Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Hi Lily - I haven't got time to read everything so hope I haven't missed anything important. Hope you're ok. Good idea putting the photos on the signature cos you can see how far you've come everytime you post :)

Thanks Tilly hun, you've not missed anything important just my usual ramblings :giggle: I am fine sweetie, hope you are ok too :hug99: xx
I thought exactly the same I could see them everytime I was on here typing away, enough to put me off food for good :8855: :hug99: xxxx

My fiancé took a pic of me not brilliant one it just on his iPhone and I didn't know he was taking it so I'm looking at the floor while walking another habit finding hard to break , but well I keep looking at it I don't see that me wen I look in a mirror I see a much bigger me , it is so strange , at wot point do my eyes catch up to the rest of me ?

Body Dysmorphia, I always believed I wasn't affected by it, seems I am the same as all other humans after all :giggle: Do our eyes ever catch up, I don't know, can't answer that one hun, I hope so though...the good thing is my head is in the game even if my eyes aren' head sees that I am fitter and wearing much much smaller clothes. I also don't really see myself as being that much smaller whenI look in the mirror, so when I do I look for signs, smaller arms, less chins, a waist developing, smaller boobs, I try to see my body in bits rather than as a whole, if that makes sense and then there are the pictures I can definitly see the difference in them and I always make sure I print them side by side or have them in my purse side by side so I can see difference the second I look at them.
Have a fab day hun :hug99: xxx

:wavey: hello my lovely twin :wavey:
Sorry to hear you have a cold too :bighug: loving your positives as always :D Supremes what a fab way to deep clean :D xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hey lovely, I don't think my cold is anywhere near as bad as yours, it's gone directly onto my chest, scratchy cough is the worst I have.
I love the supremes, me and the girls have always cleaned to them :giggle:, dreamgirls have nothing on us :8855:
Have a great weekend hun :hug99: xxxx
sounds like you've got a lovely evening planned :D hope you enjoy your meal cooked by Kirsty

Food looks absolutely fantastic as always, keep up the amazing work hun, can't wait to see how well you do this week xx
That's a good idea lily thanks , and looking at bits of me too like I'm starting to notice my legs getting a bit smaller don't rub raw like they use to , nice thought giggle, yea im going to look at sections of me instead of the whole mahoosive picture giggle , thanks hugs bk xx
Just popping in to say hello Lily and thank you for the message today i don't think I have a hope in hell in catching up your diary moves way to fast xx
Just popping in to say hello Lily and thank you for the message today i don't think I have a hope in hell in catching up your diary moves way to fast xx

Hey hunni :hug99:, how are ya doing, was just about to pop into your diary to see if there was any news from you....don't worry about catching up hun, it's just me waffling on again.
Take care lovely and please shout if you need anything, just wish I could do more, but I know you have your lovely family and of course your wonderful Dad..big love and hugs to you all sweetie :bighug: xxx
Thanks Lily...
I have posted in my diary
its been a day of much sadness ...
but also a day of deciding the next chapter of our lives and I think my mum would have been pleased with our plans and that in itself is a comfort... xx
Thanks Lily...
I have posted in my diary
its been a day of much sadness ...
but also a day of deciding the next chapter of our lives and I think my mum would have been pleased with our plans and that in itself is a comfort... xx

I just went and read the post on your diary hun, it definitely brought a tear to my eye, you can feel how close you all are and how much your Mum will be missed.
I know she will be looking down on you all and be feeling happy and proud of you ...I know I am :hug99: xxx
Thank you Lily....
She will be very much missed by all of us...:cry:

I know she will :cry::cry::bighug:
night sweetie, hope you get some sleep :hug99: xxx
Morning everyone, hope you're all having a lovely Sunday.
Well she's here, my lovely great niece has put in an appearance at last, only 12 days late, Miss Layla May Limerick was born this morning weighing 8lb 15oz, mum, dad :giggle: and baby are all doing fabulously, she is gorgeous, spitting image of her daddy, shame I have this horrible cold, as I can't wait to see her xxxx
Morning everyone, hope you're all having a lovely Sunday.
Well she's here, my lovely great niece has put in an appearance at last, only 12 days late, Miss Layla May Limerick was born this morning weighing 8lb 15oz, mum, dad :giggle: and baby are all doing fabulously, she is gorgeous, spitting image of her daddy, shame I have this horrible cold, as I can't wait to see her xxxx

