*Shrinklies**The Everything August Challenge*

This ticker thingy bob is doing my head in, poke it.....lol

Weighed this morning and lost 8 lbs, well pleased.

Well done FFBT, done well.

Cant get to grips at changing this ticker, may go and jump in the Manchester Ship Canal.

Lol, well done Alan, thats a great result and one to definatly keep you motivated eh, as for the ticker dont you have to click on the link on it and go back to enter change of details? I could be wrong but ive changed my target weight a couple of times and thats how I did it x x
Hi Slimoncemore, how are you doing? Welcome to a really great group. Your losses are fantastic so far! Lovely to meet you x:p

Hey Lizi, sorry to hear you've been having a rough time, You are doing SO well and sticking with it which is great. Hang in there.:patback:

Hi guys,

I've had a busy but nice day but splitting headache, feeling a bit sick :ashamed0005: and dizzy!!! No energy at the moment. It's so strange how the last week I've felt brilliant and then suddenly I'm feeling crappy. Gonna go down some more water and hopefully that will help. Determined to have a good week so I need to feel on top of things. :wave_cry:

XXX :snoopyhouse:
Ok now my head is pounding! Have tummy pains and I feel like my eyes are hanging. What an earth is going on? Boo hoo!
well done FFTB and AlanK - great start to the month.:happy096:
Thanx guys. Im very happy with my wk1 loss....still buzzzzzzinnnnnggg!!!!!!!! lol.
Well done to you too Alan...we've both lost 8lbs, lets see how we do next week ;) To update your ticker you need to click on it and it should take you to the update weight page. Enter your password and the new weight in the current weight box, and thats it. You dont need to copy paste again. Hope it works. x
Hi Shrinkers,

Well i've got through a tough day. Not been tempted by real food but lots of yummy smells to contend with when out and about and this shocking headache. One of my best friends closest friend died today from cancer at the age of 34. He's had a 3 year battle and fought with all he had. This put everything into perspective for me.

I am determined to stick with CD because i really hate being overweight. It's depressing and so uncomfortable and doing this diet I'm going in the right direction.

We all have our good and bad days but keeping our goals in mind keeps us focused.

Have a great week everyone, xxx
Hi Sunshine,
That's such sad news. But you're right, hearing something like that puts things in perspective and makes you want to make the most of the life you have. I've been feeling a bit sorry for myself over the last couple of days (pathetic as it sounds, I lost my dog a couple of months ago and have had a couple of days of surprise crying blips - usually at the most inopportune times!) but even just hearing your news has made me realise that life is for living and I need to focus on the good 10 years I had with him and not the last few months when he was poorly.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. (No idea why I'm talking about my dog on a weight loss forum! lol)

Well done for getting through a tough day, Sunshine.

T x
Hi all,

Hope everyone is well.

Im only on at the moment to make a post to see what my ticker thingy bob is doing.

Just spent 45min trying to sort it. Hope it works now or else.

:hug99:Hi Thelma, thanks so much. Awwwwww your poor dog, that's so sad. Yeah I've been feeling all over the place today. I've been so awake and hyper this last week so I'm suprised to be feeling low today. As soon as I'd had breakfast it started and hasn't left me. Really weird. They do sy this diet plays with your hormones so hopefully it will pass. I'm not good with being low as I'm usually so upbeat.

Anyway.....why not talk about your lovely dog on here...we don't always have to discuss diet!! You're right tho at least you had 10 fab years with him. I love dogs.

I have decided I'm waking up with positive thoughts tomorrow and won't let the negative come anywhere near me.

Take care hun, lets do this xxx
I'll join you - positive thoughts it is, Sunshine! Tomorrow's my birthday, so I'll be aiming for positive thoughts all day :)

Enjoy the rest of tonight and here's hoping you get a good night sleep so there's lots of energy to go with those thoughts!

T x

AWwww Happy Birthday for tomorrow. Hope you're doing something fab for it. Mine's coming up soon and we're off to Thorpe Park. Feel like doing a lot of screaming and being a big kid!!!!​

So yay here's to lots of positivity xxx​

Awww, thanks, Sunshine!

Nothing exciting happening (well, not that I know of! lol) Am sure I'll have lovely cards and pressies to ooohhh over :)

Will check in with all the Shrinklies tomorrow!

Night x
:birthday:HAPPY BIRTHDAY THELMA :birthday:​
Morning all,

Hahahahhahahah Thelma...the shrinklies!! brilliant!! Stick a candle in your porridge today!!!!

Well I'm on my actual TOTM now having finished the early TOTM brought on by CD. How very rubbish. I've never in my life had 2 periods in one month before with all the symtoms to go with it.

Have a fan-tabby-do-dah day Shrinkers. Lets keep shrinking and think about how much we'll have lost by May 26th.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee x
:boohoo:Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday dear Thelma...happy birthday to you..! Hip Hip, Hooorrrraaahhhhh:talk017:
Have a fab day. :bestwishes:
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Afternoon all!

Thank you so so much for all the birthday wishes :gen126:

Having a lovely day so far (well, as lovely as it gets when you're working!) and have lovely cards jewellary pressies from friends.

Hope everyone has a good day and is joining Sunshine and me in the positive thoughts challenge! Will check in later tonight to catch up with how you're all doing.

Laters Shrinklies!
T x:553:
I'm trying to have possitive thoughts about the vile peanut bar I've just tried. It's horrid, horrid, horrid. I thought everyone loves these bars!! I'll def be swopping the other I have for something else. I still have to try all the others. It's like cardboard!!!!!!! xxx