Shrimp's journey!...and this time it's going to be a success

Busy day today and parents night. It's going to be a good one
Hope you have a lovely day and that parents evening goes well.
Thank you Lynne...both went well. Liv is so bright she could keep the world alight! But it is great to hear it from her teachers. One said we should be very proud of the job we had done as parents bringing her up and another said at 12 should could sit and pass his subject at GCSE level this summer.......big success and very proud.

Her family nickname is Shrimp which is why I use it on here
Awww thats really good.
Hope you are having a good day.
Thank you Lynne...both went well. Liv is so bright she could keep the world alight! But it is great to hear it from her teachers. One said we should be very proud of the job we had done as parents bringing her up and another said at 12 should could sit and pass his subject at GCSE level this summer.......big success and very proud.

Her family nickname is Shrimp which is why I use it on here

That's brilliant! You must be very proud.:clap:
Why's her nickname Shrimp? Is it because she's short? lol.

That's great news about her as well! Go on my fellow clarinetist lol x
When she was born she was small and pink, hence the name and it has stuck. I thought she would hate it by know but she is happy that Ste and I use it.
Weigh in this morning and down 1lb. I am happy with that as I did not weigh last weekend as I was on the cruise. Anything that I put on while away has come off and I am back on it.

i have 2 weeks before I go to Southampton and then London all in the same weekend.

the challenge for me know is to get into my 10's next week as I am so close and then can I get to a stone before my weekend away.

there seems to always be a blooming challenge if only you could make a wish and be the size you wanted to be...can someone please invent that?
That would be great - we can but dream! It's a beautiful day today. Enjoy the sunshine!
Had dinner and now not sure if I want to go for a run or not
Did you go for a run?
Echoing lynn.
Did you ? Lol
Good morning Shrimp. Hope you have a lovely day in the sunshine.
Thank you Lynne...I did not go for the run but took the dogs for a 30 minute walk instead.

had one of those ultra slim raspberry bars for nice! Then been and mucked out the horses and riden my horse around the village. Today is beautiful so I am off to do the gardening
I've just had an ultra slim raspberry bar for lunch - they're delicious! Gardening for me too this afternoon then cleaning the house throughout this evening because I have a friend coming to stay tomorrow night.
I do think its funny that we all go made cleaning before people ome. We do the same before going on holiday..and no one is here
Just completed a 4.7 mile trail run in the was quite quiet for a bank holiday
Well done! It must be quite peaceful running through the forest.
Oh it is Lynne. But sometimes it a little to quiet and I get scared as my OH does not know the trails so well. Therefore he would not be able to find me.

just had some excitement doing my horses...caught a rat. They have been around since the winter and we ave tried everything to get rid of them. Another one gone! And we caught it by hand rather than a trap
The walk I go on goes through a lot of woods and I can imagine it being a bit scary on your own! We haven't got any rats - at least not that I know of - but my cat, who only has 3 legs, seems to find a regular supply of mice. Last night I wouldn't let him back in the house after my so saw him throwing a mouse about on the back lawn.