Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Wow you have done really well x hope you don't mind me subscribing to your diary as I will be switching to sw when I het to nearer my target . I am looking forward to reading you diary just thought I would say hello first x
Wow you have done really well x hope you don't mind me subscribing to your diary as I will be switching to sw when I het to nearer my target . I am looking forward to reading you diary just thought I would say hello first x

Hi Katie and :welcome:...the more the merrier sweetie, I look forward to seeing you here and please make sure you leave a comment, tip or point out my mistakes and boy do I make a lot lol
Thank you for your very kind comment and will look forward to you joining us xx
I want a cupcake now... :eek: lol

Maybe in a couple of weeks as a treat - don't think it's a good idea to have something when I'm really craving it as I won't know when to stop. Though I'll probably buy a posh one from the cupcakery (yes, it actually calls itself that) in the local area - they're about £2 each so can't really afford to overindulge on more than one hehe.

Could you maybe set yourself another specific milestone to aim for after getting into the teens? It could be another weight number or maybe a new piece of clothing to shrink into - or combine the two and say when you get to x weight you're going to treat yourself to something. Then think of that treat when you're being tormented by pesky devil cakes and decide for yourself which is more tempting :)

I've bought an aviator jacket which is probably 1.5 sizes too small, or was when I bought it twoish weeks ago. Working towards having it fit perfectly for winter - I get it out the wardrobe when I'm feeling wobbly. I'm working towards the teens too natch but I've got a bit of a ways yet - I can dream for christmas but that's probably a bit steep :D
I want a cupcake now... :eek: lol

Maybe in a couple of weeks as a treat - don't think it's a good idea to have something when I'm really craving it as I won't know when to stop. Though I'll probably buy a posh one from the cupcakery (yes, it actually calls itself that) in the local area - they're about £2 each so can't really afford to overindulge on more than one hehe.

Could you maybe set yourself another specific milestone to aim for after getting into the teens? It could be another weight number or maybe a new piece of clothing to shrink into - or combine the two and say when you get to x weight you're going to treat yourself to something. Then think of that treat when you're being tormented by pesky devil cakes and decide for yourself which is more tempting :)

I've bought an aviator jacket which is probably 1.5 sizes too small, or was when I bought it twoish weeks ago. Working towards having it fit perfectly for winter - I get it out the wardrobe when I'm feeling wobbly. I'm working towards the teens too natch but I've got a bit of a ways yet - I can dream for christmas but that's probably a bit steep :D

Hey Lo,
No don't have the cupcake, it's not worth it lol
I am so not going to have one I needed a boost to get me past the idea of having one and I just found it, will be adding some new pics later taken by the lovely Malcy, but for now I am adding one that I just took in front of my daughters mirror, I HAVE A WAIST :woohoo: I love it was just what I needed, I can now see all my hard work paying off and my next goal is my 5 and half st Shiny and so on.
I have a pair of designer jeans , low cut that my sis bought me back from USA 5 years ago, never been able to get them anywhere near me, well not past my knees, can get them up past my butt but they are still about 3 inches shy of being done up so that's my goal to be in them by xmas :fingerscrossed:
Hopefully no more wobbles between now and then xx
Hi Lovely Lily

how are you today sweetie? :bighug:

You WILL be in those jeans by Christmas :D we are going to have xmas jeans photos :D

and I shall wear them with pride all day :D

I am having a green day today so that I can fill up on carbs :D so far I am 100% but its the 4 o'clock pixie that got me yesterday so I've boiled some eggs and shall have a couple then to stop me eating rubbish :D

Hi sweetie, I am surprisingly full of the joys of spring or is that autumn lol
I was awake till the wee small hours (5.30 ish) and picked on loads of fruit and a yoghurt, so counted that as my brekkie, have been busily tidying up and have decided to have a treat dinner that I have made once before, the very yummy spicy sausage meatballs and spaghetti, and loved but adding some SW friendly potato skins to it, not had them in yonks and am drooling at the thought.
Decided to copy what DD1 does all the time and go take some pics with my camera in my daughters full length mirror and I have found my waist, I am wearing my trackies and the lovely strappy top you sent me and yes I definitely have a waist :woohoo: I am ecstatic
I did laugh at my face while taking the pics but that wasn't my focus, my waist was and I have now added the said pic to my album till Malcy comes in and takes some proper ones lol
Hope you are having a great day, am putting the silliness of the last couple of days behind me and I am back firmly on the wagon and it's really bloody (I love that word haha) comfy xx
Today's menu:


Peach, Pear, Strawberries, Banana, Yoghurt 0.5 syns
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water (1/2 pint) it was 5.30 ish am

Mid Morning:
Water (1 pint)

Open Salad Sandwich (thanks for the idea Crumble x):
2 x Wholemeal Nimble (Hexb)
Mustard 1 syn
Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato, Beetroot
Tuna, mixed with 1 tbs Lighter than light Mayo 0.5 syns & Vinegar
Water (1 pint)

Mid Afternoon:
Water (1 pint)

Spicy Sausage Spaghetti 2 syns
Crispy Potato Skins (Hexa)
Vanilla Berry Jelly 0.5 syns
Water (1 pint)

