Sick of carrying 2 hitchikers, Part 2....1 down 1 to go !!!!!!!

Hi Donna, yeah it is really good news about Kelly, was really worried for her and baby for a while there. She told me today that for a fleeting moment when it was at its worst that she even considered a termination cos she just couldn't stand feeling sick, being sick, having constant headaches, wanting to eat but not being able to and the smells and on top of all that not being able to sleep, but then said that she would never have done it because she is anti abortion, for her, everybody else should make their own minds up but like me she would never abort a child for any reason, but said she came as close as she ever would do this time, so thankfully it's beginning to feel better now. You really should try the exercise, it kills at first but seriously after 3 days that pain dies right down and it's exhilarating increasing it every day for 3 days by 5 and then resting every 4th day and then then the day after you rest you increase by 10, then 5 for the next 2 days and so on for the 30 days and then hopefully you'll be able to do all the exercises everyday from then on, after 30 days you should be doing between 200-250 of each exercise every 4 days. Well with that I am off to do mine and then dinner, have fun xx
*waves* 'eyo Lily, I'm trying to make a come-back :D Though can't seem to remember how minimins works anymore, I've lost my IT skills hehe. Hope you and your'ns are doing well, another grandbaby on the way too - I hope Kelly gets over the sickness soon. Will have a catch-up with y'new diary to get up to speed - was the holiday y'mentioned the one to Great Yarmouth you were planning last time I was about d'place? I'm out of touch and out of time lol xxxx
Poor Kelly - its terrible that a time that you should be exhilaratingly happy is ruined - my pregnancy with Noah really made me aware that not all pregnancies are good pregnancies, big hug for Kelly ((HUG))

OK you have convinced me to give it a this space lol!

Hey hun, yeah poor Kelly is really going through it with this pregnancy, just last night she was saying when she had the other three in her late teens and early 20's it was a breeze, she said if she had her time over she would definitely not be having a child 10 years after her last one and in her mid 30's again lol, bless her...she is on (including what she takes for her epilepsy) 18 tablets 3 times a day, it's ridiculous, they just changed one of her tablets for sickness with 2 others, because it was making her giddy and shakey, but she said it already is making her feel a bit better she said the feeling giddy was probably worse than the sickness....still only 24.5 weeks to go till bubs is here (if he/she is on time lol). Hope you're keeping well my lovely and will have to try and find 5 minutes to catch up with everyone and everything....I have been so busy only just got to catch up with my best mate on Friday and that's been nearly 3 months :eek: xxx:hug99:xxx

*waves* 'eyo Lily, I'm trying to make a come-back :D Though can't seem to remember how minimins works anymore, I've lost my IT skills hehe. Hope you and your'ns are doing well, another grandbaby on the way too - I hope Kelly gets over the sickness soon. Will have a catch-up with y'new diary to get up to speed - was the holiday y'mentioned the one to Great Yarmouth you were planning last time I was about d'place? I'm out of touch and out of time lol xxxx

Hey Lo, good to see you back hun, me and mine are fine just really really really run off my feet, I am shattered lol...yeah another grandbaby on the way, very exciting and a lovely playmate for the gorgeous Harry, who just gets more and more scrumptious by the day, he really is a little cutie............well not so little anymore, he's 5 months on Tuesday and a real chunky monkey lol, love him and such a happy baby boy just full of smiles and I just want to eat him all up....Kirsty and Mark have half their deposit for their house, won't be long before they get the other half, I can't bear the thought of them and especially Harry not being here....I get up in the morning, go loo, have a wash, brush my teeth and hair and then spend at least half hour with Harry playing and giggling, going to really miss him :cry:, anyway have to make the most of the time he's here, not like they are moving that far away but 50+ miles isn't quite close enough to go see him everyday unfortunately.
Hope you and yours are all well, I know you'll slot back into the swing of things here on mini's hun and I look forward to reading up on your exploits, take care sweetie and speak soon xxx:hug99:xxx
Well hello my lovelies, I really can't believe what goes on in my life, someone or something is taking the pee Mark home for the next few weeks now.
Monday of last week he said he wasn't feeling too good and thought he might be coming down with a cold or flu....Tuesday was Kirsty's birthday and he got in from work and was really snappy with her, not like our mild mannered Mark I can assure you, so he upset her and they had a row, I told him off cos he was well out of order and he stormed out only to come back 20 mins later and apologise. So then he goes to work Wednesday and comes home, says he doesn't feel to good and is going to lay down, Kirsty was out doing nails (she took a course and is now a fully qualified Nail technician, just wanted to take a break from being a nursery nurse so she could spend more time with Harry and still earn some money, :fingerscrossed: she seems to be doing ok so far) anyways we called him at 6pm for dinner and he said I'll have it later, don't feel too good so we left him, Kirsty came in and about 9pm he had a few spoonfuls of soup and that was that. Woke Thursday morning saying he felt like sh!te and had really bad pains in his tummy, never had anything like that before and he didn't like the feel of it it was excruciatingly painful, so we made him ring and make an appointment and they said they could see him immediately (I know I was gobsmacked too lol) and so he headed off to the doctors. Came back half hour later saying doc thinks I may have the flu but is concerned about the tummy pains and has given me a note for the hospital, so by now its midday and he and Kirsty head off to hospital....5 hours later we get a phone call from Kirsty, he has had blood tests and x rays and all the other shenanigans they get up to in hospitals and is now on the list and will be going down for his op today :eek:, he had appendicitis never had any warnings or grumbling appendix, just suddenly came on and that was it bang 11pm Thursday evening they operate, they were going to do keyhole surgery but decided the appendix was so swollen and could potentially burst (peritonitis) that they ended up opening him up and removing it the old fashioned way lol, so now I have him home, bless him, so now I have Mark, Kirsty, Harry and Kelly to run around after and that's without Mal who seems to be losing his marbles lol...well like I said at the beginning of this post, someone definitely is testing me lol

