*Shrinklies**The Everything August Challenge*

Oh Thelma, dont be down hun. As you say to me, it cant be changed so forget about it and move on. Drink lots of water, get back on track and kick yourself up the but lol!! You are still gorgeous :)
Nite Nite hun xxx

Im off to have a hot soak in the bath, face mask and a cheezy mag. see you in a bit ladies xxx
Okay Thez, you're updated on the list. Thanks for that.

Stop it right now!!! You are the strongest Shrinklie on here and had the least blips. You're not being a pain. This is what we're here for. What's done is done and now you're moving on.... that's all xxx
Oh Thelma, dont be down hun. As you say to me, it cant be changed so forget about it and move on. Drink lots of water, get back on track and kick yourself up the but lol!! You are still gorgeous :)

Aww, thank you :hug99: hun. Consider my but kicked! lol xx
Okay Thez, you're updated on the list. Thanks for that.

Stop it right now!!! You are the strongest Shrinklie on here and had the least blips. You're not being a pain. This is what we're here for. What's done is done and now you're moving on.... that's all xxx

And thank you too sweetie - although I must protest about the strongest Shrinklie tag! lol

Now, stop being nice to me or the hormones will make my cry and I'm not having them win twice in the one night! lol :D xx
Awwwww Thelma hun,

It's rubbish isn't it! But sometimes you just decide you want that something and it can lead to being misserable if we don't have it. Sometimes we need to get it out of our system. It's happened to me 3 times and basically each of my totm's. It's annoying but I think it's made me stronger in the end.

You are doing really, really well and especially at a time when you're starting a new relationship....the exact time when we get comfy and happy and usually put the lbs on. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's a blip and it's over x
Evening all just had my last shake for the day. Now i reckon it may be an early night. lol

How is everyone going tonight??? x
You've got a lot of reading to catch up with how everyone is doing hun. It's been busy here tonight :)

I'm doing pretty well tho thanks xxx
Thanks, Sunshine - you're right about the totm. I usually have such irregular periods (since being a teenager) that it's difficult to track the hormone changes, but over the last year or so, it's got much more regular, so at least I can say that I know why I cry/get annoyed/blip! lol

Hey Shanny, how's you? Early nights are the best when temptation is in the way. Unfortunately, I couldn't justify going to bed at 6.30pm! lol :D
Heeyy Thelma do not beat yourself up about your blip i know alot about that lol.

Im well going to give it my all on the 810 this week, when are you seeing your new fella next?

How do i get my details on like u guys? im not a computer person.lol x

Sunshine Singer:
Lose 4lbs
Get to 8st 11lbs official GOAL
Set new goal of 8st 8lbs(i'll decide at goal)
Stay 100%
Become a size 8


Lose 10lbs (incl planned weekends off)
Wii fit for 30mins at least 4 times a week.
Use body firming cream every day
DO NOT BLIP outwith planned time off!

Lose 21lbs
Be a size 12-14
Stay 100%
Go swimming at least twice a week

Lose 21lbs by 26th August for holiday
Stay 100%
Use stepper & vibrating plate daily

Lose 1 stone
Fit into size 12 corset. that would be so lush


Lose 7lbs
Get to official goal 10st10lbs
By the end of august I will get to goal if not before the end of August!!!
Maintain my loss of inches

Loose 7lbs be 10 Stone 7lbs
not go off track
lose 2 inches off waist
get to an E cup


Lose a stone
Get into the 9s
Stay 100%

lose 20lb's
use strider twice a week
1/2 hour walk twice a week

Please just add your name if you want to join in xxx This will be our best challenge yet and we are here to motivate eachother every step of the way so lets do this xxx

Last edited:
As soon as you listed what you wanted to achieve I updated you. Let me know if there's anything you want to change but please see post above. I've copied it for you to see x
I'm thinking of having an early night too. Gonna get into bed and watch some rubbish on TV and probably mull around here for a bit. I've been on here way too much today but completly enoyed having a quiet day to myself. I haven't got through enough water, just under 3ltrs but i don't want to be weeing all night.

Brand new day tomorrow, all shiney and new. xxx
Thanks, Shanny - yep, we all have blipping experience! lol How's your night going?

Not sure when I'm seeing my new fella next. Saw him last night, but I'm busy all weekend, so if we don't see each other at the start of next week, it won't be till Thursday when we head off to my friend's wedding. I'm sure he'll be missing me and my sewing terribly! lol

Have a great sleep, Sunshine. I think I'm gonna go and have a bath and then come back downstairs to do some more sewing. Got WI tomorrow morning, but not convinced about a great loss (especially after tonight!). However, whatever I lose, I'll be happy with.

Right, bath, methinks!