Shrimp's journey!...and this time it's going to be a success

How cool is that!
pOH said that he learnt nothing but he still loved it. All Bowes costume were on display and they are amazing. When the exposition opened They had to let out his costumes so that Kate Moss could wear them in a photo shoot.

now how skinny must he be.

the Mayfair must have loosed about a year after I moved to the North East...and I had only been to one office party their. You have just made me laugh thinking about it
It used to be pretty rough! I spent quite a lot of my misspent youth in there. We used to catch the mail train back to morpeth, where I was brought up, at something like 2 in the morning - usually worse for wear. I had a real thing for Bowie when I was young!
I think that we all had a thing for either Bowie or Ferry (as we are a certain age). Liv has been brought up on that era of music...and loves it.
Both my sons are musical. The youngest one is in a band but the oldest one performs solo. They were brought up on my sort of music bowie, velvet underground, van morrison etc and now I tend to like a lot of the music they like. I went to see Foo Fighters and Angel and Airways with the youngest and knew all about Arctic Monkeys before they were signed due to them being a local band. I'm probably the oldest groupie in Sheffield as the youngest one (21) has been playing in bands since he was 13 - we've moved on from grunge punk to grunge metal! The oldest one (24) performs quite a lot locally, in pubs, weddings, parties etc. and also busks in Sheffield! He first started playing in front of people at local jam nights and at that time had developed my obsession with Leonard Cohen which was fine at home but a bit depressing for people out for a cheery drink!
I think what you have done with your sons is great. Our house is full of music, my husband was a DJ when we met (Roxy and Bowie nights in local clubs in Liverpool). Even though he has got rid of most of his records we still have a huge music room ( what would be most people's dining room) with records, guitars, cd's and drums.

ste encourages Liv to sing in local open mike nights. But when friends come round everyone ends up in the music room singing and playing.
Sounds brilliant! I must admit I'm always very proud whenever I see Chris and Tom performing. Chris also makes quite a bit of money from it! We always had music in our house when I was young. My dad could play piano from ear and loved everything from jazz to Shirley Bassey to classical to the Beatles!
Scales this morning read 10st 13lb 8oz.....need to keep the focus and Tay in the 10's
Come on it together x
Well done shrimp! Keep going ~ your doing fab:)
Well done you
Hope you have a lovely weekend :)
Well done Shrimp! 10s! :D

So happy for you you're doing fantastic xx
Thank you everyone. Tomorrow is weigh in and I am going to cheat bit.

i am going to weigh as soon as I get up at 6.30 then I have made arrangements to go for my 8 mile run. I am going to weigh again when I get in (I do drink while running). The best weight will be this weeks recorded number....cheating ever so slightly. But I want to stay in the 10's
That's not cheating Shrimp, Best of luck! xx
Thank you...running before breakfast is going to be hard. But both my friend and I have problems with chid care and husbands tomorrow
Well done Shrimp. That's great!
So here are the morning stats got up and weight was 10.13.2.

Had breakfast and a drink then went for 8.3 mile run.

drank on run.

weight after run 10.12.4 so sorry everyone but this is the number I will be using for this weeks weigh in totoday whoop whoop 2lb down and a full stone off.
So excited can't count just 1lb to go to the stone. Here in no time
YAAAY Well done you :)