Sit up

If you want to build up muscles in your tummy then yes? Unfortunately if you have a layer of fat over them like I do, then you wont see your lovely muscles underneath... I will start doing them for toning up when I lose another 5-7lb I think. :)
I personally think they are not worth it as you need to do them properly for them to work.
My advice is doing reverse ab curls and jackknifes. These deffo work from experiance. Google the names and you will get instructions on how to do them :)
Marysu said:
I personally think they are not worth it as you need to do them properly for them to work.
My advice is doing reverse ab curls and jackknifes. These deffo work from experiance. Google the names and you will get instructions on how to do them :)

...OMG I js did jackknife sit up... Da pain l did 20 will increase with Tym thanx