Congratulations to everyone xxx That's great news :)

I love her name, so beautiful :D Nice weight too - nearly as much as the whopper I had! lol
Thanks ladies, it's quite weird cos I was talking to Kelly yesterday and she was saying that her and Simon are planning on having another one in a year or so and they have decided on the names already, she has chosen the girls name which originally was going to be Lily May, but will now be Lily Rose and Simon has chosen the boys name of Lennon John Bonny (guess who his musical hero was then :giggle:), we had no idea untill this morning what they were going to call the baby, plus they had decided not to know what sex the baby was going to be, so when she was born it was a complete surprise to everyone....will put a pic up of her as soon as I get one...can't go near her with this cold :( so may be a while xxx
Positives for Sunday 29th January 2012

1) Despite having a really bad cold
:sick: that's now gone down onto my chest and the fact that I spent last night feeling so sorry for myself that I picked all night long on sh*te, I still feel very positive and have forgiven myself, hope the scales :scale: forgive me too :giggle:
2) I became a great aunt for the first time this morning, to Miss Layla May Limerick :hug99:
3) Trying a new recipe today that looks absolutely amazing (my mum always said feed a cold starve a fever, I always do as I'm told :giggle:)
4) :heartpump: :heartpump: I have the best family in the world and I love them all to bits :heartpump: :heartpump: :hug99:xxxx
5):heartpump::heartpump: I have the best minimins family and love them all to bits too :heartpump: :heartpump: :hug99: xxx
6) I have the house to myself all day and I am going to do
exactly what I want and have no one to answer to :woohoo: xxx
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Congratulations Auntie Lily! Gorgeous name - is Limerick the surname or part of the main name? Hope you have a lovely day and that nasty cold clears up xxx
congratulations great auntie lily :D hugs to the new family:family2:

do you have plans for your day alone then? I've got husband and son all day:sigh: so envy you :giggle:

have a lovely day and look after that cold :bighug:

Thank you sweetie...I had planned a day with my books and duvet, but unfortunately Mal has just returned home, he was going nto take some photos with his expensive camera, only had it about 5 years and paid an absolute fortune for it, but decided it was too cold, so has taken a few shots but nothing much, darn it and is now home and encroaching on my me time :cry: :cry:
I felt fine yesterday, a bit of a scrathchy throat and chest but nothing to write home about, today omg it has hit full force, my head feels so heavy and my chest, thank god I gave up smoking, would hate to think how it would feel, actually i know how it would feel if I were still smoking, that's why I gave up lol
So now I am going to sulk and have to listen to Mal when I wanted a me day :wave_cry: xxx

Congratulations Auntie Lily! Gorgeous name - is Limerick the surname or part of the main name? Hope you have a lovely day and that nasty cold clears up xxx

Thanks Becky, it is a lovely name isn't it, Limerick is the surname, was my maiden name...I was going to hyphenate my names when I got married, but never got round to it, which is a shame, might still go get it changed yet, I loved my maiden name, very rare surname and of course it was my wonderful grandad that passed it down to us, so why wouldn't I want to keep it :giggle:
Thank you sweet, I will look after myself, drinking loads of NAS Ribena as we speak lolx xx:hug99: xxx

Many congratulations lily. What a lovely thing to hear from your daughter. You must be very proud x

Thanks Roziee xxx
I think so too, when Jack my youngest grandson was born they named him Jack William...that was Jack after Simons grandad and William is Mal's middle name and Kelly said then when she had her next one she would name it after me...well that was 8 years ago and I never thought they would have any more, but Kelly always wanted a big family right from when she was little ....on a trip to the doctors one day when they suspected she had german measles, I was explaining to her the reason we had to go into the surgery through the back door because of pregnant ladies and she said oh I want lots of babies when i'm older (she was 7), I want 14 :eek: (still says she meant that lol...phew thank god she didn't), that was until she asked me if it hurt having a baby, of course I said it can hurt but it's a pain you immediately forget once baby is born, she said oh no I don't think I'll have 14 then, maybe just one....:8855:, but she didn't and here we are lol...says she wants another 2 really...well it's her life and gives me a chance to keep having my grandbabies over Kirsty is planning to have her first in 2 years time too, that would be good for them to have them about the same time xxx:hug99:xxx