Shrink yourself online program

Hiya, I bought the book and it is very interesting - all makes sense - but making the actual changes, well that is a different story!! I get their weekly emails as well which are helpful little motivations to keep you thinking about things. I also think about buying the 12 week program but haven't as yet, your head definitely has to be in the right place, and I think it might be unrealistic that you could change long-standing habits that quickly - I guess it all depends on your level of emotional damage and your strength of character.

I'm also from NI. Are you following a specific diet? I'm on Slimming World 5 weeks.
Hi Im on spinning world too and struggling big time. I've got the book now too and have started it. Yes it all makes sense and a lot of it is very true to me but the reality is that its such a hard cycle to break :-(
lol @ spinning world - a freudian slip - tells a lot about how you feel with all this diet/psychology info that is constantly circulating! There is so much to think about/figure out/work through in our heads on any given day, it certainly makes my head spin too.

Let's try to get off the spinning world and on to the slimming world! lol
Lol I never noticed ;-). The book makes so much sense its putting into action.

On a positive note though I got my stone award last night. Go me!
oh yay! happy days! Well Done :D hopefully I am not far behind you...
Theres a 50% off offer that ends tonight (sunday) só i went and got it. Full 12 weeks for $39.95. Code is EASTER-SALE.
Hi Violetwind,

I tried the plan last year and I found it really helped me. The only problem I found was that it's too easy to slip back into old ways. I think it's very difficult to implement some of these changes on your own without a psychologist in front of you. Some of the things that you have to work on are so deeply ingrained that it feels hard to grasp and I wouldn't even know how to change them despite knowing why I do it.

For instance I discovered that my emotional eating began when my mother left me when I was 15. I was always a slim 10-12 before this. I understand that I've used food to mask the feeling of rejection and lack of love I've felt since she left. I lost weight before and I realise it was because I was single at the time and I subconsciously thought I had to slim down to be worthy of anyone's love and I was very motivated to do this. When I'm in a relationship I find it hard to lose weight because I've already achieved this love so I don't have the motivation!

Overall the insights it gives you are really valuable and I'm glad I did the program. But I have to say it's very difficult to actually change a lot of the things the program highlights.

I'm considering going to a counselor to talk about some of my issues and see if this helps me in a more practical way. It may work for you, but my advice would be to really live out everything the program gets you to do. Get a notepad and write everything down, every little realization and epiphany you have.

Good luck with the program!

I bought the programme too... But I've found that I've lost interest in it. I'm about week 8.... some of the insights have been very useful but as you say some of the issues I need to deal with (my mother's long term illness among others) are just not so easily dealt with.
Hi girlies

well I have read the SY book and follow their blog, but agree with ya'll that its SO hard to actually put any concrete changes in place! So I have decided to invest in myself and go to a psychologist to deal with my overeating issues properly and for good! Its the new Northern Ireland Weight Management Clinic opened just outside Belfast. Yes it is expensive enough to go every week for 6-12 months [apparently this is how long it takes to do the work/learn the new habits etc] but I have put it in t perspective - the amount of diet books/magazines/plans/clubs I have bought in to over the years - I am sure I have spent more on all that and its just an ongoing rollercoaster - so these will be changes for life.

I am being given an extensive reading list so I can let anyone that is interested know about the books if they are interested? Just ask

Pinky x
Hi Pinky

Yes, I'd like to see the reading list please! I am just thinking about getting some new books to motivate me so would be really interested to see what they recommend.
Will be following avidly to see what you think of the process!
Yes please can.I have the list too. Also if you don't mind how much is the programme? Belfast is only up the road from me and if I thought it would 'fix' me, I'd be up that road like a shot!