie? I've made veggie alternatives to spaghetti bolognese and sheperd's pie a million times, I'm really hoping that they don't taste or smell too "meaty" because it would be nice to have something savory that I actually enjoy!

@lynne - I used to live in Philly! I lived there for 3 years and was in pre-school to first grade. Then we moved to Italy. It will be really hot! Make sure you've got super strong suntan lotion because the sun is a lot stronger over there. Also. Supermarkets and movie theaters are freezing, bring a sweater lol.

My sister already warned me about the freezing cold air conditioning! I can't wait to enjoy the sunshine but hope I don't develop really bad bingo wings which I have to expose due to losing weight so quickly!
Killercurls...I hope those new flavours are ok for us!
I'm looking forward to trying them! It will be nice to have more variety.
Oh geez me too! Just the thought of having something different is exciting! I don't know why they got us all excited about new packs and then tell us we have to wait till the end of NEXT month. I think they should have started selling them the day the flavors were released. Makes more sense to me! x
Tigs...thank you and killercurls. I agree they should have been available within the week at the latest