Had an extra cup of coffee 1.5 syns

Not decided yet, if anything at all x

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*hides in here*

*hides in here*


NOOO don't hide, come out to play :devilangel: <-----look me and you :8855: xx

After the last few days you're definitely the angel :giggle: xx
Ooooh in all the excitement the other night of getting the 6.5lb, SOTW, my 5st shiny, I forgot to mention I got my Platinum Body Magic Award and shiny, only remembered cos my new frame just arrived lol xx

Must put it on my signature x
NOOO don't hide, come out to play :devilangel: <-----look me and you :8855: xx

After the last few days you're definitely the angel :giggle: xx

angel? moi? lol nevah! heehee

i'm officially on a job hunt Miss Lily *sigh*
Yeah a bit thanks-altho having a really sh*tty day in work today-only another 3 hours to go!! Then 4 more shifts before 3 weeks off xx

Glad you're feeling better, thank god eh? 3 weeks off how lovely, bet you're dead daughter is looking for another job, coming home everyday fed up even crying last night, they employed a new girl about a month ago, she's lazy, rude, down right nasty and yet they all think she's wonderful, she is making my daughters life hell and no matter how much my daughter tries to explain it's not her they just don't seem to want to know, so she's applied for a few new positions...when she has got herself sorted and back on track, she has decided to go back to college (she only left college after 4 years just over a year ago lol), to take a photography course and see if she can implement that as a way of making money, she's like her dad always been mad keen on photography so may well see if she can use her skills. xx

angel? moi? lol nevah! heehee

i'm officially on a job hunt Miss Lily *sigh*

You are an angel sweetie, you just don't realise it x
Aww no I was hoping you'd have some fairly good results today, bummer, but you know what, no matter what you are a very intelligent young lady, you have a blinding personality and I am pretty sure it won't be long before you have a job to match xx

You're another one that has a blinding personality, you will find the right job hun and then you'll be really happy you didn't get some of the others you applied for xx
Lily42uk said:
Glad you're feeling better, thank god eh? 3 weeks off how lovely, bet you're dead daughter is looking for another job, coming home everyday fed up even crying last night, they employed a new girl about a month ago, she's lazy, rude, down right nasty and yet they all think she's wonderful, she is making my daughters life hell and no matter how much my daughter tries to explain it's not her they just don't seem to want to know, so she's applied for a few new positions...when she has got herself sorted and back on track, she has decided to go back to college (she only left college after 4 years just over a year ago lol), to take a photography course and see if she can implement that as a way of making money, she's like her dad always been mad keen on photography so may well see if she can use her skills. xx

You are an angel sweetie, you just don't realise it x
Aww no I was hoping you'd have some fairly good results today, bummer, but you know what, no matter what you are a very intelligent young lady, you have a blinding personality and I am pretty sure it won't be long before you have a job to match xx

You're another one that has a blinding personality, you will find the right job hun and then you'll be really happy you didn't get some of the others you applied for xx

Yey! I get two replies in one post ;) go me!!!
I need a new job mainly cos I hate this one and some of the people i work with and our boss is a nasty manipulating bully :( but also because I want to do nursing in uni so need current care experience to be able to get onto the access course :) xx
Job hunt= bad tigz- since that means no more uni :(

Lily- i got 2 kinda passes and 3 fails- embarrassing. i really thought i did better than that :( but i've applied for JSA, and have my first interview thingy on tuesday afternoon. and for the time being, i'm perfecting my CV and looking for jobs...i really need money. at least i have the money for my next countdown- that is staying right where it is x
little_bubblez said:
Job hunt= bad tigz- since that means no more uni :(

Lily- i got 2 kinda passes and 3 fails- embarrassing. i really thought i did better than that :( but i've applied for JSA, and have my first interview thingy on tuesday afternoon. and for the time being, i'm perfecting my CV and looking for jobs...i really need money. at least i have the money for my next countdown- that is staying right where it is x

Awww hugs, you can always do study at a later date when things are a bit rosier xx I'm 32 and hoping to gp to uni in two years time xx good luck with the job-hunt chick :) xx
Yey! I get two replies in one post ;) go me!!!
I need a new job mainly cos I hate this one and some of the people i work with and our boss is a nasty manipulating bully :( but also because I want to do nursing in uni so need current care experience to be able to get onto the access course :) xx

Lol you're going to get 2 replies in this one post as well honey lol
I don't blame you for wanting to leave your job, sounds very much like the reason my daughter wants to move on too xx

Job hunt= bad tigz- since that means no more uni :(

Lily- i got 2 kinda passes and 3 fails- embarrassing. i really thought i did better than that :( but i've applied for JSA, and have my first interview thingy on tuesday afternoon. and for the time being, i'm perfecting my CV and looking for jobs...i really need money. at least i have the money for my next countdown- that is staying right where it is x

Aww hun, I am so sorry, I know you are definitely intelligent enough to have passed those exams with no worries, but sometimes the stress of exams make us fail things we wouldn't normally have a problem with.
I am sure something will come along sweetie, I would employ you any day of the week xx

Awww hugs, you can always do study at a later date when things are a bit rosier xx I'm 32 and hoping to gp to uni in two years time xx good luck with the job-hunt chick :) xx

Absolutely, totally agree with you there Tigger, you are the same age as my daughter (she'll be 32 in Nov) and in 2 weeks time she is back in college taking her access to teaching course ...and my sister went to university after years at college and gained a respectable 2-2 in Logistics amongst other things..ummm not sure of the full title of what she studied but the point is she did it lol and she was 48 at the time, so never too late and NEVER EVER give up xx