Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Evening Lily, just catching up after my week away.............I would love to go to Bentley Priory as its history absolutely fascinates me, will get there one day :)

My eldest left home at the weekend and i was very emotional...........its a new beginning for him but closing a door for me and tho I know its the natural order of things I did get very emotional.
:bighug: I feel the same about Lloyd leaving home, but as you say, we'll get over it xx :bighug:

Eventually lol...although 14 years after Kelly leaving home I would still have her back home tomorrow lol xxx:hug99: xxx

i'll come move in if that helps? I'll always be 6- i never grows up :D

Awww :thankyou: hun, now just thinking where could I put you in my little tiny home, can't even convert the loft as we have a flat roofed house :giggle: xxx:hug99:xxx

Evening lily :)

Hello lovely Emma xx:hug99:xxx

Morning Lily x :wavey:

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Hello lovely Lisa's the move going?gone? I haven't had time to catch up yet but I will asap xxx

Hello Lily

Just popping in with a hug x

Hello lovely Kally, awww :thankyou: hunni, just what I need right now and sending one right back at ya :hug99:xxxx

Evening Lily, just catching up after my week away.............I would love to go to Bentley Priory as its history absolutely fascinates me, will get there one day :)

My eldest left home at the weekend and i was very emotional...........its a new beginning for him but closing a door for me and tho I know its the natural order of things I did get very emotional.

Hello lovely Dawn, hope you had a good time away, haven't had time to catch up yet, but I will .....I can't believe I haven't been to Bentley Priory, it's not even 5 mins from my house, unless you walk it that is then it's about 10 mins lol...I too will be visiting, didn't go this weekend as I wasn't too well and kids were busy...but maybe this weekend coming.

Awww :bighug: Dawnie, I hated when Kelly Left home, still don't like it 14 years later and I am dreading Kirsty going :eek: :cry: but it's the nature of things so I'll have to get used to the idea...hope you've settled a little since he went hun :bighug:xxxx

huggles for my lovely twin :hug99: :hug99: its a hugely emotional time on many counts my lovely and so exciting too :D:D:D:D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello my lovely twin, it is an emtotional time all round and yep very exciting too....not sure which is outweighing the other at this moment in time though :giggle:....I think excitement to be honest,Kirsty saw the midwife today and heard babies heart beat for the first time and promptly (just like her Mum this one) cried her eyes out lol bless her.....hope you're ok hun and the IBS is settling a bit, mine seems to be ......finally :hug99:xxxx
Evening lovely Lily Hope you've had a good day. :D

Hello lovely Patsy, I am having a better day today thanks lol...just hope this IBS settles properly and I can then sleep and eat properly :hug99:xxx
Boo to the ibs. I had an attack on the weekend but all my own fault. Never learn lol! I had a Chinese at my friends and the MSG sets me right off.

Hope you feel better soon x
Hope the IBS settles soon xx
How lovely to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time..............I can remember what that is like :):)

Sorry to hear that you are suffering with your IBS and hope it settles soon :bighug: xx

I'm OK with daniel not being here at the moment as I don't see much of him during the week anyway, but the weekend will be another matter, but I will get used to it.................I have no choice xx
Hello lovelies, just got back from wi .....4lb off for me this week and SOTW .....:woohoo:'s to another good week and another challenge....the hexb challenge....4 of my 7 hexb's over the week must be scanbran or oatbran and I am going to continue with the speedfoods challenge as well.....time for this weight to get going lol xxx
That's brilliant Lily, a fab loss
well done mum :D :D :D :D xxxxx
Boo to the ibs. I had an attack on the weekend but all my own fault. Never learn lol! I had a Chinese at my friends and the MSG sets me right off.

Hope you feel better soon x

I hate the IBS attacks but they are a lot rarer these days so really can't complain much I spose ...thanks hunni :hug99:xxx

Sorry to hear your IBS is playing up Lily
Thanks lovely, seems to be settling down again now and as I said they are a lot rarer these days so that's good I think lol.....they drain me more than anything and I always get a bad headache after too strangely :hug99:xxx

Hope the IBS settles soon xx

Thanks hunni xxx:hug99:xxx

How lovely to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time..............I can remember what that is like :):)

Sorry to hear that you are suffering with your IBS and hope it settles soon :bighug: xx

I'm OK with daniel not being here at the moment as I don't see much of him during the week anyway, but the weekend will be another matter, but I will get used to it.................I have no choice xx
I can remember my first time hearing the heartbeat too and it made me cry too's just so special.
The IBS has been so good for a while now that it's a real shock to the system when it flares up...but as I said rare nowadays so that's a blessing
I am the same even after all these years, it's the weekends I miss Kelly the most, we always did a good clean through on a saturday and we would have the music blaring out and we would dance away while cleaning up and then we'd have a seafood platter with celery and a glass of wine at lunchtime and in the winters we'd sit in front of the fire with a hot chocolate and a doughnut....I really miss all that :cry: ....oh well maybe with the grandkids eh? lol xxx:hug99:xxx
Hi Lily hun, big hugs from yet another IBS sufferer! xxxx

That's brilliant Lily, a fab loss
Thank you hun, I am dead chuffed and hoping to have more of the same next week...I am right back in the game lol :hug99: xxx

well done mum :D :D :D :D xxxxx
Thank you sweetie, how did you do tonight? :hug99:xxxx
Woohoo what a loss brilliant!x
Woohoo what a loss brilliant!x

Thank you lovely, definitely down to all the challenges my C is setting, was a good idea I had eh? :giggle: ...I asked him last week to set us challenges as I know I will do them, can't be seen not to be doing them...I was expecting a bigger loss because I was 110% on plan and drank all my water and did all my exercise everyday...but hey I'm ecstatic with 4lb so let's see how I do next week now ....that 2st by end of Aug could well be mine after all :hug99:xxxx
I was hoping to come on and have a good read up, abd fill you in on all the gossip here but it's been a long day and my head is pounding, so I am going to have a nice soak in the bath and hit the hay, see if I can get an early night and shake off this head ....nighty night all and sweet dreams :bighug: xxxxx :zz: xxxxx
Lily42uk said:
Thank you lovely, definitely down to all the challenges my C is setting, was a good idea I had eh? :giggle: ...I asked him last week to set us challenges as I know I will do them, can't be seen not to be doing them...I was expecting a bigger loss because I was 110% on plan and drank all my water and did all my exercise everyday...but hey I'm ecstatic with 4lb so let's see how I do next week now ....that 2st by end of Aug could well be mine after all :hug99:xxxx

I reckon you'll have that 2 stone no problem! What challenge did your C set? Our old C never did anything like that but we have a new one starting this week so with any luck she will be more on the ball x
Lily42uk said:
I was hoping to come on and have a good read up, abd fill you in on all the gossip here but it's been a long day and my head is pounding, so I am going to have a nice soak in the bath and hit the hay, see if I can get an early night and shake off this head ....nighty night all and sweet dreams :bighug: xxxxx :zz: xxxxx

Night night lily, hope you can shake off the head!x