Shrimp's journey!...and this time it's going to be a success

Well done on your run! That's excellent. Have a good day at work tomorrow; I know I'll enjoy my last week off! Did you get the summer house finished? I hope the weather stays fine so that you can enjoy it!
Lynne..thank you. The summer house is up with roof on and now just needs to be painted and glassed. But we think the painting will take all week. It will be a joy to do big smiles
It will be lovely when its finished. Hope you have a good day at work.
Hi Shrimp well done on your run, your weight loss so Close to 10 amazing and your summer house fab X
Thank you ladies.

happy to be back at work as it sorts out my food
I find exante easier when I'm at work too.
Oh Lynne I agree.

i have just done a nice 2.8 mile run. No running tomorrow as off to a dinner meeting with my boss and a supplier. Back out Wednesday with a bit of luck.
Shocking bruise on my let where I fell over the ire pit while chasing Liv around the garden on Saturday
Oh dear! What job do you do?
I am a Regional Sales Manager for a well know travel company.....I have worked or them for 25 years and love my job most days. What about you
Manager on a Youth Offending Team.
I bet that is really challenging...both physically and mentally
It's an interesting job and although I manage staff predominantly I still manage to have some involvement with young people which is the part of the work I really like.
Hi Shrimp. Hope you had a good day.
I did thank you.

dinner last night had squid to start then king prawn pasta but did not eat all the pasta. No desert.
pthen today at lunch picked a crayfish salad and a little bit of sushi...other than that had a bar and a shake both days.

back on it now from tomorrow

hope everyone is ok
Sounds delicious!!!!!
It was but I felt really guilty about the pasta...but none of the fish dished where appropriate as thy either had meat or stuff I did not like
But you didn't eat it all! And it's not as bad as Dominos pizza!
Good choices there seafood xxx
8 o'clock and the horses are done and first shake down.

today I want to be a 100% TS day
Not going to be a good day today. As I have the worst job to do today, as it effects people's lives!