Hope you're all well ....will definitely try and catch up real soon, when I actually have more than a couple of minutes to spare lol xxx:hug99:xxx
Never rains but it pours as they say!

Nice to see you posting though.

How's your health and weight doing?
Bloody hell that sounds scary all happening so quickly, thank god the GP saw him straight away instead of making him wait
days for an appointment :eek:

You're a cross between Mary Poppins and Florence Nightingale it seems, hope you take time out here and there for yourself, don't burn out :hug99: xxx
Hugs for you Lily, and amongst all the nursing, remember to look after yourself hun x
Somebody or something must know that you are strong enough to cope with all of this or it wouldn't happen to you hun. Take a deep breath and relax even if only for a moment. Hope it all sorts itself out shortly. :D

Hey Patsy, yeah I guess you're right, it just seems so full on all the time right now, I sometimes think jeez if I thought being a mum would still be this full on when they are in their 20's and 30's I might have thought twice about it ...joking!! I wouldn't be without any of them ...or would I :8855:xxx:hug99:xxx
Bloody hell that sounds scary all happening so quickly, thank god the GP saw him straight away instead of making him wait
days for an appointment :eek:

You're a cross between Mary Poppins and Florence Nightingale it seems, hope you take time out here and there for yourself, don't burn out :hug99: xxx
Hey Lo, It's crazy how it happened and yeah god knows what might have happened if the docs hadn't been able to see him, it was just so sudden, I've never known anyone develop appendicitis with no warning whatsoever, myself included, I had grumbling appendix for 5 years and then ended up with peritonitis and having an emergency op at 2 in the morning...he's a lucky boy and even luckier it seems....he is self employed so no work no pay, but the day after he came out of hospital he received a cheque for nearly £3000 ....he and Kirsty were in a car accident in October of 2011, where they were in traffic and got hit from behind and this is the pay out from that, couldn't have times that better lol
Mary Poppins and Florence Nightingale did make me laugh lol although it does kind of describe how I feel, just wish I had the magic Mary Poppins possessed lol xxx:hug99:xxx
Hugs for you Lily, and amongst all the nursing, remember to look after yourself hun x

Hey Lynne ty sweetie I really need those hugs today, overdid it last night....not with looking after everyone...will explain all in a mo xxx:hug99:xxx
Hey everyone, well I am having an enforced rest today ....I overdid it last night, have been so good and had some really good losses just of late even last night lost 1lb after having 4 takeaways and 2 pieces of chocolate cake...I reckon all the running around and the sheer fact I was 100% when I wasn't being "naughty" having said that 3 of the takeaways were chinese and cost me 7 syns a time and as for the cake, they were tiny little slithers.....but last night I had the blow out of all blow outs....I rarely if ever eat chocolate but last night I could have eaten the whole chocolate selection at Cadburys lol...and I almost did....boy am I paying the price for it today, but again it has some benefits, ever time I run up and downstairs to the loo is more body magic and I am drinking water like it's gone out of fashion to try and quell the sickness and wishy washy tummy....I tried to total up my faux pas and I reckon if I said 100 syns I'd be pretty close ...I am a little gutted as I was doing really well and had almost lost the stone and half that I put on last year...I will do it but may have to pull out all the stops this week to even just maintain....I am on 20syns a day as I am still over 16st so feesibly that gives me 40 syns for the rest of the week, counting yesterday as day 1 that leaves me 6 more days till wi and I can quite easily survive on 6.5 syns a day.
Kelly set me a challenge too, which I am certain I will be able to fulfill it has given me back the incentive I need may sound cruel to some people but Kelly knows me better even than Mal and she knows what to do to make me get back in it is 26 weeks before her baby is due, I need to lose 1.5-2lbs on average each week to get to 17st by time baby is here, Kelly has just said I can't hold baby till I reach 17st (if I am a 1lb or 2 away she will let me lol), it's just the incentive I need....I know in my heart she will if I don't reach it, but I also know that Kelly will stop me doing so if she feels I haven't made an effort. It's definitely just what I needed, I have felt really ready to get myself back in the game these last couple of months but this is just what I needed to give me a big boost, I am very excited about the prospect. Kelly was 15st 13lbs when she got pregnant and is now 15st 2lbs ... I lost 3st 11lbs when I was pregnant with Kelly through the sickness and looks like Kelly is doing the same thing, she seems to think she will be about 17st by the time baby is here and has said that if I reach the 17st target by time baby is here we will hopefully finish this journey together....that would be so cool and I am so up for it.

Anyways off to do a bit more body magic, the stairs are calling lol...hope you're all keeping well, and I hope to have a few minutes to do some catching up later today, have a good one xxx:hug99:xxx
Popping in Lily

Phew it always sounds as if you are run off your feet
actually think Kelly setting you an incentive is a good idea
sometimes we just need a little push to get us back on
an even keel
Oh dear Lily, I would leave the choccie alone too, if it had that effect on me!

Love the challenge Kelly has set you, and you will do it! xxx
Thought you might like to see some of the latest pics of gorgeous Harry, he's 5 months old now and he is still a really good little boy, sleeps well, eats well and just absolutely biased??? Never!! lol xxx


Excuse me, I'm trying to make a private call here if you don't mind !!!!


I'm just one really cool guy, Yes I'm cool and I know it !!!!


Off to my first footie match...Come On the Hornets!!!!!


Awwwwww Cuddling Cousins, when life is just sooo tiring!!!
That's so great about that £3000 cheque coming through when it did for Mark, hopefully with that as a buffer will making resting up easier with less stress :)

Ooh so you're on a Cuddles Countdown challenge now? Sounds like a fab incentive to me :) I need to remind myself more often that one of the main reasons I want to get the weight off is to have more kids... though I don't think it will be all bad leaving it until my lad is getting to his teens, legal babysitting age :D

Hehe, shame about the bad effects of the chocolate but I'm sure the trips up and down the stairs will clear off a fair chunk of the damage. Has Harry been around to think you're a magic nana with you disappearing all day? :giggle:
My eyes have lit up on you mentioning being on 20 syns a day - when did that change? :eek: Oh the possibilities... :drool: lol

Hope your tummy trouble settles down soon, good luck for the next week too. Do you still have God as a consultant? :D The one who runs the group near me is called Sue apparently. I've been reading adrian mole a lot lately so I keep thinking it'll be Sue Townsend who runs the SW group... I'm going slightly mad, I think lol
Awww, what a lovely little lad :) Been initiated into the world of footie already? Flippin' 'eck they grow up so fast lol
No wonder you're not usually fussed by choccie if that's what it does to you. :D Hope you feel better soon. :D

Thanks hun, yep that's exactly what choccie does to me and I totaled up what I actually had last night and thankfully my guesstimate was over the top, I actually had 79 syns which leaves me with 61 for the week, 10 a day, but I am going to be a bit cautious and try and keep it round the 5-6 mark. Feeling a whole lot better after my 7 jaunts to the loo lol ...been taking it a little easy with food today so tummy feeling a lot less wishy washy xxx:hug99:xxx

Popping in Lily

Phew it always sounds as if you are run off your feet
actually think Kelly setting you an incentive is a good idea
sometimes we just need a little push to get us back on
an even keel

Hey Kally, I'm glad it sounds like I am always run off my feet, cos the last 6 months or so that's exactly how it's been, if I am not doing one thing then I am doing or looking after someone else....don't fancy packing me in your suitcase do you? I could do with a nice cruise, just such a shame I get such bad seasickness :giggle:
I am over the moon with Kelly's challenge, I fully understand her reasons for setting that kind of challenge and I know she will stick to her guns if I'm not in spitting distance of the goal she set....she knows me so well...and I am determined I will do it, I can't imagine not getting a cuddle from my latest grandbaby xx:hug99:xxx

Oh dear Lily, I would leave the choccie alone too, if it had that effect on me!

Love the challenge Kelly has set you, and you will do it! xxx

Hey Lynne, It's a great reason to leave it alone isn't it lol, but it's not generally why I do, as a rule it doesn't interest me at all, I'd sooner have nuts and crisps or even better a good cheeseboard :drool:, I sometimes get really bad cravings for it around the time I would have had my monthly, even though I had an Oopherectomy 14 years ago (oopherectomy is when they remove absolutely everything, womb, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, the whole shebang) and when Kirsty and I worked it out I would have been due this Thursday (right up till the last few months before my oopherectomy I had my monthly every 28 days without fail), I didn't always get a craving for chocolate then. often I would get a terrible backache or nothing at all, but just occasionally I would get this overwhelming urge to eat chocolate till I felt sick and that's what happened last night lol

The challenge Kelly has set me is just perfect for me, a doable loss each week and an even bigger incentive to reach my goal...she's not just a pretty face lol and you're right, I will do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx:hug99:xxx

I am going to try my hardest to get on everyday and write up my food journal, I really need to keep a track and get encouragement, which I know you lovely ladies will help with so :thankyou: in advance xxx:hug99:xxx
Menu Wednesday 8th May 2013

3 x Hard Boiled Eggs
1 x Bread from 800g Loaf Hexb
Spread 1 syn
Coffee 1 syn
Water 1 pint

1 x Wotsits Waffles 3.5 syns
2 x Nassarines?sp (cross between tangerine and satsuma and totally delicious)
Water 1 pint

Cowboy Supper (2 x Sausages=1 syn, carrots, celery, onion, celeriac,swede, baked beans, tinned tomatoes, various herbs and spices + worcestershire sauce and soy sauce)
Mashed potatoes made with stock
Water 1 pint

Actimel 1.5 syns
Mullerlight Yoghurts
Rice pudding made with 875mls Blue Diamond Unsweetened Almond Breeze Hexa
Fruit throughout the day
Coke Zero

Total Syns for the Day = 8

Syns so far this week = 87/140
That's so great about that £3000 cheque coming through when it did for Mark, hopefully with that as a buffer will making resting up easier with less stress :)

Talk about perfect timing lol was worried I might not get my housekeeping and then we really would have to starve lol
Ooh so you're on a Cuddles Countdown challenge now? Sounds like a fab incentive to me :) I need to remind myself more often that one of the main reasons I want to get the weight off is to have more kids... though I don't think it will be all bad leaving it until my lad is getting to his teens, legal babysitting age :D

I love the idea of a Cuddles Countdown, I am going to nick that if you don't mind and if you do tuff cos I'm gonna nick it anyways lol....I have 10 years between my 2 and Kelly's oldest will be 15 years older than this one, I say it's perfect,more cos you have time to spend with each of them without any of them missing out...good incentive to loose weight hunni, why not join the Cuddles Countdown too?

Hehe, shame about the bad effects of the chocolate but I'm sure the trips up and down the stairs will clear off a fair chunk of the damage.

Hahahaha I bet I do too lol xx

Has Harry been around to think you're a magic nana with you disappearing all day? :giggle:

lol not sure what he's been thinking but I wish I could borrow his nappies :giggle:

My eyes have lit up on you mentioning being on 20 syns a day - when did that change? :eek: Oh the possibilities... :drool: lol

It's always been the case apparently, but when I asked my consultant about it he said they don't tell you as a general rule as they don't want you using them on a regular basis, but I found over the last year I actually loose more the closer I stick to them, I guess it's a case of slowly cutting them down as I get smaller, which makes sense to me

Hope your tummy trouble settles down soon, good luck for the next week too. Do you still have God as a consultant? :D The one who runs the group near me is called Sue apparently. I've been reading adrian mole a lot lately so I keep thinking it'll be Sue Townsend who runs the SW group... I'm going slightly mad, I think lol

Thank you hun, I swallowed a couple of Alka Seltzers earlier, they seem to have done the trick phew lol...Yep still with God lol he is doing more classes now, he was made redundant just before Xmas and has become a full time carer to his wife and now makes up the shortfall by doing more classes, so more people get his expertise...I wouldn't go to any other class and to be honest the 2 replacements we have had while he has taken annual leave the last 2 years ...well 1 was an absolute nightmare and the other was ok but very very new we ended up running the class for her almost lol
Wouldn't it be hilarious if it was her :giggle: and as for being Mad join the gang lol isn't that why most of us get on so well on mini's ? :8855:

Awww, what a lovely little lad :) Been initiated into the world of footie already? Flippin' 'eck they grow up so fast lol

Lol that they do, Dad is a massive Footie fan and couldn't wait lol Ty hun he is a cutie for sure xxx:hug99:xxx